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FAX Number (406) 444-1970: . Montanans with questions related to the COVID-19 vaccine or other related COVID questions can call 1-888-333-0461 or email Children's Special Health Services. Please join the informational webinars to learn which flexibilities will remain in place after the PHE. The Montana 67th Legislature passed House Bill 632 which allows for funds provided by the Department of Treasury through the American Rescue Plan Act to be used on public health and human services programs. $2,733,901 in Pandemic Emergency Assistance Funds to provide one-time payments to individuals in SNAP households with minor children who have become gainfully employed or increased their employment for a period of at least twelve full consecutive weeks. Cardholder Information - Montana Department of Revenue This funding is intended to provide temporary assistance for income eligible Montanans to pay a portion of energy costs or to provide emergency assistance in the case of imminent threat to health and safety of the household, such as furnace repair or replacement. Important Cultivator Tier-Up Information Adult Protective and Legal Services. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM operator even if you do not complete a transaction. Now that those pieces are in place, the agency is coordinating the rollout of this program with the existing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Documents Required for All Applications Photo of Applicant If you do not make a choice payments automatically go on the card. Most Medicaid, Healthy Montana Kids (HMK), child care, and other services that directly benefit low income individuals are delivered by contractors enrolled in provider networks with DPHHS. This report includes a series of charts that compare expenditure growth to the growth in the economy and growth in inflation adjusted for population. Electronic Payments - Montana 2018: Special session reductions reduce general fund expenditures, but HELP enrollment continues to drive higher federal fund spending. Look Up Legislators, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) dramatically enhances FMAP. Enrollment in HELP begins to stabilize in the 95,000 range. . In addition, funding will enhance information technology and data modernization (vital records system), laboratory renovations, and reporting and support for health department to establish, expand, and sustain a public health workforce. To cancel direct deposit or to change banking information fax or mail your request to Fax: (406) 444-6934; Mail;EFT Disbursements, Fiscal Unit, PO Box 202943, Helena MT 59620, Direct Deposit Contact Information Phone number (800) 346-5437 EXT. HB632 created a Health Advisory Commission to recommend how funds allocated to the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) are to be used. "This program will go a long way to help ensure Montanans maintain access to water . Health and Human Services - Montana Coronavirus Relief Montana receives Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) funds annually. Option 1 is for pharmacies requesting unlock and Option 5 is for members. Page 2 - Nancy-Ann Min DeParle l there were no formal procedures established to determine when bills to third party payers were due, outside of a periodic manual review of the accounts, and t DPHHS did not complete periodic analysis of the contractor's pay and chase recovery process to determine if the process maximized collection efforts. $6,807,574 (ten percent) for administration and operations within the stabilization funding, with half ($3.4 million) dedicated to providing application assistance, capacity building, technical assistance, and business professional development. This policy change contributes to state special revenue growth and expanded programming in DPHHS, 2006: HB 2 includes provider rate and direct care worker wage increases, 2008: Medicaid caseload increases while the states FMAP decreases. Funds can also be used for program administration. Joint Information Center - Montana States may use also funding to pay for associated costs to administer the benefit change. This funding is anticipated to be awarded via grant awards targeting general public health needs. The first time a payment is processedU.S. Bank will send you a card and instructions for using it. $5,640,385 allocated to Montana through the SABG to provide substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment, and recovery services to youth and adults at risk for or with a SUD. the The Children's Trust Fund Board will identify uses for this additional funding and may administer grants to support community initiatives and projects. ELC: Strengthen Public Health Laboratory Preparedness$142,473 to purchase specialized laboratory equipment and technology necessary for Montanas continued participation in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventions National Laboratory Response Network. DPHHS continuesoutreach to encourage other public water system providers to participate in the program. $1,004,788 to cover the Wander System upgrade, the urgent sewer pipe project, the purchase of vehicles, and the improvements to the HVAC system to increase protection against air borne pathogens and improve air and facility humidity at the Montana Veterans Home. Caseload in CFSD continues