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However, by 1835 ea was in part restored to Tmaki. Mr. Kelly 18 states that Pikiao married a Tainui woman, Rereiao, who lived on the slopes of Pirongia, where Hekemaru was born and spent most of his life. The contemporary decor comes as a pleasant surprise, with its off-white tones and the use of different building materials, which combine to provide a creative space perfect for an enjoyable . If this minimum were reduced to 18 years, the difference would be 10 per cent, or a matter of 50 years in the whole history from the great migration to the arrival of the. Hne Waitere, sons born to Marutehiakina II. Pita Mahu married Tirimata Karuwhero a Chieftess who occupied Maukutea before her marriage to him. By 1836 several traders were active in the local area, such as John Kent. KOURA, RURU., Koura=, Korako=Ruru, =Waenganui, Mataumoeawa, Parehiawe, Putuna=Rangihoto, =Hotumauea=, Ngahia=Hikaurua, =Pakaruwakanui, Pareteuaki=, Waitao=Whanui, Tukeria=, Paretewa=Tokohihi, Kahutiari=Irohanga, =Paretaiko, Maungatautari, Parengaope=Te Rauangaanga, Te Kanawa, Te Wherowhero. All that could be seen was thick white fog. From the first two 1840 meetings with Ngti Te Ata, the Crown and their missionary aids were unable to secure any signatures to Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Ngti Mahanga. "Loading - Collections Online - Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa", "Mere pounamu - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Chapter XI. This whakapapa account lays out the foundation for understanding the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana (in this context meaning political authority) in Tmaki Makaurau, but it is not a definitive telling. Although at the time Ngti Te Ata did not anoint Te Wherowhero as kingi, we still supported our whanaunga, for example, when we acted as a guard of honour for him on June 3rd 1858. This reservation applies with equal force to the statistical date, 1350, as it surely would be found that the genealogies used all derived from the few individuals of whom there are records on the canoes. Charles Marshall, a local trader, notes that in January 1832, he met a group of Ngti Te Ata fishing at Pukaki in the Mangere area. Quite apart from the fact that Mahuta is made to marry the great-granddaughter of his sister, Paretahuri,this is quite possible as a general principleit will be seen that there are nine generations from Mahanga to Puakirangi through Tukotuku and two generations through Atutahi. Another mission was founded at Moeatoa (on the Waiuku River) in August 1836, . This Manukau-Kawhia Maori-language copy of the Teaty of Waitangi, with 13 signatures, & is the only surviving copy with the signature of Colonial Secretary Willoughby Shortland. One would assume that the earlier Tuteiwi was an important tangata whenua Waikato chief whose antecedents are not recorded. In practice it has proved quite possible and not unduly difficult, using a large number of Tainui genealogies. Ngti Wairere historian and carver Wiremu Puke phones in to talk to us about his Iwi. Whakapapa is about people, it is a link to tpuna, to heritage, to identity. Te Ata i Rehia had a Waikato husband called Tapaue. Much like his father, Huakaiwaka occupied Te Pane Mataaho, but he shared his residence between there, Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill) and Maungawhau (Mount Eden). Ka huri te titiro ki Taupiri maunga, ki te awa o Waikato, ki Trangawaewae marae, ana, ko ng uri o Tainui waka. Similarly Ngamuriwai and Waikauhoe married the sons . (Tainui whakapapa, waiata, carving). Ngti Te Wehi - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Te Ata i Rehia had a Waikato husband called Tapaue, . Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Kura, Auckland. By 1822, the chorus of gunpowder from the Musket Wars had reached Ngti Te Ata rohe, setting our nineteenth century history off with an explosive bang (so-to-speak). But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. This Manukau-Kawhia Maori-language copy of the Treaty of Waitangi, with 13 signatures, & is the only surviving copy with the signature of Colonial Secretary Willoughby Shortland. Ep 105 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngti Wairere - Taringa Podcast It is likely that Kelly's Parehuka may be a miscopy of Parepahoro or Pahoro. 993.145 HIS History of Rangiotu, 1983. Te Ruuma Whnau Pani This room is available to whnau pani and kaumaatua only during tangihanga. Although at the time Ngti Te Ata did not anoint Te Wherowhero as kingi, we still supported our whanaunga, for example, when we acted as a guard of honour for him on June 3rd 1858. =Rereahu=(1460), Rangianewa=, Te Ihingarangi, =Hineaupounamu, Uehaeroa, Maniapoto (3)=, Waerenga, =(2) Maniapoto (1)=Hinemania, Te Kawairirangi, =(1) Hinewhatihua (2)=, =Paparauwhare, Tutakamoana, Rora (1590), Family tree. Ttemahurangi begat three known sons, and he married Metiria Waikato a Daughter to Te Riria Whareherehere, one of his sons was Pita Waikato later known as Pita Mahu Waikato of Ngti Te Wehi. Great Whakapapa - Aotea Great Barrier Island The Waikato-Manukau Treaty of Waitangi sheet (minus the signatories) signed by members of Ngti Te Ata. Huakaiwaka also sometimes lived at other p (fortified settlements) within the Ngti Poutkeka rohe, across an area extending east to thuhu and south to Te Manurewa o Tamapahore (Matukutururu, Wiri Mountain). Following discussion of this problem, T. T. Wetere wrote: 9 As a result of critical examination of the whakapapa I am now fully persuaded that the whole of the Waikato tribes' whakapapa would persist in error unless a thorough research is undertaken, and the error, if possible, righted. Matiu was taken as hostage in 1822, in which after Nga Puhi took him back to Whangarei and he was raised my a Chief there as his own son. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty, . By 1836 several traders were active in the local area, such as John Kent. The mana of Ngti Waewae: Gaining representation for Mori Ngti Raukawa - Te Ara But during this time of relative abandonment, some Ngti Te Ata maintained ahi ka in Tmaki. Symonds was working in the area on behalf of a proposed Scottish land company settlement. [1] Te Totara pa on the south . Sao Paulo | History, Population, & Facts | Britannica | The state reached after a wrong has been corrected through the restoration of relational balance via compensation of some form. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. From the Ngti Kahukoka hap of Te Waihua came Ngti Te Ata as we are known today, named after our wahine toa (female warrior) ancestor Te Ata i Rehia. | The exercise of authority by a leader who weaves a group of people together in the process. Tumainupoo was the son of Kookako a chief from Mataatua waka and Whaeatapoko of Tainui waka. For the sake of uniformity it is an easy matter to apply a correction to the figures in the charts. Indeed, it is fitting that today the Auckland-Waikato border runs just south of Waiuku. As such, Ngti Te Ata became an important and powerful actor in the Waikato-Auckland trade route that saw Waikato produce feed the growing colonial city, . It was also the last copy to be returned, in 1841. Chronological table showing some of the origins of Potatau Te Wherowhero, the first Maori king. Ngti Whakaue is named for our ancestor, Whakaue Kaipapa. Ko Ngati Wairere te hapuu Each of these Children lived at Mowhiti (Pkoka), Te Papatapu, Te Maari, Makomako, Te Urewera, Waiteika, Kaiariki, Paataka, Patumarama, Ruakotare, Wairoa, Maungaroa and so too did their descendants. 6 Throughout the charts each date of birth is compatible with every other. In August 1855, Charles Abraham noted that Waiuku was a particularly bustling place of trade in Tmaki. [12] The only solution would appear to be detailed research over a very wide area. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere married Pirihira (Ngti Te Wehi/Koura) and raised their daughter Meri and 2 sons Te Moke II and Ngatokorua Hone Waitere (b.1842) at Aotea Harbor. [65] [66] 2 October 19th - 100 Thieves part ways with sgares and Mikes is promoted to head coach. Te Wharekai: Te Mokai Ko Te Mokai translated as meaning a servant, to serve the people. The Pkeh had undoubtedly come. Ngti Te Wehi have tribal holdings in Te Taitokerau, Ngati Maniapoto and Aotea. Upon returning to Tmaki, Ngti Te Ata signed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni. Ngti Te Ata, through a history of ahi ka, has long exercised both rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga in Tmaki. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere sold land at Te Kopua in the Waipa for the Wesleyan's to teach their people to read and grow new food from countries afar. Ngati Pare, residing at Whangapoua. Ngati Mahanga The Lands of Hamilton West - Scribd Hekemaru, Maramatutahi=Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Waiharapepe=Matakore, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Parewaru, Ngutu, Umuroa, Kiringaua=Mahuta, Mahuripounamu=Horotakere, Hikamoeawa=Tamatatai, Family tree. This Ngti Kahukoka rohe included the Awhitu peninsula. Unlike genealogy, whakapapa is not fixed which allows for connections to seemingly distant people and places. Interestingly, Te Tawh and Wairkau were some of the only wahine signatories to the Treaty, carrying on the Ngti Te Ata tradition of female leadership. [10], Te Wehi's great grandson Rangitaupopoki of Ngati Paiaka/Ngapuhi and his Ngti Maniapoto princess had 2 warrior sons, Te Moke and a Tutemahurangi, whose sons Pita Mahu Waikato and Te Aotroa Hne Waitere who were in their 20s at the time, would have helped their dad and uncle Te Moke with the battles against Te Rauparaha as he killed Te Uira and a battle to fight for a Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aomrama at Makomako, Aotea harbour. Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. Hotumatapu, Motai, Puhaanga, Ue, Putetere, Rakamaomao, Uetihi, =Kakati=, Houmea, Uenoho, Tawhao, Matuaaiwi, Ueraki, Uetapu, Tuhianga, Taipu, Punuiatekore, Marutehiakina, Poutama=Panirau, Tokohei, Turongo, Whatihua, Haumia, Tamapoto, Te Kura, Mango, Whataakai, Raukawa, Kaihamu, Raka, Tuheitia, Wharerere=Kurawari, Rereahu=, Kurawari, Te Urutira, Mahanga, Whaita, Raeroa, Rueke, Huiao, =Hineaupounamu, Pahoro=Tuteiwi, Maniapoto=Hinemania, Waiharapepe=Matakore, Maniapoto, Takupu, Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Family tree.
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