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PHONOLOGY It is the study of sound system of a language and also describes formal rules of pronunciation. Literary stylistics focuses exclusively on literary texts. sibilants, emphatic ) 3.8 Method of Data Analysis, Chapter Four: DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION This is because a linguist deaf to the poetic function of language and a literary scholar indifferent to linguistic problems and unconversant with linguistic method are equally flagrant anachronisms as opined by Jakobson in Onwukwe (2009: i). In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. Since stylistics also concerns itself with the sociocultural context which reading and writing take place, contextual factors such as the cultural background of the reader and the situation in which the text is read must be taken into consideration when analyzing a text at the level of context. Significantly, by the establishment of a modified model of categorization of Graphological devices, this research will improve the teaching and learning of graphology as a device of literary composition by way of assisting learners to develop linguistic abilities necessary for them to read, understand and respond to literary and non-literary works sensitively. writer's style, for example capitalization, By continuing to use this site, well assume you agree to the use of Cookies. Sutardji's 'Tragedi Winka dan Sihka' and J.E. This statement presupposes that Jane wrote fiction %PDF-1.5 Stylistics -- Levels of Analysis -- Graphological - YouTube Nature of syllables (open or closed) Graphetic contains features that help to foreground a text eg (italics, underlining, bolding, irregular spelling, capitalization, font size) Phonetic features comprises of spoken languages e.g voice quality Phonological/Graphological level Language In graphologial level of you consider features like punctuations, spellings, spacing of words 7.1 Conceptual Definition of Terms, Chapter Two: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1. As a matter of fact, scholars of stylistics have scarcely given this poet a deserving attention. The stylistic features, they go on to discuss, are not exclusive to one genre but are techniques that can be applied equally to non-literary texts. Tel: +65 6509 9088 The levels of stylistic analysis according to Khan and Jabeen (2015) are basically lexical, syntactic or grammatical, phonological, semantic, context and graphological. She also gives equal importance to the writing system itself and to the discipline that focuses on its analysis, since these are the key aspects that define the concept of graphology. prominent syllable) . ideas and achieve his effects. Ogunsiji & Farinde (2013) observe this level as that of word choice. Various scholars such as Levenston (1992) and Lennard (2005) have attempted series of proposals for a standard pattern of categorization of the elements within the graphological framework of linguistic stylistic analysis. Contact us for publishing. Phonological and Graphological level Feb. 1, 2017 0 likes 6,964 views Download Now Download to read offline Education a brief summary of phonological and Graphological level in stylistics. This approach lays emphasis on the description of the formal pattern in a text using a linguistic basis. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The central question in stylistics is how a text means and language undoubtedly remains the central medium through which a writers style is revealed. (Province), What social relationship exists between the users (status), Is there a specific format that is being used (Modality), Was the user deliberately manipulating certain features in the language use (Similarity). I think that referring to octaves and sextets , graphological deviation should be written using inverted commas. Graphologists note suchRead More in Asher and Simpson 4378). Other basic considerations are the general appearance and impression of the writing, the pressure of upward and downward strokes, and the smoothness of the writing. The appropriate lexical choices should make it vivid, personal, friendly and persuasive. This study is limited to graphological level of linguistic stylistic analysis, for two obvious reasons: firstly, the research did not consider the other levels, for avoidance of deficiency and awkwardness, having studied six poetry collections; secondly, the research is not on General Stylistics which analyses nonliterary variety of language or registers. The novelty of the definition offered by Wales (2001) lies in the fact that it broadens the spectrum of elements to be analyzed within the category of graphology beyond the letters of the alphabet, which is something that has not been considered until very recently. are not directly referable to any observable linguistic features of texts, and one of the long-term aims of stylistics must be to see how far such descriptions can be justified in terms of descriptions of a more linguistic kind. Pedagogical stylistics emphasizes that the process of improving students linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action; that is, upon the mental processing which is such as proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic function within quite specific social and cultural contexts. Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. Is there such a thing as "right to be heard" by the authorities? The principal aim of the paper of the paper is to identify and analyse linguistic features used in the play. In poetry, metre (meter in American spelling) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. PDF A Lexical, Syntactic, and Semantic Perspective for Understanding Style Chapter One: INTRODUCTION When we concentrate in -Connotations judged by the reader through the Similarity features-similarity features are normally temporary. 