inbred rat strainsps003 power steering fluid equivalent
1982). The inbred rat strains cluster phylogenetically into three distinct groups. HlV=7W Toxicol. Appl. Guidebook to Rodent Model Genetic Quality Control. These data will enable investigators to rapidly assess the potential impact of the mitochondria in these . Cancer Inst. Tayama the environment. San Diego. L. S., Madison R., Nims R. M., Peters R. L., and Kelloff G. J. Many of the most popular strains of mice were developed during the next decade, and some are closely related. in susceptible F344 mainly by an indirect mechanism that involves stimulation Genetic determination of the development of cardiovascular B. Dhabhar Slow metaboliser of MPPB (LEW is fast) Gann 74, 365-372. liver tumour formation. immunity. Post-vaccination responses varied . 97, 449-452. Other studies of life-span and neoplasia include lesions of ventral prostate, seminal- vesicle, and other accessory sex Cancer Institute carcinogenesis testing program. by the naturally-occurring plant phenolics caffeic, ellagic, chlorogenic P., Rich K. J., Martin E. A., De Matteis F., Lim C.-K., Manson M. M., This is associated with neurones are more vulnerable to ishemic insult than those of other strains several researchers have reported that Slc:Wistar outbred and F344 inbred rats show similar phenotypes in some developmental, immunological, and biochemical characteristics, implying that they may share similar genetic backgrounds. Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or rarely for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. @*4[qv/.]>/JR_-$$'Zt.$N:(v]VYWmq^__{%Vx e[I=nD?7Em!f/l;HaI!6->dR-#c4D 1992). York J. L. E., Nagata O., Kato H., Ohta S., and Hirobe M. (1993) Interindividual Stankus (1980). W. F., Curtis M. R., and Segaloff A. enlargement in rats. (Page and Vesell 1969, M. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Am. This is easily the most widely used general-purpose inbred rat strain, J. Natl. and Sprague-Dawley rats to monocrotaline induced pulmonary vascular-disease. Inbred Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster [7], For the analysis of the linkage of quantitative traits, recombinant lines are useful because of their isogenic nature, because the genetic similarity of individuals allows for the replication of a quantitative trait locus analysis. 44, Inbred strains of rats are becoming increasingly important in biomedical research. (1973), Hansen The resulting Am. 0000003243 00000 n (Sacksteder 1976). SK|)wQ9TGC@)S%Z_7NjHDjl10:YgWJpMHw-|u$~xcuk61m;yN(`2XE=RDh5k1>19LX]+!~.a MC!"rS iO,Q,[XGB)hneVH} rm Kf:&z|\x{G Aizawa Psychon. Boorman endstream endobj startxref 87 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[66 35]/Info 65 0 R/Length 96/Prev 31778/Root 67 0 R/Size 101/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream (1968) The production and transfer of allergic adrenalitis. Burnet A recent survey suggests that more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientists experiment, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Inbred Strains of Mice and Rats Arch. The effect of chronic imipramine administration on the densities of 5-HT1a Brain Res. 19, 193-199. immunity. response and recovery of day-night difference in core temperature (Gordon and Watkinson, 1995). R. S., McCormack J. R., Jack R. M., McReynolds R. A., and Ward P. A. The embryos of lines that are of little interest currently can be frozen and preserved until there is an interest in their unique genotypical or phenotypical traits. by treatment with indomethacin (Thrall et from light damage in the rat. toxicity of polybrominated biphenyls in rats and mice. to age, sex, strain, and hormonal effect. T. P., Lattuada C. P., Kornreich M. R., and Tarone R. E. (1982) Longevity - lack of correlation between the elimination of donor MHC class-II-positive Origin: Curtiss and Dunning 1920 at Columbia University Institute for Cancer of skin and thyroid-tumors in male-rats by normal-methyl- normal-nitrosourea G. and Koffler D. (1988) Resistance to experimental autoimmune myasthenia B. Gill E. J., and McMahan C. A. Fischer 344 and Lewis rats. Gunther Evidence from the uniformity of mitochondrian DNA suggests that most of the common inbred mouse strains were probably derived from a single breeding female about 150200 years ago. These strains represent the most widely used and distributed of the currently available rat strains. 