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Letters: Email: Founded in 1847, Chicago Tribune is the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group. Email: Op-eds: The Times-Dispatch welcomes columns from the community on the page opposite the Editorial Page. In digital form, The Washington Post combines its world-class journalism with the latest technology and tools, and encourages participation and customization across all platforms so readers can engage with The Washington Post anytime, anywhere. Preference is given to material exclusive to Traditional fiction is always welcome at Archive of the Odd, but the weirder the pieces, the better. Op-eds: Contents must be sent in body of email message -- plain text only, no attachments. Topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to print and digital readership. No attachments. is the leading news source for Long Island and NYC. Letters: Email: Most of their stories encourage the reader to see health or the healthcare environment in a slightly different context. Op-eds: Op-eds should be no more than 600 words. They are flexible. You can get in touch with Newsweek at Submit here. If your piece is accepted, you will hear back within 5 days. Article should be exclusive to the Chronicle. Include a bio. Our stories sort through all the B.S. Email: If a responsible publication relies on an anonymous source, it may be acceptable for a Newsweek reporter to cite it, but only after discussion with an editor. Email: Must include hometown. Fiction, poetry, nonfiction it doesn't matter. Letters: Letters, not exceeding 200 words, must include your full name, address and telephone numbers. Include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify your comments. Bay City - Op-eds: Email: All reports of possible errors are investigated with an open mind, in line with our corrections policy. West Branch Magazine is published by Buck Noel University and specializes in poetry, fiction, and personal essays. Submit here. Newsweek adheres to practices that minimize the possibility of contagion when writing about a suicide. Include the above requisites. Letters: Your letter must include your full name, community of residence, and a daytime phone number. Want to know more about Op-Ed? These are visual or sound-based poems that are not produced on the computer, but are scribbled, illustrated, handwritten, and even graffitied on a toilet stall. Include name of author, and brief biography on both attachment AND email. Newsweek is a premier news magazine and website that has been bringing high-quality journalism to readers around the globe for over 90 years. No anonymous or pseudonymous submissions. Submit magazine submissions to Letters: Subject to editing. To increase your chances of publication, join us any Thursday at 5pm ET for our Ask A Journalist office hours. If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. Letters: Email: Jackson - The Tempest Let us know which one in the comments! Right now you'll find opinion pieces on things like the presidential primaries, Oscar award speeches, police and community clashes in New York, and much more. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 133 years. Email: Letters: In their weekly Saturday newsletter, NBC News THINK has a letters to the editor section where they publish select readers perspectives on pieces that have appeared on the site: a counterargument on a matter of policy we examined, a personal experience that contrasts with that described by an essayist, a critique of where a cultural review got it wrong or even right. The Advocate is a student newspaper for the City University of New York graduate department, and considers articles related to their professional interests. Submit here. Op-eds: Christian Science Monitor is not accepting general, unsolicited op-eds. New York, NY 10007 Op-eds: Publishes opinion pieces on pre-K through 12th grade education in their Commentary section. Op-eds: While The Chronicle of Higher Education covers the academy, they are not a scholarly journal. 1400 character limit. They require publication rights for print/online. The ideal length is 600 words. Some nonfiction, such as memoirs and interviews, are accepted, but either way, you'll have to submit by early January to avoid submission fees. Assuming you've already picked the topic (and written the article), it's time to start narrowing in your institution. 250 words max. Editorial Board - Bloomberg If considering letter for publication, will call to verify authorship. For those who love American history and those who love to write about it Early American Life is right up your alley. Just make sure you pay attention to the theme for that specific month. Include your real name, postal address, and daytime phone number. 9. Email: You must sign a freelance agreement. Donald Trump Jr. slams DeSantis for silence on Tucker Carlson - Newsweek Please go to the following website if you would like to order a back-issue from the last 3 months: An arts and culture magazine started by Drexel University,The Smart Set looks for non-fiction pieces only (no fiction or poetry). One of the few international literary journals on this list, the Alphabet Box features original poetry, flash fiction, and personal essays. If you fancy yourself a coffee connoisseur, you've most likely heard of Brew Your Own. All letters become property of The Bee. Letters: Submit through their online form. Your Voice is based on personal experience and expertise. A former chief Washington commentator for the Financial Times . Letter must include your address and a daytime number. Letters: 200 words or less. They cover national and international affairs and arts. Include detailed description of what piece will look like and when you can turn it around.

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