to rise. Agency Resources Reopening the Big Sky Executive Orders Montana Medicaid Eligibility: 2023 Income & Asset Limits Funding should prioritize child care deserts, equipment and infrastructure, property improvements, onsite child care, licensing, and employee training and professional development. hospitalinpatientservicesmanual - Montana Grants to Enhance Adult Protective Services (APS). Montana lawmakers discuss key education issues Find a Montana Medicaid or HMK Plus Dental Provider. You can enroll in direct depositby completing aDirect Deposit Authorization Form . Apportionment Commission, Financial Modernization and Risk Analysis An application can be found at or by contactingthelocal LIHEAP eligibility office. For SNAP, the appropriation is to be used for the 15% benefit extension, for administration, and for workforce training through existing programs in the department of labor and industry or through contracted private sector vendors. The following policy actions and caseload shifts contributed to significant changes in DPHHS expenditures in the 2002-2018 period: 1999: The Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is adopted in Montana, leading to increased HB 2 spending which becomes especially noticeable beginning in 2004, 2004: I-149, or the Tobacco Sales Tax Initiative passes. Visit more information. This computer is the property of the State of Montana and subject to the appropriate use policies located at: The funding is available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). On the next menu, select one of the following options: Provider Meetings for Medicaid Eligibility Redetermination and Unwinding PHE Flexibilities, Notice of Use of Protected Health Information. Welcome to the State of Montana newsroom, where breaking news in Montana State Government is posted for various state agencies. May an employer use a debit card (a "pay card") to pay wages? Commission meeting information and future meeting dates will appear on this website. $28,125,000 for P-EBT to provide a summer P-EBT benefit of $375 to any child eligible for free or reduced-price school lunch and to any SNAP child ages 0-5. If actual expenses exceed $3.4 million, DPHHS shall report to the Interim Budget Committee at the next scheduled meeting. For more information please review the ReliaCard FAQ Sheet and theReliaCard Fee Schedule. Click the double-sided arrow in the lower right corner of the image below to enlarge the graphic. Child and Adult Care Food Program. A list of LIHEAP offices is here, State Information Technology Services Division. All hospitals located in Montana that provide inpatient hospital services are eligible for a hospital reimbursement adjustment payment. SAMHSA/Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder - $10,500,000 LIHEAP/Water Assistance - $31,775,000 Serving Older Americans and Families - $1,000,000 Emergency Food and Shelter Program - $930,000 Pandemic Emergency Assistance - $2,726,000 WIC - $1,130,000 IDEA Infants and Toddlers - $1,223,000 Foster care services are largely provided by families who contract with DPHHS. Below is an organizational chart of the branch, including full-time employee (FTE) numbers, HB 2 base general fund appropriations, and the total of all funds. Based on the recommendations from Montanas ARPA Health Advisory Commission, Gov. This funding will support the administration of COVID-19 vaccine to eligible people. Healthy Montana Kids. Providers should not attempt to revalidate their provider information at this time. $2,749,578 to strengthen healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance (HAI/AR) activities to detect, mitigate, and prevent the spread of COVID-19, other health care associated infections, and the development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms in the health care setting. The Laboratory Services Bureau appreciates your business. Assistance - Montana DPHHS shall issue disbursements on an as-needed basis to ensure enrolled school districts and private schools can access funds in a timely manner in preparation for the 2021-2022 school year. Growth in state special revenue expenditures due to childrens mental health services. Contact Us Pay Laboratory Services Online - Montana To minimize, click Esc. Enhanced federal funding continues through 2011, 2012: ARRA funding ends and the state share of Medicaid increases. DPHHS administers programs by contracting with providers and in some cases through direct provision of services. Please check this page for updates on programs, open applications, and deadlines. SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Welcome to the Montana Healthcare Programs The department shall spend up to 25% of the allocation on weatherization assistance. Welcome to the State of Montana's ARPA website. Public Health Emergency Transition Plan SummaryConduent and DPHHS, April 20, 2023 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour), SURS Jen Tucker, SURS Supervisor, DPHHS, May 18, 2023 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour). The search box will show all locations where denials discussed in the manual. Comparing growth allows financial planners to consider past and future demands in services or changes in revenues. Committee on Judicial Accountability and Transparency, Past Interim OPTION 1: Last 5 PAYMENTS OPTION 2: CLAIMS STATUS OPTION 3: MEMBER ELIGIBILITY OPTION 4: PROVIDER ENROLLMENT SUPPORT OPTION 5: VALIDATE PROVIDER NUMBER OPTION 6: GET EDI HELP OPTION 7: WEB PORTAL PASSWORD RESET We appreciate the work you do at all hours of the day and night to serve Montana Healthcare Program members. 