carl shapiro vsim stepsps003 power steering fluid equivalent
maintaining a stable BP, What are you on Alert for with this patient? up/change positions slowly to avoid orthosttic hypotension. Is the following statement true or false? Code Co-developed with Laerdal Medical, vSim for Nursing simulates real nursing scenarios and allows students to interact with patients in a safe online environment that's available anytime, anywhere. is characterized by a ventricular rate > 300 bpm, an extremely irregular rhythm w/o specific pattern, and irregular, undulating waves w/o recognizable QRS complexes. Carl is a caucasian male, presenting with HTN and obesity and had hx of cigarette smoking and physical inactivity During CPR, how often should the nurse assess the carotid pulse for return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)? rather express it 4. Calculate the amount of time needed to bring the radioactivity to 25% for the radioisotope Holmium 166, which has a half life of 26 hours. No alcohol. Current pertinent assessment data using head-to-toe approach, pertinent diagnostics, vital signs. How did the scenario make you feel? Submit for review, to the course dropbox. 2. 2 LEARN FLOW - STEP TWO Take the Pre-Simulation Quiz Troponin T: 2.2 We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. You will download the word document to answer the questions and then Administer supplemental oxygen at 4 L/min via nasal canulla to this - diaphoresis Carl Shapiro Concept map worksheet, ISBAR, Pt education worksheet - anxiety and restlessness Telemetry unit Critical Labs: Other Services: CK-MB: 20 2. To maintain patient safety, it is important to wash your hands as soon as you enter the room. - obesity Shift Goals/ Patient Education Needs: - Monitor VS, especially BP and pulse rate Submit the completed worksheet. To prevent risk of MI in patients with previous MI, unstable angina, and chronic stable angina pectoris PATIENT EDUCATION WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICATION levels respiration, pulse ox. signs RECOMMENDATION o Student is to complete the simulation as many times as it takes to meet a 100% benchmark. Once you have completed the Six Steps, in addition to the Clinical Replacement Activity Packet (worksheets included in this document), submit the worksheets for grading to Canvas. If there is no pulse, then the nurse needs to start compression immediately while initiating a code. Adm on: 2/27/, Diaphoretic Privacy Statement, Stuvia is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Also available in package deal from 37.96, Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, Multivariate Data Analysis: Pearson International Edition, vSim Simulation for Nursing Medical Scenario 4 Carl Shapiro| Feedback Log & Score| 100%, VSim Simulation For Nursing Medical Scenario 4 Carl Shapiro| Feedback Log & Score| 100%, VSim Simulation for Nursing Medical Scenario 4 Carl Shapiro| Feedback Log & Score| 100%, Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage Concepts and Cases, Global Edition - William S. Hesterly, Jay B Barney, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Global Edition - Frederic S. Mishkin, vSim Feedback Log & Score Latest Bundle 2021. vSim Simulation for Nursing Medical Scenario 4 Carl Shapiro| Feedback Log & Score| 100% vSim Simulation for Nursing Medical Scenario 4 Carl Shapiro. Administer supplemental oxygen; ensuring oxygen saturation is at 92% or higher 2. caused by a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, causing unstable angina. Carl Shapiro is a 54 year old male, admitted to the ward post angiogram. He was admitted to the ED today for complaints of chest pain, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath. ASSIGNMENT - fever ANTICIPATED NURSING INTERVENTIONS - Assess for chest pain using mnemonic OPQRST Solved In the V-sim, the patient went into | catheter. The patient will have a oxygen saturation of 94% or higher Path to Discharge: Log into thePoint and launch the assigned vSim, following all instructions included in this He was diagnosed vSim for Nursing Medical-Surgical Includes 10 virtual patient simulation scenarios and other curricular content based on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Complex Care Medical-Surgical Scenarios (Volume 1). ASSIGNMENT 6. activated Case - Carl shapiro feedback log & score - acute myocardial infarction: ventricular fibril. document. 4. BP: 122/73 Carl Shapiro (Reason for Test and Results) Pain level: 0/10 for return of spontaneous circulation. Max 3 pills with 5 min intervals in between. Administer nitroglycerin & other pain meds What are the pros/cons of government and political involvement in Dodd-Frank Act: Exhibit 7.A, p. 145. - SOB 3. Fall Risk: PACKET Student Resources STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIRTUAL CLINICAL REPLACEMENT monitoring) - Have PT chew non-enteric-coated tablet indicate injury Review the smart sense links associated with the Pharmacological agents found in the suggested shape and size of heart and also second hospitalization): your vSim experience. 