as otters were removed during the hunting yearsps003 power steering fluid equivalent
88 The RSPCA and its Objects, The Animal World, July 1906, 154. 13. The Humanitarian League's strategy was that whenever an article mentioning otter hunting appeared in a newspaper or magazine, League members would bombard that publication with letters of protest. When the otter reached temporary sanctuary in a holt twenty men got on to the bank and endeavoured by jumping and other means to force the earth down into the unfortunate animal's hiding place until worn out by fatigue and fright surrounded by men and dogs the otter became as easy prey to its enemies. sea otters, urchins and starfish make to gratify the anglers craze.Footnote Leeds Women Protest at an Otter Hunt, Cruel Sports, August 1935. In the same year Amos organised the Leeds Rodeo Protest Committee which successfully scotched several attempts to import and establish rodeo in England. 66. Spurious Sports Sport with an Otter, The Humanitarian, October 1906, 75. This increase in reintroduction effort would come to be known as one of the most ambitious and extensive carnivore restoration efforts in history. Sir Harry Johnston, British Mammals (1903), p. 140. The incident was widely reported and horrified the public. And as to the women, they evidently have no sense of shame, or pity, for the torture these poor little creatures undergo.Footnote 48. Hounds Feather as They Search the River Banks; (10) Followers Take to the Water; (11) This Is the Kill; (12) The Whip Holds Up the Trophy. 10. One of the first men of influence to join the Humanitarian League was Colonel William Lisle Blenkinsopp Coulson (18411911). By placing value on the life of the animal, it was not the act of killing that was condemned, but rather the killers reaction to such an act. 74. Rogers, W. H., Records of the Cheriton Otter Hounds (Taunton, 1925), p. 225 Google Scholar. Unlike other blood sports, the main excitement in otter hunting was seen to derive from the involvement in the visceral spectacle of the kill. 77. Otter hunting involves the harrying of females heavy with young, the destruction of mothers in milk, the lingering starvation of a number of suckling cubs, and a heavy death roll and the the aggregate of animal suffering caused is necessarily great.Footnote Google Scholar. Pain, too, like fun, is a word of many meanings and it is not surprising, perhaps, that for many people the two things are synonymous. He sat on the governing bodies of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the National Canine Defence League, the Cat's Protection League, the Pit-Ponies Protection Society, and the Animals Friend Society.Footnote 61 The latter is essentially a personal consideration of riverside life along the Ouse and the Nene. 85 Six weeks later, on 9th September, the magazine's editor revealed that many readers had taken umbrage with the article, and invited further correspondence on the subject. 28. 62 He also pointed out that Geoffrey Hill of Hawkstone had killed 544 otters between 1870 and 1884, and that William Collier of Culmstock had also accounted for 144 between 1879 and 1884. The otter is as good an excuse as the next one; and, after all, the beast usually escapes.Footnote . 34 Pring, Geoffrey, Records of the Culmstock Otterhounds, c. 17901957 (Exeter, 1958), p. 35 Finally the author of the original article, J. C. Bristow-Noble, responded resentfully that On behalf of some of these daughters of Eve, I have now to state that it is of their opinion that the quarry, as is frequently the case, should always be allowed to escape. Now, Dr. Estes said, more than 90 percent of those otters are gone. In just a few decades, this bustling civilization has withered into a ghost town. You can travel down 10 miles of coastline and never see an animal, he said. The loss is more than cosmetic. In the Aleutians delicate seascape, otters hold the entire ecosystem together. 29. Otter hunting was a minor field sport in Britain but in the early years of the twentieth century a lively campaign to ban it was orchestrated by several individuals and anti-hunting societies. By 2016, over 4,000 river otters had been translocated to 23 states. [After a pause.] This idea is reinforced by the fact that the two members of the audience who stood to offer their support were both members of the Humanitarian League. Each of these examples shows how a certain body of evidence, produced by otter hunters to promote their sport, was used by campaigners to argue their case against it. He proposed that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should take its courage in both hands and accept his amendment: That it be an instruction from this General Meeting of Subscribers of the RSPCA to the Committee, forthwith to secure its presentation to Parliament, the object of which shall be to make otter hunting illegal..Footnote feel thankful that the Masters of the various packs of otter hounds do not share this opinion.Footnote The driving force was Henry Amos, who had worked as a government official and been secretary of the Vegetarian Society from 1913. For such people the laceration of an otter's living flesh is an amusing thing. Bates wrote this chapter on the basis that he liked otters but, despite living within a mile of a river valley, had never seen one in the wild. The social image being constructed is of a group of people who are not just morally right, but are more decent than the hunters, who are by contrast portrayed as disreputable, aggressive and shameful. are not infrequently killed, even in the summer months, and then, of course, the whole litter is destroyed. Smith, Virginia, Bell, Ernest (18511933), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [online]Google Scholar. 3.84. Indeed, Coulson, Collinson and other campaigners believed that the kill had ill effects on the mental well-being of every person involved. My object is only to insure that this Institution shall fulfil the great purpose for which it was founded.Footnote Large numbers of sea cows occurred in the Commander Islands at the time of their discovery by Europeans in 1741. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. The Hawkstone Otter Hounds disbanded in 1914, putting down most of their hounds. Ormond, Richard, Sir Edwin Landseer (London, 1981), pp. An incredibly vile sport: Campaigns against Otter School of Physical and Geographical Sciences, Keele University, ST5 5BG,, School of Geography, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD,,, The Monarch of the Glen: Landseer in the Highlands, A Delightful Sport with peculiar claims: The Specificities of Otterhunting, 18501939, Our Hunting Fathers: Field Sports in England after 1850, Wild Things: Nature and the Social Imagination, Otters as Symbols in the British Environmental Discourse, Records of the Culmstock Otterhounds, c. 17901957, Tally-Ho: Fifty Years of Sporting Reminiscences, The Smooth Cool Men of Science: The Feminist and Socialist Response to Vivisection, Feathered Women and Persecuted Birds: The Struggle against the Plumage Trade, c. 18601922, Some inhuman wretch: Animal Maiming and the Ambivalent Relationship between Rural Workers and Animals, The Hounds of Spring.
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