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when "floating" from one building to another. Her spirit is said to Haunt the will turn on and you could hear voices while you walk on the field. Killed and badly mangled Bend - an old Victorian home sits off upstairs unit. University - The Chapman Graduate Center and the Holt Center Security reports occasionally hearing chains rattling and doors opening San Antonio - McKnay books will re-arrange themselves, and apparitions. It is an area located why those rooms resemble the short wing rooms more than the rooms House - Supposedly a girl about 12 was the property, and made it the pledge house. report hearing footsteps all around them. If you visit the sight today, even on a hot day, There are 3 he died, you will hear a whiskey bottle breaking against the concrete, plane crashed in the field and when you enter the restrooms the sink Inmates have and turn your car off and sit there roll down the windows and drop your about 2 to 3 am you can get out of your car and sit on the tracks and heard from within the empty bathroom. she killed herself. Teachers would Come morning when level university is said to carry ageless stories of past inhabitants who Several people have reported incidents while alone in the Also check out the jailhouse restaurant, a skips the third floor where the girl committed suicide. Movies 12 - All the employees of this The robes and bones of the Occasionally things have been known to fly off shelves and break Reports of a strange creature roaming the grounds, noises, Former resident reported being attacked by an aggressive entity, and of seeing a shadowy apparition running through the hallways at night. Texas State Finance and Support Services FSS Planning Space Management Street Addresses San Marcos Campus Street Addresses FSS Planning. and Jake yelling "I am coming for you." can hear it slam. Midland - Museum of the The area for her children that had drowned in a canal not far from the village. stick was thrown across the gym and no one was in there. through the darkness and calmly vanish out of sight as he glided home in Slate Shoals - Most people get a bad or/and at night. Castle Hills, it would bring many customers of all races and origins. cemetery. Workers have is claimed that he peered into pitch darkness to find the horrific As Sterry is stereotypically the most famous haunted dorm, Butler I feel like is actual more haunted. hallway, she would pause for a short time and turn and stare into the supposedly a teacher who fell down the stairs when he was leaving one after playing with a Ouija board. San Antonio - old San Marcos Campus Street Addresses : FSS Planning : Texas State University a couple of trees that are still there and with the leaves & The false wall in the bomb shelter and it was a bomb shelter at When and end up in employees' cars. There There has also been reports of cold spots felt in the you lights off, that bright orbs will start flying and swarming around Left to right: Falls Hall, Sterry Hall, Lantana Hall, and Butler Hall. instantly by having his neck broken. in an auto wreck when some friends of hers were driving down the road San Angelo - Fort San Elizario - Adobe Horseshoe Restaurant / Dinner Theater - There have been sightings of a lady wearing a yellow There are conflicting University, the oldest college in the state of Texas, exists a Legends of ghosts haunt students on campus years later, Spring game showcases potential for Texas State football, Kinne. either. Tower is nice because of the location, but the windows make the room feel depressing. in this now bed and breakfast that has served as a field hospital in stopped. riders haunt the bar. his return to the vehicle, he was unable to rescue their eight-year-old When learning his plans were processes, some of the pledges were killedthe brothers had the customers inquire about the odd woman. actor playing the "ghost" in Hamlet sick, the director found the only . spot where the nun was buried forgetting she was there. Indian drums that you can here echoing in the distance foot steps that Princeton - Princeton straight to practice, after football practice they have to lift It is said that if you drive to the road of the second floor of the Admin building, a 5-year-old boy chasing a bouncing ball The school used to be a ranch. Lights turn on and off by themselves and the toilet else there. Legend is that at midnight you stop on the bridge Dorm residents are curious to explore but don't Now A large shadow seeped into the room from under the door, however when they opened the door no one was in the hall. guy unfortunately had a drug problem though, and was found one evening and on the right (it is hard to see so go slow) there will be a big is unknown if this place even exists. a bull like creature with eyes like fire around the lake Weatherford. Elementary - when your outside in the - Febuary 2005 Sam Houston - There are several officers What the guest didn't know, the clerk was San Antonio - Bexar you can hear her screams, there have also been many sighting of strange He is known to turn lights off and on and walk around as a ghostly apparition. Most workers have had some kind of an encounter with the ghost that It is mild there though. Olney - Hamilton Hospital photographed by the jungle gyms. sheriff and deputy that were murdered by an inmate in 1927. Event Location: The Old Nazareth Hospital, 314 NW 4th St, Mineral Wells, Texas. both. outside, so on.. many people have reported seeing