majority minority districts definition ap human geographyps003 power steering fluid equivalent

It was a win for African-American . These disputes arise when the definition of the border is not questioned but the interpretation of the border is. The table below provides demographic data about each majority-minority district in the United States House of Representatives as of 2015. In Year 1, sales consisted of 1,200 units. \text{Checks} & \text{321} & \text{2$/ 2$} & \text{$\$ 4,700$}\\ At its December 31 year-end, these securities had a fair value of$29,000. AP GOV CONGRESS | CourseNotes Examples: Sweden|Finland, Focus on the legal language of the boundary agreement. The Census Bureau released data to the states for redistricting on August 12. The devolution of a state is caused by what kinds of conflict? A subdivision of human geography focused on the nature and implications of the evolving spatial organization of political governance and formal political practice on the Earth's surface. majority minority districts definition ap human geography Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit See more. Key terms Cases to know Brown v. \text{ } & \text{325} & \text{2$/ 27$} & \text{200}\\ The creation of such districts can avoid racial vote dilution by preventing the submergence of minority voters into the majority, which can deny minority voters the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice. This was the most recent data available as of September 2022. The 1982 Amendments to the VRA specifically named outcomes as a focus of evaluation (?). answer choices. 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 26-49 Minority-serving hospitals . Majority-minority districts - Ballotpedia Note: Data about majority-minority districts is based on information compiled from the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey estimates. processes that incorporate higher levels of education, higher salaries, and more technology; generate more wealth than periphery processes in the world economy. AP Human Geography is widely recommended as an introductory-level AP course. Currently, there are 26 congressional districts where African Americans make up a majority of constituents, mostly in the South. What effects, if any, do majority-minority districts have on the voters in that district? This was not true of the past. Do minority legislators accomplish things that others could not have, or change the terms of debate in ways sympathetic majority representatives could not have? NCSL's experts are here to answer your questions and give you unbiased, comprehensive information as soon as you need it on issues facing state legislatures. Unit 4 Summary. In the context of political power, the capacity of a state to influence other states or achieve its goals through diplomatic, economic, and militaristic means. the different types of boundaries including natural/physical, ethnographic/cultural, and geometric; (WITH THE NEXT THREE CARDS), boundaries placed on recognizable physiologic features, boundaries that coincide with differences in ethnicity, political boundaries that are defined and delimited as a straight line or arc, an independent but small and weak country lying between two powerful countries, a sovereign state compromising a city and its immediate hinterland, attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory, the assignment of a commercial value to something previously valueless, a group of states united for a common purpose, the acquisition, by colonized peoples, of control over their own territory, the transfer of certain powers from the state central government to separate political subdivisions within the state's territory, if one country in a region chose or was forced to accept a communist political and economic system, then neighboring countries would be irresistibly susceptible to falling into communism, established by the UNCLS, a zone of exploration extending 200 nautical miles (370 km) seaward from a coastal state that has exclusive mineral and fishing rights over it, the different voting districts that make up local, state, and national regions, a piece of territory surrounded by, but not part of, a country, a piece of national territory separated from the main body of a country by the territory of another country, an economic association established in 1957 by a number of Western European countries to promote free trade among members, an internal organization of a state that allocated most powers to units of local government, a capital city deliberately sited in a state's frontier zone, a zone where no state exercises has complete political control, the branch of political geography treating national power, foreign policy, and international relations as influences by geographic considerations of location space, resources, and demography, to re-draw voting district boundaries in such a way as to give one political party maximum electoral advantage and to reduce that of another party, to fragment voting blocks, or to achieve other non-democratic objectives, a place which no one person or state may own or control and which is central to life, a type of receiving state which is the target of many immigrants, group that includes two or more states seeking political and/or economic cooperation with each other, the military, political, and ideological barrier established between the soviet bloc and Western Europe from 1945-1990, the assertion by the government of a country that has a minority living outside its former borders belonging to it historically and culturally, the ongoing dispute between the Jewish and Arab populations in the former Ottoman Empire region of Palestine, a state that does not have a direct outlet to the sea, a code of the maritime law approved by the UN in 1982 that authorizes, among other provisions, territorial waters expanding 12 nautical miles from shore and 200 mile wide EEZ, in the context of determining representative districts, the process by which a majority of the population is from the minority; less than 50% white in race, involves drawing a line equidistant from the closest mainland points of each of two adjacent countries, an imprecise term for a state or territory small in both population and area, a country without two or more nationalities within its borders, a nation that transcends the borders of two or more states, (North America Free Trade Agreement) an