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Fifty states, District of Columbia and 4 United States (US) territories . endstream endobj startxref RaDonda's criminal trial is scheduled to begin on . However, was the Boards action fair and just in this situation? Nursys is the only national nurse licensure and disciplinary database. Nurse did not monitor a patient who had received an IV sedative that is sometimes used for moderate sedation. C. omplaints to nursing boards can come from . TDH Newsroom. This page has information and updates on nursing boards and regulation specific to Georgia. July 13, 2020 Vaught's criminal trial is scheduled to begin. Nurse was distracted while talking to an assigned orientee while retrieving the medication from the ADC. On September 27, 2019, in a stark reversal of a 2018 decision to take no licensing action against the nurse, the TN Board of Nursing filed disciplinary action against RaDonda that focused on three violations: Unprofessional conduct related to nursing practice and the five rights of medication administration, Abandoning or neglecting a patient requiring nursing care, Failure to maintain a record of interventions. As a primary source equivalent the data is provided directly from the boards of nursing. 63-7-115. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Available for institutions The professions that are required to submit information are: alcohol and drug abuse counselors, audiologists, certified nurse practitioners, chiropractors, clinical pastoral therapists, dentists, dietitian or nutritionists, dispensing opticians, electrologists, marital and family therapists, massage therapists, medical doctors, medical laboratory personnel, nursing home administrators, occupational therapists, optometrists, osteopathic physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, physician assistants, podiatrists, professional counselors,psychologists, registered nurse anesthetists, respiratory care practitioners, social workers, speech pathologists and veterinarians. endstream endobj startxref Also, disciplinary sanctions are not imposed for at-risk behaviors, including not following the rules; any system design failures that may have contributed to not following the rules must be examined and factored into the judgment of the behavior. How to report patients abusing TennCare benefits. I would have never wanted something like this to happen to her, or anyone that I loved, or anyone that I dont even know. Last month, the TN Board of Nursing disciplinary hearing was held on July 22and July 23, 2021. Nurse did not see or heed the warning on the vial cap/ferrule, , Undisputed failure but most likely human error, not reckless behavior. RaDonda Vaught's trial has ended. This timeline of the case explains `g"H>O|oD)svT>VZ9,VP{PVy9[K. It seemed the Board was holding a disciplinary hearing primarily because the patient had died, so there was a significant outcome bias. To make changes to your profile, log in to your account at: Nursys <> Listed below are the monthly summaries of disciplinary actions taken against health professionals and/or unlicensed individuals. @(!1a1Cv:KM60v#.MKbCg&b&pkaK:dplbvY)Z.9-U*AP%k]Y2Tud=xD"Q,|q]iv However, RaDonda also testified that the error was made because of flawed procedures at the hospital, particularly the lack of timely communication between the pharmacy computer system and the ADC, which led to significant delays in accessing medications and the hospitals permission to temporarily override the ADC to obtain prescribed medications that were not yet linked to the patients profile in the ADC. To view your current profile, please go to enter your license number and profession, then click on the Practitioner Profile link. Yet, the primary way to determine the differences between at-risk and reckless behavior is to carefully consider the system-based causes that might have contributed to the behavioral choices. Nurse retrieved a nonurgent medication from the ADC via override. Health Professional Boards - Tennessee Questions posed to witnesses were also misleading as they were directed at current conditions and not correlated to the conditions that existed in 2017. U.S. Tennessee law mandates that specific health care professionals submit information to the Department regarding details of their training, specialty certification and practice. Nurse did not verify that the proper medication was removed from the ADC. Table 2. And mistakes have consequencesbut apparently not for those lucky enough to avoid patient harm. e-Notify for Institutions is a free of charge innovative nurse licensure notification system where you receive real-time notifications about nurses you employ. Nurse administers IV vecuronium instead of Versed (midazolam). You can read the details of the error in three of our 2019 newsletters (January 17, 2019;February 14, 2019; March 14, 2019). Please include your name, title/position, organization name, office phone and . Nursing Disciplinary Process in Tennessee SURBER, ASHER, SURBER & MOUSHON, PLLC WWW.TENNLAWFIRM.COM (615)997-1914 6 Grounds for Disciplinary Action Rules of the Tennessee Board of Nursing describe the Standards of Nursing Conduct or Practice. After CMS released its report, RaDonda was indicted, arrested, and charged with criminal reckless homicide and impaired adult abuse. Board of Nursing Complaint Process: Investigation to Resolution. In December 2017, RaDonda made a fatal medication error when administering vecuronium rather than Versed to a patient in radiology. 1:00 p.m. Call to Order Board Meeting Both the disciplinary hearing against her license and the criminal trial were delayed due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Board actions may include: Fine or civil penalty. Yet, a failure to follow the five rights is often cited as a performance deficit when a medication error occurs, clearly perpetuating the mistaken belief that healthcare practitioners can be held individually accountable for achieving these goals. To determine what a reasonable nurse would do, the Board used a null hypothesis (suggesting no differences between nurses working in different systems) with a rigid lens in a vacuum, not actual nurses who were similarly situated, often leading to unreasonable expectations of a nurse. Disciplinary Actions - New Mexico Board of Nursing Disciplinary hearings are conducted in accordance with the "Open Meetings Act" NMSA 1978, Chapter 10, Article 15 and all disciplinary actions are listed on the Board website and published in the Board newsletter quarterly. Discipline was defined as a formal action taken by a board of nursing or a court, whereby an APRN received a formal letter of reprimand, a restriction placed on an active license or certification, such as a prohibition against narcotic access, restriction from participating in the multi-state licensure compact, suspension with or without a stay, And while RaDonda made a conscious decision to not monitor the patient or scan the medications barcode, she was told that monitoring was not required, and barcode scanning technology was not available in radiology. When a BON disciplinary process is based on substance use disorder Undisputed failure. The status and any disciplinary documents for individual nurses or nursing assistants licensed in Oregon are available on the OSBN Verification System . Projectionsbased on a single month, while not statistically accurate, suggest a large number of annual nursing license disciplinary actions may result from controlled substance issues. Investigation of the event did not include examination of recent sedation for claustrophobic patients in radiology or sedation with IV Versed to determine whether monitoring had occurred previously. ~\W3o3Vq~;?+|_y[OFCP"!$"1 fNr]E Xxo?_OxW/$w;~p.)}(z!% mR:muv P" NT/T*?UlaP=:> 3paRh ZC! However, the nurse was unable to document medication administration in the EHR or electronic medication administration record (MAR) while in radiology. Detailed information about disciplinary actions is available on . You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. License Verification ( | NCSBN The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Nurse failed to document vecuronium administration to the patient in the EHR. This timeline will help. Information for health professionals regarding the COVID-19 response. Lack of a thorough investigation. The Board relied on an incomplete investigation of the event, particularly related to the question, What normally happens in similar circumstances? For example, the investigation had failed to examine prior patients who were anxious about radiology scans due to claustrophobia to see what normally happensdid these patients receive oral anxiolytics or IV sedatives? When an individual is engaged in at-risk behavior, their internal risk monitor is silent. As ISMP knows well from the vast number of error reports received, even the most careful and competent practitioner might make these mistakes or drift into unsafe practice habits without recognizing the risks. Last month, the TN Board of Nursing disciplinary hearing was held on July 22 and July 23, 2021. The professions required to submit and maintain a practitioner profile questionnaire are: Tennessee Code Annotated Title 63 Chapter 51 requires the following information to be reported to the Board for dissemination to the public on practitioner profiles:, Tennessee Department of Health Publications, Licensed Registered Respiratory Therapists, Licensed Certified Respiratory Therapists.
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