111 North Sanders Helena, MT 59601-4520 PO Box 4210 Helena, MT 59604-4210, Chief Human Resources Officer, Karol Anne Davis, Deputy Human Resources Officer, Ciarra Krantz, Civil Rights and EEO Officer, Lloyd Sparks, Risk Management and Safety Manager, Joe McAnally, 1400 Broadway, Rm C314, Helena, MT 59601-5231, Asthma and Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs, Nutritional and Physical Activity Program, 1400 Broadway, Room C202 Helena, MT 59601-5231 TOP, 1400 Broadway, Room B102 Helena, MT 59620, 1400 Broadway, Room C216 Helena, MT 69601-5231, 1400 Broadway, Room C216 Helena, MT 59601, Program Planning Unit 111 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601-6282 PO Box 8005, Helena, MT 59604-8005 TOP, Centralized Intake Unit 111 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601-6282 PO Box 8005, Helena, MT 59604-8005, SEARCHS Interface Specialist, Stacy Reedy, Policy & Procedure Specialist, Jana Maier, Federal Tax Offset Specialist, Nicole Lay, Employer Relations Specialist, Shawn Rafferty, New Hire Directory Specialist, Gary Dahlquist, 1625 11th Ave, Helena MT 59601 PO Box 4210, Helena MT 59620, 1625 11th Ave, Helena MT 59601 PO Box 4210, Helena MT 59620 TOP, Food Distribution/Commodity Warehouse Program 1400 Carter Drive, Helena, MT 59601-6400 PO Box 202956, Helena MT 59620-2956 TOP, Energy & Community Services Program (LIEAP & Weatherization) 1400 Carter Drive, Helena, MT 59601-6400 PO Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 TOP, 111 North Sanders, Room 305 Helena, MT 59601-4520 TOP, Medicaid & Healthy Montana Kids Drug Rebate Program, 1400 Broadway, Room A104 Helena, MT 59601-5231, Audit Bureau 2401 Colonial Dr, 3rd Floor Helena, MT 59601-4909, Administrative Support Supervisor,Afrah Al Asadi, Administrative Assistant,Andrew Erickson, 1100 N. Last Chance Gulch, 2 nd Floor, Helena, MT 59601 TOP, State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, STD DIS Program Specialist, Miranda Reddig, U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS FOR MONTANA, MONTANA OFFICE OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH CENTER, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Office of Inspector General (formerly Quality Assurance), State Information Technology Services Division, Economic Security Services Executive Director, Erica Johnston, Medicaid and Health ServicesExecutive Director, Mike Randol, Medicaid and CHIP State Plan Amendment and Waiver Coor., Mary Eve Kulawik, Strategic Planning, Research andAnalysis, Eric Higginbotham, Operations Revenue Forecasting Specialist, Jamie Bartole, Office of Inspector General, Michelle Truax (Interim), Operations Revenue Forecasting Specialist, Betty Morrison-Franklin, State Medical Officer, Dr. Maggie Cook-Shimanek, Office of Health and Human Services Innovation, CIO, Marie Matthews, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, vacant, Communications Specialist, Herbert Council, Faith and Community Based Services, Rob Lawler, American Indian Health Director, Stephanie Iron Shooter, Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, Chad G. Parker, Attorney, HIPAA Program Officer, Theran Fries, Office Manager / Administrative Rule Specialist, Valerie St. Clair, Administrative Rule Specialist, Kassie Thompson, Administrative Legal Assistant, Bailey Yuhas, Medicaid Systems Operations Manager, Shellie McCann, Bedbugs, Hotels & Campground licensing, Pools, Food/Sanitarians - Grocery, Restaurants & Retail Food, Tattoos & Body Art & Piercing, Chronic Disease - Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Vital Records, birth, death, marriage, divorce, State Refugee Coordinator, Kathe Quittenton, State MedicalDirector, Dr. Maggie Cook-Shimanek, MD, System Improvement Office Supervisor, Terry Ray, Local & Tribal Support Program Supervisor, Kerry Pride, DVM, Local & Tribal Support Specialist, Vacant, Public Health Accreditation Specialist, Vacant, Workforce Support Specialist, Allison Scheeler, Instructional Designer & Training Coordinator, Neva Loney, Performance Management & Quality Improvement Specialist, Marilyn Trevino, Epidemiology Program Manager, Heather Zimmerman, Office Manager/Financial Specialist, Jodee Prevel, Disability Health Education Specialist, Mackenzie Jones, Office Manager/Financial Specialist, Susan Day, Administrative Specialist, Carolyn Linden, Determinates of Health Program Manager, Margaret Mullins, Secondary Prevention Specialist, Mike McNamara, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Callan Brick, Asthma Control Program Manager, BJ Biskupiak, EMS Licensing and PI Specialist, Francine Janik, Cardiac Ready Program Manager, Janet Trethewey, Community Integrated Health Program Specialist, Kelly Little, Trauma System Manager, Alyssa Johnson, RN, BSN, Violent Death Registry Program Manager, Annie Kurtz, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Maureen Ward, Health Education Specialist, Alivia Winters, Administrative Support/Licensing, Sandra Tirrell, Body Art/Trailer Court Camp Grounds/ Cottage Food/ Farmers Markets, Mark Hall, Wholesale Mfg.
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