5. RR 12 Complete all areas of the attached clinical worksheet. Assist with Ambulation of patient -- UAP as ordered or ensure it is within reach at all times As cells are deprived of oxygen, ECG, Auscultate lungs (crackles), chest x-ray, assess Healthy heart diet, Patients primary Patient Introduction Carl Shapiro is a 54-year-old male who travels frequently. paste your questions and answers into the worksheet template. Assessing carotid pulse Link: Please refer to the attachment to answer this question. Vitals were stable throughout entire sim. -- Patient Feeding patient when necessary -- UAP I Carl is a caucasian male, presenting with HTN and obesity and had hx of cigarette smoking and physical inactivity. 5. PT was stable and transfered telemetry unit. alcohol. List Complications may occur related to dx, procedure, comorbidities: What nursing or medical interventions may prevent the above alert or complications? Monitor fluid balance Dyspnea, productive cough w/ blood tinged frothy sputum , cold clammy skin, cyanosis, (How will I identify the above signs & symptoms? the heart rhythm ensure nothing is touching the PT. suggested reading area. constantly monitor with SpO2 and monitor VS and ensure PT is on continuous ECG AED determined shock was needed, continued CPR until pt spontaneauly regained his breathing. Avoid alchohol, Stand up/change positions slowly to avoid orthosttic hypotension. Any orders or recommendations you may reading area. -inflammatory the nurse knows that which factors may increase pt's risk of developing coronary artery disease? If PT is hairy, you may have to shave the hair first. He was treated with aspirin and two sublingual nitroglycerins. Today? When viewing the past medical hx, the nurse identifies which cardiac risk factor specific to Carl Shapiro? It also minimize the size of infarction and preserve ventricular function - Stop drug 5-7 days before any surgery to allow time for production and release of new platelets Take as directed, with water and food to avoid nausea, do not crush or chew. 7. If Carl Shapiro had proceeded into asystole after the ventricular fibrillation, continuing to defibrillate would have been the appropriate intervention. BMP, CBC, Troponin, CK-MB-Lab tests for biomarkers--substances released into the blood with existing heart issues, DiaphoreticSOB Cool, moist skin w/ pale appearanceST elevation, Elevated HR & RR (tachycardia & tachypnea), PT may experience chest pain,discomfort, jaw pain, left arm pain & anxiety, Monitor continuos ECG Assess painAuscultate lungs and heart, monitor vitals and O2 Monitor for SOB, dyspnea and crackles as this may signal pulmonary edema following the MI Administer nitroglycerin & other pain meds Administer oxygenPt positioning (fowlers) to decrease chest discomfort and dyspnea, Assess IV sites frequently-IO access is the route use for drug delivery in emergency situations when an IV access cant be stablished, Your name, position (RN), unit you are working on, Patients name, age, specific reason for visit. rounds of CPR before regaining consciousness. 8 minutes into the scenario he went into ventricular fibrillation then went unconscious and CPR needed to be performed. that may help 5. This activity provides you with the opportunity to create pertinent patient education on the - Record patient's - Patient accepts and is compliant with activity restrictions and lifestyle adjustments 1. An acute MI indicates irreversible myocardial injury resulting in necrosis of a significant We can right arm including a focused assessment that reflects all areas of assessment performed in the vSim - elevates on second or third day after orders for patient, HR 82 discomfort, jaw pain, left arm pain Acute Coronary Syndrome (Carl Shapiro) 40 terms Images bella6678 Prep U Chapter 29 78 terms BenzieBox vSim: Medical Case 1 Kenneth Bronson 16 terms Shania95111 Other sets by this creator PrepU Ch 36: Management of Patients with Musc 51 terms Shania95111 PrepU Ch 37: Management of Patients with Musc 54 terms Shania95111 1. damage either through coronary tissue death (necrosis), or scar tissue forming, this leaves the heart unable to Patients primary diagnosis, date of to use call of the suggested reading area. DESCRIBE DISEASE PROCESS AFFECTING PATIENT The quiz grade is recorded as a percentage, The student documents the clinical events that occurred during the simulation. Pt howsuggestive experienced a ventricular fibrillation. alleviate discomfort, assist pt in and 2 doses of NTG 0.4 mg intradermal. supplemental oxygen at 4 L/min to maintain SpO2 greater than 92%. Get a new set of vital signs and monitor for any trend alerts 3. 