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he taxed the peasants, not the nobility. 100 years war. AP_European_-_Chapter_4_Review_Guide - Chapter 4 The -- mysticism movement (St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross). -- new No. [33] While the war left all participants with unprecedented levels of government debt, only Great Britain successfully financed it. -Puritans fear Catholic revival, Married to Catholic (failed to enforce Anti-Catholic laws), 1637: English order Scots use Anglican Worship service -- War of the League of Augsburg. Enire review of Ap Euro terms. Establishment of European Colonial Empires in the Americas and Asia. A. [39], The Dutch Republic ended the war effectively bankrupt, while the damage suffered by the Dutch merchant navy permanently affected their commercial and political strength and it was superseded by Britain as the pre-eminent European mercantile power. VII. * Late 1600s Kings had less opposition to centralization, The Hohenzollern's were hereditary rulers of Brandenburg and Prussia 2016 - aug. 2016 6 maanden. Maria . the ruler of a land would determine the religion of the land. or less domesticated, divided or loyal nobility so that this period is known as the "Age of Absolutism.". Ap Euro Events Terms in this set (16) Peace of Augsburg 1555, ended religious civil war between roman catholic and lutherans in germany, each german prince power to choice religion of state, failed to provide recognition for calvinsts or other religious groups Council of Trent 5 & 2,000 ~ Vastly expanded Britain, Background: Death of Henry II, followed by weak rulers and regency rule by Catherine d' Medici Peace of Utrecht-Ends War of Spanish Succession: 1713: Watt's Steam Engine: 1760: The Wealth of Nations: 1776: . \end{array} The Westphalia Peace Conference just was a beginning in a row that led to the Congress of Vi-enna, another main event of international relations. goal: eliminate Protestantism in France & replace Henry III, Guise supported by Spain & Protestants supported by German Princes French-style ministries replaced the system of government. a parliament dominated by landowners and nobles of similar interests. This 1721 document ended the Great Northern War and established the political geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe. An ancillary treaty named the Peace and Friendship Treaty of. -- he learned the lessons of his predecessors (Don't mess with Parliament!) The Treaty of Utrecht that established the Peace of Utrecht, rather than a single document, comprised a series of individual peace treaties signed in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March and April 1713. Spain was compelled to give Britain control of the lucrative West African slave trade and to let Britain send one ship of merchandise into the Spanish colonies annually, through Porto Bello on the Isthmus of Panama. -taxation approval, no forced loans, trials, no quartering of soldiers Instead, the country was divided into a number of independent provinces, each with its own government and laws. B. Louis XIII (1616-1643) Issues: The Spanish-Dutch treaty was signed on January 30, 1648. C. Louis XIV (1643-1715) Catholicism official religion of France Utrecht, Peace of a series of treaties (1713-14) ending the War of the Spanish Succession. D. shift from the old market ports of the Mediterranean to the trans-Atlantic trade. D. Each person must deal with God directly -- each person is his/her own priest. After Effects of the Reformation: [30], The Treaty stipulated that "because of the great danger which threatened the liberty and safety of all Europe, from the too close conjunction of the kingdoms of Spain and France, one and the same person should never become King of both kingdoms". -Ferdinand III centralizes German speaking provinces (Austria, Styria, Tyrol) -Traditional restraints on women were lifted, encouraged to mix and play greater gender role (Family Life), Economics: -Germany in devastation and disunited to repulse foreign armies language). Article II, Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht. It implemented the educational ideas of humanism. Happened during the Nine Years' War. On Aug. 13, 1713, the Spanish treaty with Savoy was concluded, ceding the former Spanish possession of Sicily to Victor Amadeus II as his share of the spoils of war. Facing increasing competition from England and France, the Dutch lost their dominance of trade and the government became more rigid and less tolerant. -- he backed the nobility in the Peasant Revolt. -Son succeeds Oliver but resigns in failure in 1659 D. Emergence of a new eco. Test Act. France ceded Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, the Hudson Bay territory, and the island of St. Kitts to Britain and promised to demolish the fortifications at Dunkirk, which had been used as a base for attacks on English and Dutch shipping. The transition from the Middle Ages to early modern times represented a shift in emphasis The Netherlands was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the country's prosperity allowed for a flourishing arts scene. -- the Inquisition was resurrected (esp. The Dutch were known for their expertise in, The arts also played a significant role in the Dutch Golden Age. Test: AP European History. AP Euro - 3.6 Balance of Power | Fiveable The now Whigs were now a minority in the house, but still pushing their anti-peace agenda. Smallpox infects natives and kills off almost 40%. System of international commerce The twelve peers consisted of two who were. ~ Peace of Utrecht Players: Valois Kings=Catholic moderates, unwilling compromise ~ 1576: William "The Silent" of Orange -> Pacification of Ghent A. Hapsburgs vs. Hohenzollerns : AP Euro Sem. 1: Wars Flashcards | Quizlet 100 Years' War Ends . France's Eastern Borders w/ German States, Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes In fact it was the first time that the term ap- peared in. By grace.maley. -- Ulster Plantation. Some of the most famous Dutch painters of this period include, The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. Spains treaty with Britain (July 13) gave Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain. -- destruction of Amer-Indian cultures. I. -Seeks illegal sources of revenue trial by jury) and est. Email me your results to Utrecht (1713) 0. war. D. scientific method --> experimentation; observation; hypothesis. -- evolution of the Cabinet system. Be sure to use parentheses as needed. -Moves are made to restore monarchy by nobles w/ Charles II, Restore English monarchy under Charles II ~Growing scientific culture, Raised fears of re-Catholicization due to Ferdinand II's design -Eliminated political, military rights of Huguenots, preserving religious -nobility class lost right of taxation, reduced power of Estates The greatest good for the greatest number. Free European History Flashcards about Euro Dates -- unpopular military dictatorship. -continued hereditary office holders -- War of Devolution. ~1559: Appoints half-sister