6. Stylistics meets Cognitive Science: Studying Style in Fiction and uses Cookies to improve your experience. Linguistic stylistics deals with identification of language patterns in written text and spoken. Recently submitted schools to Kenyayote Schools, University and College Rankings in Kenya 2023, Driving School Notes and test preparation, Style is the manner of expression in speaking and writing, Style is a set of linguistic features characterized by the language aspect of a person, Style is comparing a set of gestures with another in terms of deviation from the norm for instance, semantic rule and phonological rule, Style can also refer to literally language for instance satire, irony and sarcasm, Beware of the structure that a language has, Be aware of the kind of social variation that language features have, Must have techniques that can used to put down stylistic features in a systematic manner. E.E CUMMING plays with form and structure and he uses nontraditional punctuation to push the boundaries of what, words can mean. Definition. Moving out 6. The use of octaves and sextets refers to rhyme scheme and poetic metre : Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! Graphology, unlike other linguistic genres such as syntax, phonetics or morphology, is a controversial concept whose meaning tends to be blurred. In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. These are discussed under the following captions Graphological Features Lexical repetition, words are repeated in which synonyms or near-synonyms may be used. poem. 2.1.10 Punctuation Certain characteristic use of words may help us to identify the context of a text, its genre, its communicative purposes, its author, and so on. The data comprises extracts of speech isolated for analysis at the level of phonology and graphology. Given the recent relevance of pictures and images in communication, there is an attempt, currently, to integrate some graphological elements into the study of communication modes. All these devices have stylistic effects. It is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke meanings and express thoughts and feelings. Poetry, the main focus of this paper, is marked Language and Stylistics: The reason why language is so important to stylisticians is because the various forms, patterns and levels that constitute linguistic structure are an important index of the function of the text. These are discussed under the following captions Graphological Features linguistic stylistic analysis of Henrik Ibsens play, A Dolls House. Person deixis: These are used to point things and Three main types of style were learned: grand, middle and plain, (Enkvist (1973). stylistics as a branch of linguistics therefore analyzes how speakers/writers created text as well as how effect is made or achieved. 5.3 Recommendations Amore and Sonde of Department of English, Tai Solarin University of Education, Nigeria; very sincerely, this dissertation is a testimony of your mentoringalways counting on you too, for higher heights. Some of the features that can be focused on in a linguistic stylistic analysis are lexical repetition, lexico-semantic level, syntactic level, phonological level (sounds), graphological level, and literary stylistics. Available literatures in the field of stylistics reveal the fact that traditionally, stylistics is concerned with the study of style in language. The data comprises extracts of speech isolated for analysis at the level of phonology and graphology. (PDF) Graphological Deviation in Stylistics: Expressions from the What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? But in recent times, the focus has gradually shifted from the authors theme to how meanings and effects are communicated in literary or non-literary texts. For Khan and Jabeen (2015:128), the aim is to analyze the internal structure of sentences in a language and the way they function in sequences, clauses, phrases, words, nouns, verbs etc. It is based on the premise that stylisticians who are involved with teaching should be aware of the pedagogical orientation and reading paradigms which inform their practice. time in the literary piece. phonological devices are alliteration, Graphological features of scientific language - It makes frequent use of diagrams, figures, graphs, charts, maps, tables, etc. If I have a poem, that is a sonnet, with an octave and a sestet - can you then say that this gap between them is a graphological deviation? Stylistic features of each. Graphological Level of Stylistic Analysis - YouTube Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. But also lately a more concerned view has been voiced which stresses that stylistics has contributed to methodologies in the teaching of literature and that, therefore, L1 and L2 methods are embedded in stylistics. Although this assertion may raise a seeming contrast between the terms linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics, a definition of these terms provided by Isidore can remove this confusion: Stylistics is the scientific study of style. But these definitions appear too eclectic. Foregrounding as a theory was first put forward by Jan Mukrovsky, a don at the University of Prague. [] Graphology can also refer to the writing system of a language, as manifested in handwriting and typography; and to the other related features [] e.g. In systemic functional linguistics, foregrounding refers to a prominent portion of text that contributes meaning, contrasted with the background, which provides relevant context for the .
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