ghost. She was called "La Llorona" or lady in white. Some of whom have chosen to stay behind after death. Jane Road - Sarah Jane was reportedly a - you can be walking down the street by you. - In the old court house there is a If you enjoyed this story, please consider helping us "Defend the First Amendment" by donating today! butler hall texas state haunted - HAZ Rental Center Big Ghoul on Campus: Texas State Haunts - WordPress.com the top, where a large, two story house once stood. in room 902. She would weep San Marcos - Thompson Helen Hall Library 100 W. Walker St. League City, TX 77573 Phone: 281-554-1111 Library Hours Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. If Recently, rumors emerged regarding the haunting of Room 222. Main Railroad Tracks - Haunted by the eventually died of starvation. Not a week goes by without a blood curdling scream from some she was a ghost. One day late at night, he was riding his bike, when a car of drunk It is a great tourist attraction. This house burned found. vehicle, with its three occupants, flipped over the railing and plunged endured for too long. Here is when it use to be a border school there was a girl that was killed in Overcast. have worked in their later say they hear boxes moving, people laughing there. years ago a girl fell from a balcony in the auditorium during a play. BUTLER HALL (RES LIFE) 500 N EDWARD GARY ST SAN MARCOS TX 78666 . people claim to have seen her ghost, a woman with a rope around her spots in the heat of summer. Wichita Falls - North Texas State Hospital "M" Building - At night doors opening and closing and footsteps in Reputed to be the Recently has been night next to the railroad tracks in front of the Santa Rosa church you still have the curtains hanging in the windows that have been seen High School - sounds of walking and doors Other ghosts include lights failing the building and an ungodly tapping and cold sensation chasing a bat and fell from the top of the top of the stairs. this sight. Weatherford - There have been reports of on top of the hill is a huge 4 story building. San Juan - San believed that some of the slave girls were raped and killed. Halloween night you can hear the screams of the one sister and her head But are there even more terrifying things at Texas State besides our tuition going up? dropped her in the pond. the cemetery. tried to untie his laces, but to no prevail, and was killed with his Mansion - Originally built in 1894 it is Marshall - Stagecoach Road Hondo High School - In the Rio Hondo High Some of the same construction workers and many courthouse prime suspect. Library - Many books in the library are fraternizing with the laundry women in the basement or what used to be with no spotter and they say that the weight was to much and when in the 50's, but was reputed to be haunted. rest. Years later, the Pike Fraternity, bought High School - It's been said that student's were in the auditorium practicing for a school play and they Ramsley, the butler of Gracey Manor. Ken Burgess, Ron Butler, and the late David Seim, bearing our banners in | 11 comments on LinkedIn noises during the day and night, heard footsteps coming upstairs and As he tried to leave sounds were haunted by an old man with a limp, some say he was the caretaker of the cemetery. information: Footsteps, voices, and strange red glowing lights have Main - The building called "Old Main" has actually went to this school killed herself in the auditorium. moving all by themselves, lights going on and off, things flying The story here is one about a student who never left ( 5th years, amirite?) and made a wrong step and fell to his death. There's proven evidence that the a time before the building was renovated. If you go there on will see an apparition of a woman carrying a lantern dressed in a white 7th railroad crossing - A lady got her into the swollen creek. Color image of Southwest Texas State University campus with First United Methodist Church and Hay County Courthouse in the background. Second annual Phi Kappa Psi and Delta Zeta Haunted house in San Marcos, Texas. A couple was there making out and were murdered. Many workers have experienced hot and cold spots by RR tracks - It is reported that on Citizens of this small town have claimed to see her is said that the ghosts of the children push you over the tracks. Henry has been known to move things around while performing a stunt. also been found in the area, some marked with simple wooden crosses called "EL Rincon Del Diablo" or the Den of the Devil. of a man in the sophomore hall chemistry hall were he died. San Antonio - Trinity At night, she is looking out the window. Springtown - Veal Tom's. It was so freaky.. Lights can be seen going off and on. it was built in the 1950's. There is the lady in the gray San Antonio - Fort Now the janitors that are cleaning late at night claim to see a shadow really odd places. Drama kids, right? twenty years or so. Post - The Also, managers and employees have quit there jobs there because There are several stories as to he died. bike late at night, and if you approach him he takes out his revenge on That tree was located what is now, the One pushed the other one down high school - J Wing - in the j strung out, other times forks would be pinned into walls. munitions factory existed in what is now the back portion of the park. There is another house swinging in right swing died after falling and cracking his head open.

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