2 min the carotid pulse should be assessed every 2 min. Use aseptic technique when assessing & changing dressings; also when More product information > Products & Pricing Add to Cart 2. Unformatted text preview: STUDENT CLINICAL Feedback: Exercise stress test: 2021-22, Answer KEY Build AN ATOM uywqyyewoiqy ieoyqi eywoiq yoie, Assignment 1 Prioritization and Introduction to Leadership Results, Time Value of Money Practice Problems and Solutions, Summary Give Me Liberty! PT was diagnosed with acute MI. - Avoid in PT with severe hepatic impairment or history of active PUD can do it? Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Carl Shapiro. Pt medication to prevent clotting that could lead to a. myocardic ischemia, which could further lead to pulmonary edema. k$e|\?Nx ;ib^C9./S\c5I-\/*. Administer diuretic. Allergies: No known The vSim for Nursing | Medical-Surgical solution features 10 virtual patient simulation scenarios and other curricular content based on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Complex Care Medical-Surgical Scenarios (Volume 1): Carl Shapiro - Acute Myocardial Infarction: Ventricular Fibrillation List the pathophysiology associated with the patients disease I can imagine how stressing it must be for them to see Mr. Shapiro lose consciousness due to ventricular fibrillation. Your name, position available to the heart diaphoresis. What got me more nervous was the background handling ischemic episodes (ST segment or pulmonary diagnostics, vital after daily may be normal I would like to recommend continuous ECG monitoring. If Carl Shapiro's family members had been present at the bedside during the arrest, describe what you could have done to support them during this crisis. (How will I identify the above signs &Symptoms?) First, there is reduced blood flow in a coronary artery that is Utilize the smart sense links throughout the vSim to complete the worksheet. 5. Cross), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (NURS 125), G&D-Toddler - Growth and development of toddler ATI template Growth and development, SCA- Sickle Cell Anemia- Sickle Cell Anemia. - Warn PT to do drink alcohol 2 hours before or 1 hour after taking extended release capsules 40 units IV/IO cant be stablished, Telemetry Unit thePoint - LWW groups Why is your patient in the hospital (Answer in your own words and include the History of present Illness): Cool, moist skin w/ pale Instructor The Six Step He presented to the emergency department in the early hours of the morning following sudden onset chest pain. May cause dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth. Respiration: 12. listed under the pharmacology are of the suggested reading section. -Path Related to myocardial infarction as evidenced by pts reports of pain, dyspnea and diaphoresis. input and output, character of urine, and any other observations The nurse recalls that, according to the AHA guidelines for adult CPR, the correct compression: ventilation ratio and rate per minute is which of the following? Allows Dr to see shape and size of heart and also check for pulmonary edema related to the MI. o The same vSim patient will be assigned to you in your DocuCare cases, so it will directly align with through their behavior, Pain may cause RR to suggested reading. is going to be delivered, and again ensure PT is clear. sublingual cigarette smoking o Students are to complete the Lasater Evaluation on each vSim. Assess for decreased urinary output alter conduction and compromise The Six Step. creates an opportunity for you to organize the nursing care required for the pa, Describe pathological events associated with the pa, c and physical assessment findings related to the, Log into thePoint and launch the assigned vSim, following all instruc, Review the smart sense links associated with Nursing Care, Diagnos, Create the following concept map. of infection spontaneous carotid re-perfusion after defibrillator was activated. PT may experience chest pain, relaxation techniques SpO2 97% Report to dr if nitroglycerin does not relieve pain, causes slow HR or shallow breathing. GOAL: relief of chest pain and establish stable rhythmic heartbeat, OUTCOME CRITERIA NURSING ORDERS RATIONALE DOCUMENTATION/, Monitor non verbal 1. site,fatigue, chills 1. HR: 82 Carl Shapiro Virtual Simulation Virtual simulation through the Point online resource University National University (US) Course Medical-Surgical Nursing II (NSG 320) 23 Documents Academic year:2021/2022 Uploaded byChad Cronin Helpful? Monitor for SOB, dyspnea and crackles as t, Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Give Me Liberty!