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In the HiEv universe is there an example of light being affected by time? Though I am sure this will happen. I think this gets around that by not actually traveling all that fast, but bending gravity fields to make the distance you are traveling closer, so you dont actually travel too fast but rather the distance minimzed, so you get their faster by changing the distance instead of the speed. The Spirit of God says, "Right into Florida and the surrounding regions and through the sea. General publicity about the G-projects had dropped rapidly after the announcement about a breakthrough in the July 11, 1960 issue of Missiles and Rockets, vol. They in effect hold us to a near-constant time velocity that the greatest speed humans can accelerate our bodies to using our greatest technologies can only momentarily alter by the tiniest of amounts. The theory was so compelling and the math worked out so well that after Heim announced it, Wernher von Braun the man leading the Saturn 5 rocket program contacted Heim and asked him whether the Saturn 5 was a waste of money. It was submitted to the Foundation in 1956. There is no physical impeller, yet putting your arm into it would not be advised as you would find the end result the same as if the impeller were metal. The following website is an excellent source for more information on revolutionary propulsion and advanced science. As drscher had demonstrate there is 8 , In some of the messages above I find a lot of scientific conservatism, which had held the humanity on one place in the fist of the dark and the middle ages for a thousand years period. I had something really profound and interesting to say but after filling out the log in sheet I forgot what it waswell next time.maybe! Some of your examples need a bit more explanation, or at least more care in their presentation. If this works as described, you have a Nobel Prize in your future. This link would be determined and established electromagnetically. (See this paper, for example, for some details: ), However, most of it cant be used for spacecraft propulsion. Coupling these ideas, one can understand that very fat people are moving amazingly fast. oops, posted the Orion link in the wrong thread move along, nothing to see :). Inertial induction through electromagnetic resonance and feedback, if you will. Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. Within a year of those contractual announcements, the Air Force initiated a race for mastering general relativity for developing the unified field theory. /. If energy of a region of space is not in harmony that space will collapse and die, and the energy will decrease.. I hope Heims theories have something to them in regard to spacecraft propulsion (it would put the stars within our reach) but something troubles me about FTL travel that you guys haven,t touched on yet. Perhaps the mechanical output of the sun is not within the human range of hearing and sound cannot travel through a vacuume, but to say a massive thermonuclear explosion creates no form of mechanical output is ridiculous. firepointe technology ludicrous All text/images/media copyright their respective creators 1, no. Is the latter part of this meant to imply an equivalence of inertia and gravity? Donald Keyhoes research indicated the G-projects had continued and grown in 1966 and 1974. Maybe Im just a complete and utter noob, but if you were to travel the speed of light, wouldnt that do something similar to a sonic boom? Every force in nature should have its natural opposite such and matter and anti-matter, north and south poles of an electromagnet, or gravity and anti-gravity so that when everything is combined it equals nothing, like the big bang somehow split everything apart. On Earth we feel effects of speed (example here being driving a car) because there is a mostly stationary atmosphere we are travelling through, the cars wheels are travelling over bumps in the road and small imperfections in the wheel balancing around their axis of rotation will cause a noticable wobble. This company unlocks business potentials using a powerful point-of-sale (POS). VulturEMaN said: Maybe Im just a complete and utter noob, but if you were to travel the speed of light, wouldnt that do something similar to a sonic boom? Who is FirePointe. Since a photon can alter the kinetic energy of a particle that it strikes, thereby altering the local mechanical energy, perhaps it could be said to be a conveyor of mechanical energy. But the Heims hyperdrive will need to be powered by a dense source of energy to make possible a weekend trip to Mars, or even better, an interstellar journey a reality still in our lifetime. Any talk of developing a space drive would be insanely premature when youve just barely come up with a unified field theory. I mean, wouldnt all of the electrons in the matter be left behind?. Such a goal was long sought by Einstein himself, but never realized. It is the way things are. My physics teacher kinda laughed at me saying that my theory was in the realm of science fiction. There's one word you're going to find there that's actually going to lead you to Firepointe. I hope I live enough so I can some huge progress with this. He was quick to correct me. Prepare for Ludicrous Speed Damn Interesting It will never be perfect harmony, but there's a certain unity that's coming within the Church and within certain groups where that unity will cry out to God and that unity will break the power of the raven (that's the Middle East) trying to tell us that we cannot survive without their oil, without their energy. As for VulturEMaNs comment about a speed of light equivalent of a sonic boom, no craft would actually survive to reach such speeds anyways. It has been estimated that Ford has sold more computers than IBM & Apple combined. Ludicrous Inc - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets The breakthrough would have happened by October.". The women started this and now young people are going to take it further. Tapping the Earths would require a reference or inertial link to the Sun. It wasn't anything about the experiment or the admirable way the scientists had grappled with the results for months HiEv says Theories are more important than facts what an odd thing to say, especially when he almost immediately goes on to agree that there are things that are both. Kim Clement has told us about a great opportunity with ludicrous technology called Fire Point E. Th Fire-Pointe-E Updates Ludicrous Speed of Firepointe by the way thats way too fast, mars in 2 weeks is just fine. The best evidence we have to date shows that there indeed was a cataclysmic event about 13.7 billion years ago, whose characteristics correspond well to the hot Big Bang model with some adjustments.

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