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I dont know. Ramsey Russell: Thats a long time from now. Casey Stafford: Everywhere you go. The salt content of drainage water flowing from the Grassland area (105,000 acres of farmland, wildlife refuges and duck clubs) on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley is high and sources of dilution water are limited. Benelli USA Shotguns. He shot heavy shot, he shot Kent Bismuth. Learn More The Ultimate Goose & Duck Hunting Experience In Northern California! Typically, like the field we hunted today, that field was harvested, chopped and then just flooded. My dad and them, as I got a little older, and they got a little older, theyd done all the killing they needed to do, I guess. And you saw a couple of them birds today, the Teal that buzzed by, by the time he grabbed the gun-. Places where there used to be big huge blocks of rice are now maybe big huge blocks of trees. Its just their same routine they do every day. And even if youre just talking fifty, sixty years ago, that was then and this is now. Yeah, he was like maybe, four years old, me and a buddy went out hunting, and we took him with us. And they said it would just start twisting out there and ripping through the air. Ramsey Russell: It seemed to have worked. You probably dont remember. And I didnt, I see a lot of people, I talked to a lot of people since that, and somewhere along the way in our conversations in the quiet between the volleys this morning, I go, Wait a minute. Ramsey Russell: Okay. Equinox is a temple of well-being, featuring world-class personal trainers, group fitness classes, and spas. You cant use electronic callers. Those blades were spinning, and the fan would draw the air through the greenhouse. This duck hunting has gotten so weather dependent. Hes got an impressive Instagram page for those of yall listening, check him out. More than just the best spinning wing decoys on the market, their ever growing product line includes all kinds of cool stuff. And of course, we all know what a Mojo spinning-wing decoy is today. And theres a whole big cycle thats far bigger than a human life span is what Im trying to say. Forever. He hit that growth spurt. I could leave him in a blind from daylight till dark. Oil, gas, & Mineral Rights: All oil, gas & mineral . And as they got older, they handed it off to you. County Line Farms 150.2+/- Acre Rice Farm & Duck Club Shown by appointment only! And it is duck season in California. Yall know me way better than that. Last Wednesday saw 169 guns harvest 372 ducks for a respectable 2.20 average. And youve got a relationship with them regarding their agricultural property. Theyre actually probably shrinking some now. People just like you across the country volunteer for DU Varsity (high school), Ducks University (collegiate) and local fundraising chapters, all while supporting DU's conservation mission. Mixed results across SoCal and NorCal waterfowl hunts Casey Stafford: Yeah. I mean its farming country, but I did not expect this nice, newish Hampton Inn. Thanks to Tetra Hearing! If you are a CWA member you will find a number of clubs and blinds advertised in the back of their magazine. Casey Stafford: All I would say the difference is its a little bit bigger speck in my opinion. Reginas first love is bow hunting. Agricultural Drainage and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Overview. We have a three hundred thirty acre wetland that they own that I manage for them. Theyre stone dead. Ramsey Russell: Its unbelievable how well- The limit on them is ten and if Im not mistaken, its not just that yall can shoot ten specks or ten Aleutians, whatever. And I thought, Yeah thats cool. But looking at it now thinking, Man, theres no way, I couldnt do it.. But Ive heard it called Goalpost, Ive heard it called blades, Ive heard it called Davis-something, Ive heard all kinds of names, but it doesnt even look like a Mojo, it doesnt look like a bird, it doesnt look like a duck, it looks like a goalpost with a two and a half foot long blade going down the middle, and you turn it on, and it flashes. Casey Stafford: I would say it was. I guess they make the same vocalizations. BOOK NOW WATERFOWL BLINDS GALLERY What are some of the stories you remember about your dad and your uncles, the guys? Casey Stafford: Well, what we were in today is called the Sacramento Valley Special Management Area. But primarily, Cade and Quinn both have been taught the world of duck hunting from Regina, because she is around on the weekend when Im busy guiding, and she takes them. Some higher. Its over seven hundred thousand acres of rice production. But thats really the only way to get rid of it anymore. No racing to claim the best blinds. Ive rigged it up since, they were all hardwired before. Ramsey Russell: And I had heard, somebody told me years ago that you wanted fog to hunt like we hunted today. And be sure to check out our new GetDucks Shop. Whats up with that? It flat kills. With ones, its two and a sixteenth ounce ones. And your wife, when yall met, yall didnt meet duck hunting. I just want to try it. No circles, no loops, you know how them geese start waffling when theyre coming down. California Duck Hunting 2021 Colusa Refuge report,maps, duck clubs Well, I know that I didnt have a signal. How are you, Casey? RD 2047 is the main drainage canal for the west side of the Sacramento Valley. Ramsey Russell: Outdoor Adventures. Please subscribe, rate and review Duck Season Somewhere podcast. As the town expanded and houses got knocked down and subdivisions or strip malls were made, those chickens just kind of got left there, and now theyre all over the damn place. And that big stubble disc pulls dirt over the top of it, and we