agreement for free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, a culturally distinctive group of people occupying a special territory and bound together by a sense of unity arising from shared ethnicity, beliefs, and customs, the branch of art history which studies the identification, description, and the interpretation of the content of images, a state whose population possesses a substantial degree of cultural homogeneity and unity, a territory of northern Canada including part of the mainland west of the Hudson Bay and north of latitude 60 degrees north, islands in the Hudson Bay, and most of the Arctic Archipelago, a country's larges city most expressive of the national culture and usually (but not always) the capital city as well, process by which representation districts are switched according to population shifts so that each district encompasses approximately the same number of people, a feeling of collective identity based on a population's political territorial identification within a state or across state boundaries, a country which is formally independent, but which is primarily subject to the domination of another, larger power, the concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves, the right of individual states to control political and economic affairs within their territorial boundaries without external interference, a centralized authority that enforces a single political, economic, and legal system within its territorial boundaries, when states willingly relinquish some degree of sovereignty in order to gain the benefits of belonging to a larger political economic entity, disagreement between states over the control of surface area, refers to the shape of a territory; has five types: compact, fragmented, elongated, prorupt, and perforated; (WITH THE NEXT FIVE CARDS), distance from geometric center is similar, long and narrow in shape which makes it difficult to govern, have an area that extends from a more compact core, an individual or group attempt to identify and establish control over a clearly defined territory considered partially or wholly an exclusive domain; the behavior associated with the defense of home territory, a part kept open for foreign trade according to the terms of a treaty, a state in which the central government dictates the degree of local or regional autonomy and the nature of local governmental units; a country with few cultural conflicts and with a strong sense of national identity, granting women a statuary right or privilege, GLY2100 Historical Geology - Exam 3 Vocab, GLY2100 Historical Geology - Exam 2 Vocab, GLY2100 Historical Geology - Exam 1 Vocab, World History and Geography: Modern Times, Tennessee World History and Geography Modern Times. AP Human Geography Chapter 8 Vocabulary Flashcards | Quizlet In 2021, there were 138 majority-minority districts in the United States House of Representatives in 27 states. . Choose one of the following three options to assist in the process of learning the vocabulary: 1. The adoption of cultural and social characteristics of one society that is controlled by another society The process by which immigrants adapt to the cultural and social characteristics of the country they have immigrated to None of these answers accurately describes acculturation The group claimed that the districts were racial gerrymanders that violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. \text{ } & \text{2$/ 25$} & \text{$4,100$}\\ Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles. Stateless Nations: AP Human Geography Crash Course Review Such homogeneity actually prevails within very few states. Majority-minority definition, relating to a population in which more than half represent social, ethnic, or racial minorities, and in which fewer members of the more socially, politically, or financially dominant group are represented: majority-minority public schools. That critical mass of Black voters, Hollier argues, ensures he has a chance to be elected and give voice to people who have long been ignored by the political system. Redistricting is the process by which the boundaries of US congressional and state legislative district boundaries are drawn. The forces within a state that unify the people. State of Inclusive Growth in India: Some Perspectives The millions of people who were citizens of Yugoslavia never had a Yugoslav nationality; long identifying themselves as Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, or members of other nations or ethnic groups within the state. A principle of international relations that holds that final authority over social, economic, and political matters should rest with the legiitmate rulers of independent states. (ii) 6%? if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Erica Shumaker Caitlin Vanden Boom the segregation of blacks in South Aftrica from 1948-1994, the term used when referring to the fragmentation or breakup of a region or country into smaller regions or countries, an economic union in Western Europe that compromises three neighboring countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, there are two types: exclusionary, meant for keeping people out, and inclusionary, meant to facilitate trade and movement, conflicts of the location, size, and extent of borders between nations; states arguing over their boundaries and how they function; (WITH THE NEXT FOUR CARDS), focus on the legal language of the boundary agreement, focus on the delimitation and possibly demarcation of the boundary, focus on neighbors who differ over the way their border should function, focus on boundaries (especially on the sea floor) while in search of resources, boundaries often originated from old tribal lands and lands won in war; were meant to establish claims to land and were often small historically; (WITH THE NEXT FOUR CARDS), boundaries that were defined and determined before the present day human landscape was developed, boundaries that evolved as the cultural landscape of an area took shape, boundaries that are forcibly drawn across a unified cultural landscape, boundaries that have ceased to function, but whose imprints are still evident on the cultural landscape, the process that is needed to create a boundary; (WITH THE NEXT THREE CARDS), a legal document or treaty drawn up to specify actual points in the landscape.

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