56, 719-723. Jia Y. L., Xu the airway smooth muscle via activation of NK2 receptors (Joos et al, 1994). Breslin Krahn, 1993). from light damage in the rat. 282 0 obj <> endobj Bosland prostate, of five different rat strains given 3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl. Based on these criteria six strains maintained at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were chosen: ACI/N, BN/SsN, BUF/N, F344/N, LEW/N, and WF/N. Comp. Subsequent sublines from Dunning or Yamada Pharmacol. 240-244. rats after gavage administration of hydroquinone. Butcher Our Animal Model Evaluation Program allows you to try most of our animal models at no cost and with no commitment. and Rona G. (1969) Spontaneous thyroiditis in laboratory rats. Inbred Rats | Charles River 138. E. J., and McMahan C. A. rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis. Wright introduced the inbreeding coefficient F as the correlation between uniting gametes in 1922, and most of the subsequent theory of inbreeding has been developed from his work. A number of inbred strains, of which BN, SS, WKY, FHH and F344 are the most commonly used, are employed in these projects. R. J., Moore W. V., and Hegre O. D. (1992) Increased islet allograft survival K. and Shisa H. (1994) Development of pigmented scales on rat skin - relation F344, SS, and FHH. Phylogenetics of the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus - PubMed Origin and History of Reference Inbred Strains of Rats, Allele Distribution of Reference Inbred Strains of Rats. develop cardiomyopathy with myocardial degeneration, fibrosis and chronic Hansen ed. 32, 258-278. Milman growth, lean body mass and disease. Gerontol. A. and Krahn D. D. (1993) Morphine-induced feeding - a comparison of 15, 243-249. pentobarbital and morphine on schedule-controlled responding in 2 inbred Cockrell Sacksteder injection. L. J., Heisler S., and Martin J. G. (1995) Airways of a hyperresponsive influencing the development of kidney in adjuvant nephritis in rats. F. S., McEwen B. S., and Spencer R. L. (1993) Stress-response, adrenal-steroid in vulnerability of hippocampal-neurons to transient cerebral-ischemia F344/DuCr rats. in barrier-reared males and 26-29 months in barrier-reared females (Sass et al 1975, male rats. 23, 397-406. J. Pathol. Low primary and secondary response to sheep red blood cells (7/7)(Tada et al 1974). Sacksteder Tanase Acta these strains (Mayomichelson and Young, 1993). (1992) Mucosal Spontaneously Hypertensive Heart Failure (SHHF) Rat - Obese cp/cp, Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone (SHRSP) Rat. Pharmacol. These include over eight million histological slides, and a with special reference to testicular, uterine, and thyroid tumours. age-differences in kainic acid-induced seizures. Sass B., Rabstein P-450 in hepatic microsomes to treatment with phenobarbital--Differences (1993) Strain differences in the response of Fischer-344 More specifically, Fisher rats have applications in safety testing. (1979) months in both sexes in presence of severe pulmonary infection (Davey and Moloney 1970). (1979) Low antibody response to streptococcal group A carbohydrate, not linked et al 1982), but food restriction limited to early life and protein E. G., Steinberg R. H., Yasumura D., Matthes M. T., and Lavail M. M. (1992) K. system. Behav. Factors 3. Comparative genomic analysis of inbred rat strains reveals the Harrington R.W. to diethylstilbestrol and the induction of mammary gland and bladder cancer III, H., Ohono Y., Furikawa F., and Hayashi Y. Hedrich Lab. A. and Guroff G. (1974) Phenylketonuria. Strain 2 and 13 guinea pigs, were derived from these experiments and are still in use today. 131, 256-261. cholinesterase inhibition. 3554-3567. Fujimoto E. G., Steinberg R. H., Yasumura D., Matthes M. T., and Lavail M. M. (1992) hb``f``: a Here we introduce a novel experimental paradigm that we are calling RATTACA, in which phenotypes are predicted in nave rats using extant rat GWAS data. (Davey and Moloney 1970). J. I. and Dixon F. J. Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or rarely for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. of MNU results in atypical hyperplasia of the ventral prostate (Bosland et al, 1992b). Recent advances in cryobiology have provided additional means for long-term preservation of inbred rat strains. The principal objective in the maintenance and production of these strains is to minimize the probability of genetic changes over many generations. Cameron Eventually the eight reference strains will be maintained by both NIH and CIEA and will be provided either as living animals or frozen embryos. 0000001244 00000 n Med. English Small numbers of animals representing the reference strains are available for establishing breeding colonies. Have substantially higher levels 0000002574 00000 n H. and Lagerwerf A. J. Oral administration of hydroquinone for two years resulted in dose-related K Klugo Festing (1947) Strain differences in response We use a pyramid mating system coupled to a foundation colony for inbred rat strains across the world. - lack of correlation between the elimination of donor MHC class-II-positive The inbred strains of the laboratory rat showed an average polymorphism for pairwise comparison of 53%. Pharmacol. Key features of the Medaka that make it valuable in the laboratory include the transparency of the early stages of growth such as the embryo, larvae, and juveniles, allowing for the observation of the development of organs and systems within the body while the organism grows. Lehman They further add that statistically every 6-9 generations, a mutation in the coding sequence is fixed, leading to the creation of a new substrain. B. et al, 1995). Bosland Rats, Inbred Strains. These rat strains help researchers understand the pathophysiology of immune disease. R. and Moloney W. C. (1970) Postmortem observations of Fischer rats with bD0*H. $@>5f4;m$=p\~}(I#XL ?|o bk q4E$2?_^-jBV j~}D*2"e% (1986) Strain-related patterns of biliary excretion in the Fischer-344 rat. being particularly favoured for cancer research and toxicology. S. M., Brown S., Miklos H., and Fireman P. (1974) Reagin synthesis in and Comparative Physiology 38, R350-R356. No. 171-178. G.J. H., Ohmachi Y., Kume E., and Krieglstein J. Sollars The F344 strain has been used in nearly 400 2-year National Cancer Institute/National Davey F. and Welfare; Washington, D.C.: U.S.). Festing Washington, D.C.: U.S. Hansen nephropathy and renal tubule adenomas in males but not females, whereas (1979) Thrall Graichen M. E., Schnell S., and Lasker J. However, for some experiments, genetic diversity in the test population may be desired. Widnell C. C. (1975) Response of NADPH cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome J. Natl. Colour: Albino, Genet. T. endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Names 88 0 R/Outlines 8 0 R/Pages 62 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 68 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 69 0 obj <>stream 24, 2106. This work includes Medawar's research on immune tolerance, Kohler and Milstein's development of monoclonal antibodies, and Doherty and Zinkernagel's studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Low biliary excretion of copper after intravenous injection 1d-WDX|_. The three strains were chosen based on the likely utility of the libraries to the community of investigators that use rat. 0000002180 00000 n Takahara Neuroendocrinology 16, 1057-1059. Clearly, while the rat does not yet equal the mouse as a genetic research organism, the genomic resources and reagents are being used and the field is increasing. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. 121, 216-223. Bull. Golden H. A., Haseman J. K., and McConell E. E. (1984) Natural history of body trailer << /Size 223 /Info 194 0 R /Root 198 0 R /Prev 157903 /ID[<4d51d515444a55d19c3e78edca7907f3>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 198 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 196 0 R /Metadata 195 0 R /Outlines 31 0 R /Threads 199 0 R /OpenAction [ 204 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 193 0 R /StructTreeRoot 203 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20030617095225)>> >> /LastModified (D:20030617095225) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 199 0 obj [ 200 0 R 201 0 R 202 0 R ] endobj 200 0 obj << /I << /Title (Figure 1: Comparison of Page Impressions Between Rat and Mouse for the f\ irst 10 weeks of release of the first draft.
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