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HAMPTON ROADS, Va. Right now, criminals are working to send drugs through the postal service. However, unlike the risk of arrest for buying drugs in person, receiving drug through the mail comes with higher penalties. The increasingly under-resourced organization faces increasing pressure to downsize, exerted by the government. For mailable controlled substances, generally both the mailer and addressee must meet either of the following conditions: Be registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). GRIFFIN received a 20-year federal sentence, and must serve 10 years of Supervised Release, which is the statutory maximum penalty that could be imposed by the Court. Can you Mail Drugs Through the USPS Without Getting Caught? With no answers about where the marijuana came from, the Florida couple was concerned for their safety. Potential defenses include: One important thing to remember is that in order to get a conviction for mailing or trafficking drugs, the prosecution needs the evidence to be solid. Our office is located in downtown Minneapolis in the Flour Exchange Building. Possession of a controlled substance of list 1 chemicals has some exceptions to the requirement to register with the DEA such as the following: To make matters more subjective, the Attorney General, by regulation may waive registration for certain manufacturers, distributors, or dispensers if it is consistent with public health and safety. If Charges Are Dismissed Do You Have a Criminal Record? This post was originally published on July 26, 2016. Postal inspectors play a key role in helping wage the nations War on Drugs, including cannabis. And the anonymity provided by the TOR browser and PGP encryption means your online movements are a lot harder to crack than barely-coded back and forth text messages. Caught Sending or Receiving Drugs Through Mail - LinkedIn If found guilty, pregnant women could face up to 15 years in prison and lose custody of their child. USPS, FedEx, and UPS all have policies for dealing with the shipment of illicit substances. If you have been arrested for receiving drugs in the mail, your first step should be to contact a lawyer. You can read about the specific penalties for each type of controlled substance being traffickedhere. What is the Punishment for a DWI in Texas 3rd Offense? Any individual who engages in shipping marijuana across state laws could face criminal charges involving drug possession and even drug trafficking. Sending drugs legally through the mail requires a license with the DEA. One of the main reasons a person may attempt to transport drugs via mail is because of the Fourth Amendment. This can be difficult if there's no paper trail and the parcel is addressed to a fake name. More than 200 federal laws protect the. It is impossible to know how many packages successfully are mailed. "People tend to assume that drugs sent through the post will be sitting on a conveyor belt with sniffer dogs going up and down it," Dr. Martin said. In some cases, the recipient can even get charged with drug trafficking in both the state the drugs were mailed from, as well as from the state in which it was received. distribution, importation, possession, whatever). Authorities said they discovered three pounds of meth inside the package. By accessing this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. State police in Greensburg. Also the online pharmacy shall clearly display a declaration of compliance with Section 831 on its homepage. Can You Send Adderall In The Mail? - Caniry ', "If it's sent to a house with 10 people living there, addressed to Bob and there's no Bob living there, then police are going to have a hard time.". If death or serious injury was also involved in the crime, the criminal would spend a minimum of 20 years, but not more than life, in prison. Whoever accepts the parcel gets arrested, and there will likely be another search warrant executed for the residence. The United State Postal Service is different. The police were able to seize the drugs from the couple and open an investigation, however, there were never any answers from Amazon. Jeremy Mercier, 41, of . How long is your license suspended for a DWI in Texas? Namely, what is the risk of mailing or shipping weed or edibles through the mail? I did not feel judged for my mistake, judith was very understanding in my situation. In fact, even though marijuana is legal or decriminalized in many states, if you are caught mailing it through USPS, it will be deemed drug trafficking. Ever since the closure of the infamous Silk Road and the media furor surrounding it, people now know of the existence and the nefarious proclivities of particular groups within the Dark Net. I have never hired a lawyer before Judith. Hemp products can be mailed legally within the United States by the USPS as well as private mailers like FedEx and UPS, though there are some exceptions, such as vaporizers, and legality depends on if the sender or delivery state has laws in place that prohibit it. Peter told me that during his time as a forum moderator on Silk Road "there were often panicked posts from people who had been contacted or raided by the police following a shipment going missing." Not only are packages given extra protection, as weve outlined, but the agency has also been losing money pretty much every year for the last decade due to a decrease in mail volume. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. Drug Squad Commander Jason Smith did offer the warning that "a drug conviction can have a long term impact on someone's life, in many cases limiting career prospects and making it difficult to obtain visas for overseas travel.". 