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Contents 1 Overview 2 Appearance 3 Personality [2], We dont know what the name Barbelo means, but it might be related to the Coptic verb berber, to overflow or to boil over. That connection would be fitting in light of Barbelo having been born from the overflowing thought of God in some Gnostic scriptures. Jesus was sent as the son of the true God, rather than sending one of the lesser gods. (Looking back, I think I may have misunderstood something I read in Graham Greene.). 2010. These are different titles for the same thing; what is the Treasury of the Light? Abrahamic, Gnostic Elija (), in Aramaic, means the supreme, the highest. p. 59. Then they'll sleep around in my name, murder their children, 55 and [they'll ] evil and [] the realms, bringing the generations and presenting them to Saklas. At Sophia's instigation, Yaldabaoth arranged for the generation of Jesus through the Virgin Mary. It is above, it is below, in the middle: it is everywhere. 'fatherhood'. And, Master Jesus of Nazareth (Master Aberamentho) said that he came from that region. Master Samael Aun Weor called the abode of the Solar Absolute, in his book Hell, the Devil and Karma, the Protocosmos (the first cosmos.) This is necessary to understand, because we are addressing the light, which is the light from above. The common sense really can become very well-developed; in accordance with our work. The one above is rooted in Kether, and the one below in Yesod. Of course, we are talking about the Ing-land, England, of ancient times. Instructor: Well, Seth is the dark light. It doesn't talk about Kain and Abel; it talks about Seth. That is why, when people say that common sense is the most common of the senses, I say, that is wrong. The greater the concentration with which you sing the mantra, concentrating on what Bel is, and what Ilin means, the more powerful it is, the more forces you gather. Jerome several times includes Barbl in lists of portentous names current in Spanish heresy, that is, among Priscillianists; Balsamus and Leusibora being three times associated with it (Ep. And, that is precisely the goal; to develop that level of intuition, of consciousness, because it is not as though only he can achieve that, and that we are not capable of it. And, if we investigate a cell which is to the physical body what a galaxy is to the infinite of that person named Sam, we find that it belongs to that body, but it also has its own particular intelligence. This place is thought of as the abode of Sophia (Wisdom) and Barbelo, also called Ogdoad. Our solar system is governed by Barbelo. Jesus himself is descended in some fashion from Adams third son, Seth. Obviously, in most people, Kain always kills the common sense, the soul, intuition. But it is on the whole possible to take Babel, "confusion" (Joseph. Through the base of the amphorah meaning, through sexual alchemy Bar (or Ing), the child of Bel, collects the solar light, the strength of Yesod, the sexual energy, the strength of Malkuth (the Earth). Sexless She collected 12 pieces, and there was one part they couldn't find; the 13th. The region of Barbelo, is the great power of the universal God if we can call it God. We give to the gathering of many galaxies the name "infinite" there is no real name for it, in English. The Omeyocan is the navel where the Diverse becomes Universe. This is especially true in New York, where there are many languages spoken; there is a great confusion here. A Brief Overview of the Gospel of Judas - Reasons for Faith For example, in some Gnostic texts, Gods inexhaustible profusion of thought overflows, and a new being, Barbelo, emerges from that intellectual flood. Ye-S-Od is formed by the serpent, Kain, which represents that nest, together with the Yod. You might ask, "A river of music?" A Separate God: The Origins and Teachings of Gnosticism. All contents . Why? She is one of the gods, "a great power of the Invisible God" (373), joined with Him and the three "Thrice-powerful deities" (379), the mother of Pistis Sophilight" or heavenly body (13, 128; cf. So, that Mantra, that conjuration, is very strong. A quantum table of the radiant energy that comes from the sun". So, Barbelo is translated as, "the son of the Sun." This is the complication that we call nature; this is what life is, in us and in the universe. Where in us can we extract the light? Evil, Wrath, Corruption [7], The same view is attested in Gnostic literature, too. So, we will say that there are many levels in common sense. Do we have that faculty? Sakla, Fool, Creator of Humans, The Fool of God, God's Eater, Samael, Evil Michael, Right Hand of Yaldabaoth, "Anti-Michael", False Michael, Herald of Yaldabaoth, Vajuma Here, the world of Assiah, is the world of matter and action. The Omeyocan is also call Yoalli-Ehecatl, because of the wind and the darkness. That is beautiful word, Teuhtlampa. As an example let us listen the third movement of the 7th symphony. 