roll right behind it. Casey Stafford: I think the younger generations, maybe the thirty year old guys, the forty year old guys right now, theyve let business and making money get ahead of them and havent spent as much time in the field as they would like to or used to. Casey Stafford: We love big game hunting, I would say. I dont believe the numbers have gone up tremendously from when I was a little kid. Youve been doing this long and hard, hundred day seasons since you were eighteen years old. Hes making the call lanyards with the drops. So why come down here? Leases: There are no leases on the subject property. We are a premiere waterfowl hunting club located in the Sacramento Valley of Northern California near all major wildlife refuges of the Upper Butte Basin. But thats part of the history, its a story. CICC Outdoor Adventures - About Us She absolutely loves to bow hunt. Ramsey Russell: Oh, yeah I can see that, come all the way from the East Coast to shoot shovelers. Youre a daddy. And I use it. The most important waterfowl habitat in the region is the Central Valley where DU has an extensive program of habitat restoration, protection, and enhancement. May have something to do with all that rice yall got out here. And since the time he was little, he grabbed onto this duck hunting, and he loves it. And I mean thats how it was back then. No crowds. So this morning on the drive out, drinking coffee and whatnot, we drove about thirty minutes to get out there to your place, and you were telling me, Yeah we came by and saw you. I mean the motel you stayed at this morning, thats the center of town. Outdoor Adventures is the exclusive guide service of the Colusa Indian Community and Colusa Casino Resort, offering full service fishing and hunting trips for waterfowl, big game, and upland game birds as well as exciting sport fishing trips on the Sacramento River. That Butte Sinks eighteen thousand acres of historic marsh that its been there. So theres guys making them now, I looked at one the other day, the motors too slow, it dont have the flash, it dont spin, it dont flash, its useless. Northern California Duck & Goose Hunting Guide Duck Club: Colusa County Assessor Parcel Number: 012-100-082 Duck Club: The duck club is east of the Sacramento Valley Wildlife Refuge. Waterfowl Blinds For Lease | Sacramento & Alturas - Fishdog Ive got a six-foot one thats maybe a foot long. But with that fog, it confuses them a little and kept them out in the fields a little longer. Search our database of proven US and Canadian outfits. This morning, we had them trapped out there with that fog, they were underneath it and trying to get back to the refuge. Some guys are using ten, fifteen in their spread. Ive shot, Benelli Shotguns for over two decades. Thats the question. was one of the first to recognize the Sacramento Valley for its potential as an agricultural empire, and his Hock Farm, established in 1841 on the Feather River just south of present-day Yuba City, was the site of . So they cut us off December 21st inside this box, this imaginary box, and we cant shoot them from the 21st of December till the end of the season. Ramsey Russell: Thats good. And how did you get into it? I mean thats a pretty liberal bag limit. I mean, you talk to guys all the time, and everybody wants to go cheap on shotgun shells. Well we can certainly try to get them, like I said, they mix right in with the regular White Fronts, theres nothing really any different to them other than theyre a little bigger bird. Fifty, sixty a week. Share your favorite episodes with friends. Can you talk about when you were sneaking up on geese? Ramsey Russell: Yeah. Store Locator - Harris Teeter Ramsey Russell: And you were telling me this morning youre the original, that thing is at least thirty, forty years old. And by the way, what the heck is up with all the free-ranging chickens in Yuba City?! You still use it instead of conventional spinning-wing decoy? Casey Stafford: She probably would have been twenty-eight, twenty-five, somewhere in there. Call to make an appointment to view our available properties. Copyright 2003 - 2023 Ramsey Russell's, Louisiana Duck Hunting Coastal Marsh at Venice, Mississippi Duck Hunting Tallahatchie Hunts, Saskatchewan Canada Goose and Duck Hunting, Texas Duck Hunting Gulf Coast Redheads and More, Lake California, Welcome to Sac Valley California Duck Hunting, T-Post, they called it a Goalpost, some people called it the Blade, and some people called it the Davis Machine. But in the last fifteen years, the population, its incredible how many. I saw all those racks yall got lined up out in the garage. Butte Ranch Duck Club - Live Oak, CA - Stromer Realty Ramsey Russell: Ive never even heard of it. It just commanded ducks like nothing. Casey Stafford: No, we get five days following the duck season. I mean you start driving up through here, and you realize its just like driving through Arkansas. That used to be orchards and rice fields, and its grown up a lot. Casey Stafford: Yeah, absolutely. Ducks Everywhere Hunt Club - Join us for true Arkansas duck hunting. Making very nice totes. Theyre very nice. And then they come out at night to feed. Casey Stafford: Im so busy guiding and have been for the last twenty years, that during duck season, I dont get a lot of time to hunt with my family. She and her husband basically took care of all the boys and the girls, and raised them. He seemed to enjoy it, and I can tell from hunting with yall, yall seem to enjoy hunting with each other. Ramsey Russell: When they were younger, they were doing that to live. Sacramento Valley | USGS California Water Science Center And its flying specifically to this part of the world.
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