2023 shopping tip: Check those packaging dates! As one of the countrys oldest law enforcement agencies, they work to identify and prosecute major drug mailers and intercept illegal drug proceeds that traffickers attempt to send through the mail. I had two misdemeanor charges and she got one of them dropped and the other charge got changed to a petty misdemeanor. Delta-8s legal status currently exists in a gray area; while the DEA has listed it alongside delta-9 THC on its scheduled substances list, it hasnt been officially scheduled as such, yet. Once a package is seized, a person is liable to face prosecution in both the state in which it was mailed as well as the state in which it was delivered. If the recipient was aware of that the package contained illicit substances, then they are considered just as guilty as the person who mailed it. The homepage must have a hyperlink to page containing specific information about the pharmacy including address, contact information and licensing etc. Denver, CO 80203. PDF U.s. Postal Service Strategy Combating Illicit Drugs in The Mail The threat of prosecution decreases if a package is not detected. The statistics provided are not going to tell us how many shipments of drugs successfully were mailed and received at their destination. Well, no. There are in fact cases where someone has received drugs in the mail by mistake. Surely you get arrested right? Most of the time, though, he assumed prosecutions rarely resulted from interceptions of small quantities. I was scared about it and as soon as I talked to Mrs. Samson I felt relieved. With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill came the federal legalization of hemp and hemp-derived products, which are defined as having less than 0.3% THC. A common practice by both FedEx and UPS in the case of a suspicious package assumed to carry illegal drugs is to have a law enforcement officer partake in a controlled delivery. Where the police officer would go undercover as a FedEx or UPS driver and deliver the package to the marked address. There are a number of defense strategies you can employ in this case that a defense lawyer can take advantage of, ranging above and beyond the old standard of thats not my package. If you have been arrested for receiving drugs in the mail, contact us today to let Judith Samson help you. The potential penalties double for a second offense - up to ten years and a fine of up . So if you live in a state that allows it, yes, you can ship delta-8 products (minus vapes) through the USPS. Her work ethic is beyond measurable and is very evident in court. Unfortunately, using private services like UPS or FedEx allows the shipping service to open any package at their discretion. It was the worst and most humiliating experience of my life. I would like to thank you for your assistance in my dad case. charged with more than possession, and it will likely be a felony, but it. VOLCANO (HawaiiNewsNow) - A Hilo grand jury indicted a Volcano man for attempted distribution of drugs after he allegedly received nearly one pound of amphetamines through the mail Tuesday . We pursue traffickers of all forms of illegal narcoticsincluding marijuana, which remains illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act and is therefore unmailable. Judith Samson, Attorney at Law If you get caught sending or receiving illegal drugs in the mail or through a parcel service like FedEx or UPS, you could be facing federal felony drug trafficking charges. A good lawyer will examine every aspect of the prosecution case to uncover any violation of rights or procedural errors. Eric Torberson is a licensed attorney in Texas as well as licensed in the federal courts of the southern and western districts of Texas. In the mean time you can get an Occupational Driver License. The package has been sent from Puerto Rico (a known drug source location), The package was sent from an address outside of the zip code of the return address, The name of the sender does not match the return address. In 2015 alone, they seized 34,000 pounds of marijuana from mailed packages. Sending or Receiving Drugs Through Mail in Florida - Avvo Selling drugs carries much harsher penalties than those received for simple drug possession in the U.S. We should also note that even if you did not mail the package and are only the recipient, your knowledge and participation in the planning of the shipping makes you just as guilty as the person who mailed the package. what happens if you get caught posting yourself drugs, what happens if you get caught buying drugs online. "The few Australian cases where people have been successfully prosecuted for ordering drugs from dark net markets, they've mostly been busted due to their activities in the real world and not their online activities.". Mercier was arrested after the owners of . The Consequences of Mailing Drugs | Cotten Law Firm, PLLC The judgment shall also impose supervised release of at least 2 years in addition to imprisonment. It is illegal to mail prescription drugs in most instances. Judith represented my son on a DWI charge, and obtained an excellent outcome for him. What Qualifies as First Degree Assault in the State of Minnesota. Despite these hefty risks, and the fact more than half the country has legal access to either medicinal or adult use programs, some cannabis users continue to dismiss the run-of-the-mill driving delivery system and keep mailing their product. A postal inspector can seize a piece of mail and use a drug sniffing dog to confirm a reasonable suspicion that it contains illegal drugs. In addition to removing illicit drugs from the mail, Postal Inspectors investigate and arrest criminals and disrupt drug trafficking networks across the United States. From my first contact with Judith until all was completed she was there to answer any of my questions or address my concerns. What Happens If You are the Defendant in a High-Profile Crime? We got a great result one we could not have even hoped Judith handled my case in just one visit and I didnt even have to go before a judge. The penalty for receiving drugs in the mail is drug trafficking charges. On the face of it, ordering drugs off the dark net is a lot safer than buying in person, both for your health and your criminal record. ", Plus, if you're ordering from overseas, your mail probably isn't being as closely monitored as you think. Like third party couriers, the USPS does ship compliant hemp-derived products within the US if state laws allow, and most states allow the shipping of delta-8 products.
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