as Regent-> Inquisition+ raise taxes At this time, neither European power saw North America as a place worth devoting significant military resources. Eastern Europe: -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians IV. ~ belief 2 religions couldn't coexist in the same state H. Refusal to recognize the authority of the Pope. Semester One - Mr. Johnston's AP European History -enlisted the nobles as JUNKERS became officer class -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite Peace of Augsburg. B. the monarch of England now became the head of the Anglican Church as well. -adopts western dress, manners, style -Munster and Osnabruck in Westphalia peace talks, war kills 1/3 of German population, Rescinded Ferdinand's Edict of Restitution + reasserted major feature of religious settlement: Peace of Augsburg The Treaty of Utrecht, signed in April 1713, ended the wars between France and Savoy, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Prussia. AP European History Timeline | Preceden - Conventicle Act of 1593: conform to English Church or face exile/death, Deterioration w/ Spanish Relations: Colombian Exchange: import/ export of plants, animals, disease between NW and Europe Enlightenment thinkers felt that change and reason were both possible and desireable for the Paternalistic & brutally used for labor. Tags: Question 3. Chapter 17. However, these challenges did not diminish the country's overall prosperity and cultural achievements, and the Dutch Golden Age remains an important period in European history. The opponents of the treaty tried to rally support under the slogan of No Peace Without Spain. - Brandenburg-Prussia most powerful Northern German state As he had reigned over a vast global empire, the question of who would succeed him had long troubled . -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The Dutch were particularly known for their paintings, which were characterized by their attention to detail and realism. -weakened traditional parliamentary liberties Treaty of Utrecht - New World Encyclopedia -- never again would British kings be as powerful as Parliament. 49. - Parliament became more Puritan, sought reform of Anglican church France and Britain remained the most vigorous powers in Europe. The Whigs even called the treaty a sellout for letting the duke of Anjou stay on the Spanish throne. [5] Reluctantly the United Provinces accepted the preliminaries and sent representatives, but Emperor Charles VI refused to do so until he was assured that the preliminaries were not binding. no smoking, drinking, gambling, blaspheming, dancing, music in religious services. - Nobility exempted from taxes, *Major Sign of Fallen Status: Taking loans from Portugal, ended with: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Although judged favourably by contemporaries,[41] it was later argued that the barrier proved to be largely illusory when put to the test during the War of Austrian Succession. G. African slave trade established (Triangle Trade). I. Ask an Expert. ("Windows to the West") -divides Russia into provinces to extend royal authority pour servir de fondement auz Negociations de Geertruydenberg. oppressive class. the period of anarchy and civil war which followed the reign of Ivan the Terrible was known as . Treaty of Utrecht 1713 % complete - confederation = weak union of strong provinces [citation needed], For the individual signatories, Britain established naval superiority over its competitors, commercial access to Spain and America, and control of Menorca and Gibraltar; it retains the latter territory to this day. 1. answer choices Treaty of Utretcht Treaty of Nystad -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). -tightens service requirements of nobility as admins for LIFE the religion of the land was determined by the Holy Roman Emperor. \text { Year }(t) & \text { Cash flow } \\ This system allowed for a great degree of freedom and democracy, and it contributed to the country's prosperity and cultural flourishing. Le 2. The Dutch Republic defied the pattern of absolutist, centralized control that dominated other European nations during the 17th century. 1638: Scots sign Solemn League and Covenant (pledge to defend Calvinism) -> New Laws didn't improve lives by much, introduces African Slaves to labor force, Arrives w/ small pox already there. This economic growth led to an increase in wealth and a rise in the standard of living for many Dutch people. -Oligarchy of wealthy merchants (regents) controlled province through States (assemblies) and held all the power The Economy of the Commercial Revolution: (prevent a war between 2 Christian Countries), Cortez lands in Veracruz and makes alliances with Anti-Aztec natives. AP Euro Review Timeline | Preceden In the treaty with the Dutch, France agreed that the United Provinces should annex part of Gelderland and should retain certain barrier fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. [19] This was because Dunkirk was the primary base for French privateers, as it was possible to reach the North Sea in a single tide and escape British patrols in the English Channel. Terms - AP European History VI. Nations were looking for new trade routes which led to new explorations. Jean Bodin, a French writer and political theorist, believed that sovereign power consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the state's administrative system, and determine foreign policy. -- ecological exchange and its effects on both the Americas and Europe and Africa. -Birth of Catholic son raises fears of a new Catholic dynasty ~nobility serve the army and the state Also known as the League of Augsburg, an anti- French European coalition formed to check the power of France. A. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Protestants everywhere must restore Catholic beliefs and practices. -1st Fronde (1648-1649) ended in compromise treaties of Utrecht, also called Peace of Utrecht, (April 1713-September 1714), a series of treaties between France and other European powers (April 11, 1713 to Sept. 7, 1714) and another series between Spain and other powers (July 13, 1713 to June 26, 1714), concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Ch. 4: Age of Religious Wars (AP EURO) Quiz - Quizizz -- make France the strongest country in Europe. The idea was reflected in the wording of the treaties and resurfaced after the defeat of Napoleon in the 1815 Concert of Europe that dominated Europe in the 19th century. maintain a strong monarchy, standing army, efficient tax structures, large bureaucracy, and a more ~ defender of Anglican Church, Distrusted Puritans (Calvinists) Britain received the largest portion of colonial and commercial spoils and took the leading position in world trade. -States General handled foreign affairs Habsburg-Valois Wars. - January 1642: king attempts arrest several Parliament members, leaves London and prepares for War, Civil War fought between Roundheads (Parliament) and Cavaliers (Royalists)

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