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I remember waking up on Xmas Day and running downstairs with my cousins to eat left-over home made pizza! There were so many English words incorporated into not only the Italian language of early immigrants but into the dialects as well. One thing I didnt see (but hear all the time, especially from older women, like my mother-in-law) is Oo-di! Its used in a moment of panic, like when the mopeen (also mopeena, ie dishtowel) catches on fire because youve been waving it around the gas stove as you talk, while youre cooking. used to say when he got updet was mannaggia dial .. My mothers parents were from Salemi in Trapani, Sicilia, and we grew up (in Boston) hearing many of these words. Jesus! italians say Oh mio Dio or Dio mio Ges or Madonna! and sometimes even mamma mia! , Actually, my mother would say Madonna Mia My Mother. i grew up in cicero, il n most italians in my neighborhood were calabrese as i am. Im still looking for the real meaning of that phrase. I have always been curious to know that. I enjoyed the read and the trip down memory lane. Hopefully someone will answer us, but since most of these posts seem to be at least a year old, Idk if they will even see these. mind your own fing business! aduzipach!/aduzipazz! Not necessarily the most accurate source, these movies, you know. He said, what if you are saying something bad. I set out to prove him wrong and your website has left me corrected! American Italianis an Italian-American pidgin languagedeveloped in the early 20th century by Italian immigrants settling in American cities and metropolitanareas, especially in New York and New Jersey. Yet their ancestry and history is not the same as England. Never found what that place was all about back then, but now? The word my mother always used was chiacchierone. Hoping someone can help figure out what nonni was saying! They seemed to speak the same or similar dialects. I cant find anything on this or other similar (imagined) spellings. Thanks a million and please carry on the gratifying work. Thank you. Firsr looked up poltergeist presenza demonica no correlarion there. OMG! We grew up hearing bedda matri mia, not mamma mia. I know now that this was a leftover from Arabic, a Sicilian dialect thing. You are right on the money with those definitions. And is there a word for adopted or adoption? -ah-speth-a-mee-notes (wait a minute) American: [noun] an American Indian of North America or South America. An indoor bathroom (shared with other families, was a treat! This leads me to believe that the case for making a connection between spusdada and spostata is much stronger than assuming that spusdada and spusada are referring to the same thing. Fascinating stuff for anybody like me who just cant get enough fun out of the words I already know. A Sicilian-English dictionary can boost learning of this tongue, the oldest Romance language, which is spoken in Sicily and parts of southern Italy. [] American Italian: Dictionary | American Italian I grew up in South Philly and was 1st generation American. do you know me?/do you know who I am? American Italian is an Italian-American pidgin language developed in the early 20th century by Italian immigrants settling in American cities and metropolitan areas, especially in New York and New Jersey. I remember sometimes shes refer to the bathroom as the buckhouse which I found out meamt back house/out house. Best Italian-Italian Dictionary: Treccani. Anyone know what the word camma-nooch means in The Godfather? Italian slang for friend. However, the absence of a [d] or a [t] after the first posters second [s] (check his spelling of spusada versus your spusdada) leads to me to believe that the corresponding word in official Italian is in fact sposata (married status of a female, for example on an Italian passport.). alzare il gomito exp. (Jalapida momida?) Marone - (Southern Italian dialect) - literally "Madonna" (i.e. Linguee | Italian-English dictionary This is just a guess, but your comment reminds me of two words I heard frequently as a kid in Southern Ontario from my Calabrese parents. I got here via Google as Im trying to find out the meaning of some Sicilian/Italian slang or colloquial terms, which I assume are varying degrees of offensiveness. [gaa-PEESH], gaguzz muscles/idiot/money/squash (cucuzza) [gaa-GOOTS], gaguzzalonga big muscles (cucuzza lunga) [ga-GOOTS-aa-LOWN-gaa], gambarell/gambanell (door)bell (campanello) [GAMBA-rell], gavadeel italian pasta (cavatelli) [gaa-vaa-DEEL], gavone gluttonous eater (cafone) [gaa-VOAN], gettuzang/gett u sang work hard/bleed (gettare il sangue) [get-oo-ZAANG], ghiacchieron blabbermouth (chiacchierone) [gyaa-kyaa-ROAN], giambott Italian stew (giambotta) [jaam-BAUWT], giamoke/giamocc/jamoke idiot (giamope) [jaam-OAK], gomesegiam?/comesegiam?/gome se chiam how do you say?