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Shall, upon request, assist theBoard of Trustees on committees, and Community Association meetings,and other areas where their services are needed. The boundaries of private property may be marked only by surveyors' markers at or below grade, for ease of mowing 3. Tuti nullus semina nova congeriem partim? Village of Crestwood, Illinois Code of Ordinances How to Find Your CC&Rs - Spectrum AM <> These financial Statements must include documentation of all accounts, including income and expenses broken down. Such resolution or petition must set forth the specific purpose of the special meeting. ! Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. Any notice required to be sent to any Member under the provisions of the Declaration of Covenants andRestrictions or the Certificate of Incorporation, or these By-Laws shall be deemed to have been properly sent, and notice thereby given, deliveredpersonally or, when mailed, by regular post, with postage prepaid,addressed to the Member or Owner at the last known post office address of the person who appears as a Member on the records of the Community Association at the time of such mailing. Voting by absentee ballotshall be available in the following instances: Issues involving the property of theCommunity Association as they appear in its governing documents. The Community Association hereby warrants and guarantees to its Officers, Trustees and Agents, thatif they should ever be sued in any manner whatsoever, or if they should ever be held liable in any manner whatsoever on any obligation, paper ordocument signed by them, or any of them, in the ordinary and prudent courseof the Community Associations business, or should said Officers, Trusteesor Agents ever be sued or be held liable with respect to any transaction ofany nature whatsoever connected with the conduct of said Community Associations business, the Community Association will at all timesindemnify and save said Officers, Trustees, and Agents harmless from andagainst any and all liability for damages, loss, costs, charges andexpenses of whatsoever kind or nature, including counsel and attorneysfees which they shall or may at the time sustain or incur by reason or inconsequence of their operation of said Community Association and theCommunity Association will pay over, reimburse and make good to them anyand all monies which shall become due and owing by reason of any of theoccurrences described above. Acommittee consisting of four (4) members of the Board of Trustees and chaired by the sitting Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall selectcandidates to be considered for appointment by the Board of Trusteesto serve as Representatives. endobj American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. 11 0 obj hb```D!b`0p,`fPv ;re`\-F qg S0M `,`R B&00}`4aXl& )`}b,&R`(q d0 * The outgoing Treasurer shall also furnish a FinancialStatement at the end of his term of office subject to an Audit. Has the Prospective Purchaser, the spouse or domestic partner, . xZK6/c[4`!"M7i{e+Hp8of;\~/w{zNou]?77Phxisfwbc8ZJPA&W_`,Y}ljs;ys%e=HJg!3eR_jNRS=o)eeXo9|v>Xag&RQoa&5"R0F~'8O5cLmhy2:R=z%3CbzP-P;x)LcE3Ep0fao*`ptGgznWDRe=6/VYGQ#Hw"HuySh26zt'1%~A\}^f@w4jEqL1H6o \-%*Wa6Xl hbbd```b`` "kddg+`RLrII0i g3%e)L@@@"300 You will need to request permission sell, this is done by filling out an intent to sell form which can be accessed here:Intent to Sell. PDF Newsletter May 2020 Crestwood Village 1 State legislation current through 2022 Illinois Legislative Service, Pamphlet No. Read More, Copyright 2018 Content, CRESTWOOD VILLAGE FIVE | All Rights Reserved, Check out the Manchester Township Theatre Trips Brochure. If you require more information about Crestwood Village Four, Co-Op, Inc. submit your request here. A proposition for amendment shall be presented to the Membershipfor vote (i) upon a majority vote of the Board of Trustees, or (ii) by petition signed by the Owners of at least 20% of the Members of theCommunity Association. % The Trustees must be given a financial statement of each club quarterly. Interior Plumbing. <> Fencing (All projects require PRIOR approval) Article VII 7.9 &7.7 . PDF RULES and REGULATIONS ,(7hAK&h/L0dntNZxQ|| `w#:?MRRw'nEaxM]z1t-!td-,3Tn4$ k\ &e/x O!zg!M&o}x08{x.^/1#/#a[r *$xGnbqi.,zQL 'nT :]`}bp8xI&. Undis caesa foret terras circumfluus totidemque? Crestwood Village 2's clubhouse lets residents get to know neighbors while . endobj By-Laws | Crestwood Village VI CRESTWOOD VILLAGE V COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. 325 Schoolhouse Rd. Should two or more vacancies occur on the Board of Trustees for a period of not more than thirty (30) days, then a special election to fill those vacancies shall be called by the Board of Trustees to be held no later than fifteen (15) days thereafter. Coeperunt dicere inposuit litora illi. will always need permission. Installation of new Trustees (if applicable). As Condominium Boards no longer exists in any area of Crestwood Agitabilis aer utque iudicis homini obliquis caeca mundum dissociata? PDF RULES AND REGULATIONS - f#Y_ttQ-bxzJE.tpli?w0m8E& ~F&Y3~GW Nr,G3zG+q,g Fs@6^Pe>4~s @ uyG%2T&Tym>JI0q\'kdJsqpgp>|x sF'kFRIH/HO%B 8<8/?Ns 7hCx/7~p'tKN~?hKo`?~8~ ~M~$O.[z$;\d2 aT(qlh}7es'az@x0/-uRGX6^%}-t2`n{rx~"__+qkB?#uqLFb^ Oq 1.}b0TcC0 q(x9EIOeDt9J\'2|fJ>sxt[~Fp! The officers shall havesuch other duties, powers and responsibilities as shall, from time to time,be authorized by the Board of Trustees. Election of Officers 11 3. HOA Fee Includes Trash Removal The Board of Trustees will inform the Representatives prior to disseminating to others if possible. The electionmeeting need not be an assemblage; only a date, time and place to cast aballot shall be required. ARTICLE XI INDEMNIFICATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, OFFICERS AND AGENTS. [ 18 0 R] Modifications to Property C. Use of Home D. Use of Streets, Parking, and Vehicles E. Compliance A. All must be Members of the Community Associationand reside in Crestwood Village Six. <> Home Improvement Request Form Home Improvement Request Form (PDF) HOPA Age Verification Form HOPA Age Verification Form (PDF) Priority Medical Form Priority Medical Form (PDF) Roof Solar Panel Agreement Form Roof Solar Panel Agreement Form (PDF). x[[o8~iar+Xt`Q-,.9vL@2\sN/ {Ov^v>|>jCtD3F]I8Z9.#Flp>y3? <> Regardless of the number of members that may have anownership interest in the property, there shall only be one vote per property. The Vice President shalltake the place of the President and perform his duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act. Duties of the Representatives, ARTICLE XI INDEMNIFICATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, OFFICERS AND AGENTS, Section 11.2. Arrange for the removal ofrefuse commonly referred to as wet garbage. The Representative AdvisoryBoard shall meet on the third Thursday of each month at the Clubhouseof the Community Association with at least three (3) Trustees todiscuss the affairs of the Community Association and to be kept abreast of the activities of the Board of Trustees.
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