2010. - Exodus 20: 2-4. how to recover stolen cryptocurrency from trust wallet; nc state hockey; firehawk aerospace dallas; brenda lowe baby name; observatory hill, pittsburgh crime; buying cigarettes in corfu 0 $ 0.00; 1981 high school basketball player rankings; The Nothingness, the Chaos, is certainly and without the least bit of doubt the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all the worlds that live and palpitate within the inalterable infinite.. That Alcyone is Barbelo. All rights reserved. Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Let us understand that when people say that they are Christian, we understand that they do not comprehend what Christ, the cosmic consciousness is to be Christian is to perceive that, to penetrate into that; not intellectually, but consciously. We have stated in other lectures that the word Bar-Belos is formed by two words: Bar, which in Aramaic means son: And, Belos which derives from Bel, which in Greek is written as Belos, and in Latin as Belus, and are rooted in the Chaldean word Bel, meaning tower of fire. 2023 He started just as any of us. In doing so, you understand that you are the rune Ingwaz, the shape of which is an amphora. We have to control Kain, which is the nest of solar energy that we have in the Muladhara chakra, in order to develop it. ", The Sethians worshiped the Great Light (Bel, Christ), they said that the light emanations of the divine substance of the Sun form a nest in us (in other words, form Kain in us) and that this constitutes the Serpent (the Kundalini). But, what do the intellectual animals do with that fire, that solar energy? The Gnostic scriptures portray him as ignorant, malicious, and utterly inferior to the true God who sent Christ to earth to save humankind from the demiurges evil world. I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. Saklas comes from the Aramaic word for fool, and Samael is Aramaic for Blind God or God of the Blind.[3] The meaning of Yaldabaoth is uncertain. So, if we ejaculate the solar energy, the sexual energy, we remain in darkness. This significance is reflected both in her apparent androgyny (reinforced by several of her given epithets), and in the name Barbl itself. Behold how the intelligence of the Absolute Abstract Space becomes the center of an infinite. And, 8 is equal to the pentalpha. It is the Barbelo. p. 53. - Samael Aun Weor. 2010. In some of these Gnostic texts, Yaldabaoth is further identified with the Ancient Roman god Saturnus.[4]. If the world had been created by a lesser being rather than the ultimate God, and if the world was currently ruled by a demonic being, and if Christ had come to correct the flaws of Judaism, why not posit that the Jewish creator god was the demonic being who ruled the world that Christ came as an emissary from the ultimate God to save humankind from the creator? Note, by the way, that the Gnostics could arrive at this position even while upholding the sanctity of the Jewish scriptures: everything those books said was accurate, but their authors had been ignorant of the true meaning of what they had written about.[18]. [32] In the formation of Christianity, various sectarian groups, labeled "gnostics" by their opponents, emphasised spiritual knowledge (gnosis) of the divine spark within, over faith (pistis) in the teachings and traditions of the various communities of Christians. In the most famous variation of narratives alleging Jewish onolatry Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Seleucid king famous for raiding the Jerusalem Temple, supposedly discovered, that its Holiest of Holies was not empty, but instead contained a donkey idol. 'shame'. Now, this Protocosmos emanated from another part of the Absolute. The most transcendent hidden invisible Spirit is not depicted as actively participating in creation. But, here in America, that solar light is symbolized with corn; the people of America didn't eat bread, but tortillas, made with corn. That is why the Master said that the universe is sustained by music; from my understanding, I see that it is true. The demiurge then created Adam and Eve and imprisoned divine sparks from Heaven within them. For Master Jesus, that which we call a black hole is not a black hole; it is a lot of light, concentrated. That is why we have to understand that when we are chanting this mantra, we have to be very concentrated in our three-brains. Master Samael Aun Weor taught us this, when he was alive; I made the great work three times, and in previous times I penetrated only into the Ain Soph. If that initiate of the Solar Absolute, if that Barbelo you could also call it Barbelo, individually speaking but Barbelo is something expanded, it is beyond the infinite. And then, in the centre of those mirrors, the wise man placed a candle, and lit it. In ancient Gnostic texts, Barbelo is the Divine Mother of all and the Forethought of the Infinite One. People talk about common sense, referring to our