/whatchamacallit? more I can write a book. Now I am laughing over the memories of I think it was the word from dialect of Neaples Guagli, or Uagli this second is exactly pronounced like the capital letters Y E O) and means boy, kid . Hysterical stuff, as entire sentences are mixed in with the dialects, such as sti sciusi allucunnu naisi for these/those shoes look nice. [vee-dee-kaa-CHOON-kaa], walyun/wayo/guaglion/guaglio young man (guaglione) [waal-YOON], uarda/warda look! [go-maa-say-GYAM], goopalin snow hat (goobalini) [goo-paa-LEEN], goombah countryman/fellow comrade/godfather (compare) [goom-BAA], guacarunno someone (qualcuno) [gwaa-kaa-ROO-no], gumad mistress/girlfriend (cumare/comare) [goo-MAAD], guyasabbu? They come from Campania. My grandmother used the word ashpeta (phonetic) for wait. im wanting this for a tattoo my email address is She didnt know that many of them werent standard English until she moved. little changes that will make the largest changes. Thank you so much for this. ], bacous/bacouz bathroom (backhouse) [buh-KOWZ], basanagol/basanicol basil (basilico) [baa-zaa-naa-GOAL], bash/basc down/downstairs (bascia) [baash], bada bing! Remember Aspetta? allocco m. a stupid person, a jerk; (lit. Never heard ming-ya-roll but a phrase we still use in my family is meeng-ya-moda, this refers to someone who tends to do things in a sloppy, lazy way. Or if you cannot stand something. -this I have no clue how to spell, but its pronounced, sherot = jerk fritatta (free-todd) egg sandwich. She also said, A-boka-di-lay for a cup or glass of milk. How about these: It remains for us to preserve the sacred memory of this chapter of the American experience and not in the frequently misleading and exaggerated terms of television and film. Spoken and understood here in Kearny, NJ and our roots in Brooklyn. 4. Other examples of this vowel shifting: [e] to [i] trecento became tricintu; My grandmother was from Abbruza and settled in Milford, MA. It was also common in southern dialects to truncate the last syllable. My grandmother used to say ungatz for nothing and eegatz when something sounded ridiculous and cagatz when she was frustrated if you or anybody can figure that out let me know. and i know all of those words plus others..its wonderful knowing that all those words are not getting lost.. Any thoughts? I get emails from this site to my inbox, but when I click on it, it takes me to the beginning of this page. Does anybody know why Italians leave the last syllable off of every word? They give you gatz, or ga gatz. meaning nothing. Also, its exact translation? (ma che bella) [maa-KAY-bell], ma che quest? These people are sovanilla..its so boring! Thanks. In my house it was scula pasta, and the pasta sounded more like basta. Good luck on the dictionary. Do you want to work for the United Nations or something? I did get into the class, but decided to drop it because my class was full of Snookis and I didnt want to have to deal with that. There is no J in Italian thus the G can be either hard or soft. Another popular phrase that I grew up with was to say when seeing someone, Wai-i-o? (Literally pronounce, Y-E-O). (non fai scumbari) [NOO-moo fai shkoom-baa-REE], oobatz/patz crazy person (un pazzo/u pazzu) [oo-BAATZ], paesan fellow Italian countryman (paesano) [pai-ZAAN], pasta vasul Italian soup (pasta fagioli) [pasta-faa-ZOOL], pastin small, star-shaped pasta (pastina) [paa-STEEN], pizzagain Italian meat pie (pizzagaina) [pizza-GAIN], pizzolino afternoon nap (pisolino) [peetz-o-LEE-no], provalon type of cheese (provalone) [pro-v-LOAN], pucchiach/bucchiach bch (pucchiacha) [poo-KYAAK], rigott Italian cheese (ricotta) [ree-GAUWT], salud/salut be in good health (salute) [zaa-LOOD], shape-la-tass shape of a cup (shape of la tazza) [shape-aa-laa-taatz], scharol/scarol escarole/money (scarola) [shkaa-ROAL], schif/shkeeve to be disgusted by something (schifo) [shkeef], schifozz disgusting thing (schifosa) [shkee-VOATZ], scorchamend/scocciament a pain in the ass (scocciamento) [scorch-aa-MEND], scoochi-di-bandanz a real pain [scooch-ee-dee-baan-DANZ], scustumad stupid person (scostumato) [skoo-stoo-MAAD], sciumara river (fiumara) [shoo-MAA-raa], scobendo to sweep the floor (scopare) [sko-BEN-doe], scubata/scupata get laid (scopato) [SKOO-baa-taa], sculabast pasta strainer (scola la pasta) [skoo-laa-BAAST], scungill/scongigl cooked snail (sconciglio) [skoon-JEEL], sedeti/sededi sit down (sedeteti) [SEH-daa-dee], sesenta fame? I laughed like crazy! However, I can assure you that (1) no, this is not an attempt to Americanize the words and (2) this tendency to truncate an unstressed vowel at the end of the word is not unique to any dialect. It is the And other one she used to say was gi de mort ??????? My aunt once told me that when the Sicilian Italians moved into the west side of Buffalo [1920s] she said that the Irish moved to south Buffalo LOL, it is true. Anyone know what that was? As Carol Burnett sang, thanks for the memories I found this very interesting because I am studying Italian, but it was mostly unfamiliar to me because all my Italian ancestors came from northern Italy, mostly in the early to mid 1800s, and their descendants whom I knew (unfortunately) only spoke English. I can go on but you obviously understand what Im saying. It meant wait a minute in Sicilian. I didnt hear all of the words that you did, but some of them like gumba, basanagol, scadol, and statazeet. (hai capito) [eye-kaa-PEED], how ya doin? Mopiiiiiin-dish towel LOL, my mother used to say that all the time too as well as ti potza schiatta la vasheeg( vescica may your bladder burst) and potz yetta la cheed ( la aceto may you vomit vinegar). Any ideas of what that could mean????? oh my God! I think it was meant as te gette u sangue which would mean Im gonna make you bleed, or more like Ill beat the blood out of you! [aa-WOON-duh], aunda ciunca/awunda chunka? I believe the post that I was responding to originally suggested that it was a death wish, something which I believe is not correct. Italian Americans - Wikipedia
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