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Users will have been given an activation key (their 32-character GUID) that is entered here. Parents/Guardians may nowreport student technology issues to the online help desk link. Detailed instructions on how to access your child's grade report can be found here. Seleccione Parents & Students> Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) Paso 2 They will forward you to designated staff that can help you with your questions. How do I access the parent portal? DCSD IT: Infinite Campus Portal de Padres ltima actualizacin: 07/02/2019 Overview Este tutorial demostrar cmo iniciar sesin y ver la informacin de los estudiantes y la familia en el Portal para padres de Infinite Campus. The forms will not be accessible through the app. Services), Fine Arts (Learning & Performance Services), Health / PE (Learning & Performance Services), Instructional Technology (Technology Services), Personalized Learning (Learning & Performance Services), Professional Learning (Leadership Services), Psychologists - Student Services (Family & Student Support), School Improvement Executive Officers - (Leadership Services), School Safety & Security (Leadership Services), Section 504 - Student Services (Family & Student Support), Social Emotional Learning (Family & Student Support), Student Services (Family & Student Support), Curriculum & Instruction Academic Resources, Discipline & Safety Department (Admin. Please selectMORE in the menu to the left to start updating and verifying your information. Infinite Campus / Overview - Henry County Schools To ensure your privacy, Infinite Campus does not have your username or password information. If you have questions regarding the school meal application process, please contact the School Nutrition Department at 770-914-0815. 3. Get your Campus Portal information when you want it from your mobile device. 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228, PHONE: 770.946.7461/ Applications for Kindergarten students and existing HCPS students will open for enrollment beginning April 26, 2021. If an update or selectionis needed,contact thechild's school. Completing the application online only takes a few moments, yet the possible benefits for your family are many. District Name State Search Campus Parent and Campus Student provide parents, guardians, and students 24-7 information about attendance, class schedule, assignments, grades, announcements and . You can also request updates to phone numbers from the left navigation menu under More > Family Information. CSIP (Continuous School Improvement Plan) 2019 - 2020, CTAE (Agricultural Science) - Dull, Jessie, CTAE (Business Education) - Garrison, Brandon, CTAE (Family & Consumer Sci.) App Server:app1. Campus Student - Henry County Schools If you have a Campus Parent Portal Account and have forgotten your log-on information, go to the following link. To view more Frequently Asked Questions, click. How do I obtain a GUID Activation Code to create an account on the Parent Portal? Select Henry County Schools Enter Portal Username and Password to Sign In First time users may receive a message asking for you to review your settings. IMPORTANT: This year, you will be selecting a transportation option for each of your Henry County students. Parents/Guardians may nowreport student technology issues to the online help desk link. Monday to Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. All other new student enrollment applications will be open, however, they wont be processed for enrollment until after June 1, 2021. The activation key will be verified and, when approved, will display a screen to create theUser NameandPassword. It is time to update your family's information in Parent Portal! Fueling the body, fuels the mind. Parent Campus Parent - FAX: 770.946.7468. Enter the password a second time in theVerify Passwordfield. Search for your district by name (Henry) and state(Georgia). Qualifying families may be eligible for discounted fees for standardized test, as well as, college scholarship opportunities. It is time to update your family's information in Parent Portal! not visible on site), EmpowerHCS Student Learning Device Program. An activation key is needed to create your account. It is time to update your family's information in Parent Portal! This home page collects the most importantitems needing parents' and guardians' attention for all of their students and makes helpful information easily accessible. If you select, "WILL UTILIZE TRANSPORTATION", you should download the newest version of the Here Comes the Bus app and register to use this service for updates on bus locations, arrival times, transportation routes, change notifications, and other important updates! The Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) is a web-based program that provides all parents with the ability to view academic information for their student (s) through the Infinite Campus. Parents/Guardians may review their student learning option selection by clicking the "MORE" tab under the Parent Portal Message Center. Once you have secured your personalized GUID activation code, click thisNew User linkto create your new Parent Portal account. Online Registration (Annual Update) Each year students are required to have an enrollment application completed. The Campus Portal is a confidential and secure Web site where you can get current information about your child's school attendance and grades. Review attendance and absences Privacy | Access Infinite Campus Frequently Asked Questions, please clickHERE. App Server:c1552KY-APP004. PARENT FAVORITES: Accessing student grades. The information you provided during last year's Online Registration will be carried into the new application. Campus Parent - Fayette County School System Once you have secured your personalized GUID activation code, click thisNew User linkto create your new Parent Portal account. This will create the username and password. Once you have secured your personalized GUID activation code, click thisNew User linkto create your new Parent Portal account. not visible on site), ITS - Ann Armstrong (for demo only. If you continue to have problems, please contact the office. Campus Parent Portal link: Quick directions for setting up a student or parent account in Campus Portal You can access the application in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by requesting a paper application from your school office. Services), Henry Teaching & Learning Standards (Learning & Performance), Leadership Development (Leadership Services), Career, Technical and Agricultural Education, ITS - Juli Gilbert (for demo only. If you have questions regarding the school meal application process, please contact the School Nutrition Department at 770-914-0815. Access Infinite Campus Frequently Asked Questions, please clickHERE. If you have questions, please contact your child's school. Please selectMORE in the menu to the left to start updating and verifying your information. App Server:c1552KY-APP004. Middle school and high school parents may view their student's grades, attendance, schedule and messages from the teacher and school using Infinite Campus. Language: This search provides links to your district's Infinite Campus login pages.

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