instinct, because we are still animals. In the Gnostic creation myth, Heaven which the Gnostics called the Pleroma, Fullness was all that existed until a divine entity named Sophia tried to conceive on her own, without the involvement of her heavenly partner or the consent of God. `I am (Aleph) the first, and I am (Tav) the last, Which, as the Master Samael explains, is the Greek Alpha and Omega, but from the Hebrew language it is translated as, "I am the first and the last. The Nature of the Rulers. In The Nag Hammadi Scriptures. Barbl is often depicted as a supreme female principle, the single passive antecedent of creation in its manifoldness. In order to comprehend this conjuration, we need to understand that our physicalities are crystallizations of the solar energy that came from space. 15, p.323). He didn't ask about all of the parts of the body, only a single hair of his mustache. The Ophites accepted the . Among the Gauls, Bel was the name of the Sun. So, the nest of the Yod, in us, as a serpent, is the sexual organs. They started to view the pre-existing Christ as the "self-generated ( Autogenes) Son of Barbelo," who was " anointed with the Invisible Spirit's "Christhood"." It is, in other words, a constellation. He didn't know the answer. The demiurge is given many names in the Gnostic scriptures, but the three most common ones are Yaldabaoth (also spelled Ialdabaoth), Samael, and Saklas. The first passage is in the article on the Nicolaitans (i. Therefore, the birth in () Belen or ( -) Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated ( Bel) the Christ-Sun understandable., "Unquestionably, it (Bel) is the Christ Sun who must guide us in the superior worlds of cosmic consciousness. Bar Aelohim is what the book of Genesis calls Bara Elohim. The infinite is quantitative although necessarily spherical (and unquantifiable). We gather that energy inwardly, and we project it outwardly; that outward projection is called our AU-RA, the aura. Race Several plausible etymologies of the name (, , , ) have been proposed. So, when the brain develops and creates Seth, we are done. "A molecular weight table of compounds.". Where is the Solar Absolute, Barbelo, in other words, in us? However "bar," in Aramaic, means son, and in particular, "son of" the word that follows. And then, the experience ended. But, when we learn to develop intuition, that instinct becomes an intuitive sense, and we say, "I hear the word of God." 17 Mar 2023 04:31:05 The birthplace of Jesus was (the stable of) Beth-Lehem. [3] Lewis, Nicola Denzey. The space above, of course, which is the 7th dimension, which is where the Logos, the Word, reside; that is music. 'strife' published in a 1859 Bible. So, the stable of Bethlehem is a symbol of the planet Earth; that is the stable where all the solar lights from our solar system, from our galaxy, from our constellation, from our infinite are gathered remember that different types of plants collect different forms of solar energy from different parts, different levels of the cosmoses that abide within the abstract Absolute Space, and this is what we feed ourselves with. "Materialism has no power over me," because I am filled with the solar light. The Gnostics took all of these pieces and combined them. Easy to understand, right? When we eat animals, who also collect the solar light, we gain that light. It comes to my mind, one of the lectures of the Master Samael Aun Weor, who said; we have to know ourselves, and, if we know ourselves, we will know the Gods and the universe this is the Greek axiom: Homo Nosce Te Ipsum. But the Gnostics influences all portrayed these divine helpers as benevolent and their work as in harmony with the wishes of the perfectly good ultimate God. But, if they say that the origin of that expansion is the big bang, an explosion, that is wrong. saklas and barbelo. [h] Thus he rendered Yald' Abaoth as 'begetter of Sabaoth'. People think that it means that Moses was literally talking face to face with God about what? Saklas also doesn't carry the nickname of "Evil Michael" for nothing, as he, unlike Michael, is an agent of chaos, evil and injustice, not concerned with taking the lives of innocents or carrying out destruction of entire towns in the name of "true god". Bel-I-Lin. [21] Furthermore, the story of the Exodus was adapted by Ezekiel the Tragedian into the Ancient Greek: , romanized:Exagg, a Greek play performed in Alexandria and seen by Egyptians and Jews. You came from the immortal Aeon of Barbelo, the one who sent you is he whose name I am not worthy to speak" (GJ 35:15-20; translations of GJ are taken from . So, Bar-Belos is the son of Belos, the tower of fire. Now, in the Bible, Seth is similar to Jesus Christ, in that way. We will say that the land of that Ing is here in the throat Ing-Land. She may possibly be the Baalti or female Baal of various Semitic nations, though the intrusive is not easily explained.

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