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Search DNZB (Biographies) - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand They are aware of the impact this has on future generations. This has influenced the presence of English during the school day. Kaumtua and kuia are valued as models and keepers of knowledge. whakarato i ttahi htaka tautoko ki te tumuaki, hei hpai i na kawenga i roto i te rahitanga me te whakahaeretanga. Tene Waitere was born in Mangamuka around 1853 and was trained by tohunga whakairo Wero Taroi in the Ngti Tarwhai carving style, becoming part of the special Ngti Tarawhai lineage of carvers whose prolific works had such a significant impact on the Mori tradition of wood carving in New Zealand and overseas, says James Schuster, one of Tenes descendants and a carver in his own right. Ko Te Whnau-a-Ruataupare me Te Aotwarirangi ng hap 6 talking about this. Statistics New Zealand describes Tokomaru Bay as a rural settlement, which covers 8.38km2 (3.24sqmi). Kua uru mai ki te kura tahi konga e mau ana i te iti noa o te reo. The whnau engage more consistently indecision making meetings. Mrs Henry believes that this young man, while working in our community, possibly signed up with her Uncle Amo PENE, the other Maori name on the Obelisk, and would love to host members of the Tokomaru Bay clan at our service, or when passing through Gordonton. These talents and skills are beginning to emerge in students., 54 eye street N te tau 2016 ttahi tumuaki hou i whakatngia ai. E mhio ana rtou ki a rtou an me t rtou trangawaewae. The local schools Te Kura Kaupapa Mori o ng Taonga Tturu o Tokomaru and Htea-arangi fulfil the hopes of local youth whether they choose to stay in the district or leave. He was a kaiwhina for many years before completing teacher training. +64 6-864 5784. Extent includes the whole of the structure known as Tokomaru Bay Wharf, which extends south-east from the land parcel described as Sec 1 Blk IVA Tokomaru SD (RT GS3A/716), Gisborne Land District and across the beach front and into Tokomaru Bay (refer to map tabled at the Board meeting on 27 June 2013). Best adventure: Go surfing or at least play in the waves. Some students with limited language have enrolled at the kura. There is language support for students through kaiwhina and kairahi i te reo. Uawa / Tolaga Bay in all its sunny glory. TAUA,Tukaki Whare Tokomaru is where I am from Option Two - use this if you wish to acknowledge local landmarks (land and water) in the region you grew up in or you live in. The putaiao fair shows the extent to which students are able to describe their projects in te reo Mori to their peers and adults. This small idyllic bay is surrounded by forest and coastal bush and the perfect spot to swim and surf. In the 1970s, Teka performed solo in Sydney and Southeast Asian clubs, his extravagant stage wardrobe including rhinestone jackets and embroidered skirts cut for his one hundred and forty kilogram frame. (027) 684 7906 Students are prepared well when they transition into wharekura programmes particularly in whaikrero, Pngarau and Ptaiao. Extent of List Entry. Big business: Forestry, followed closely by farming. Industrious, Prolific and Renowned for hisExploits, Kahukuranui and T-te-ihonga Like Father LikeSon, Rkaipaaka meets Ttekohe A Dog of aDinner. Ka ta hono atu ng konga ki te hangarau matihiko, , he pakari t rtou whakamahinga. Southland 9812 PDF #HonoChallenge: Build your pepeha - Ara Institute of Canterbury This marae is under Te Rnanga o Koukourarata. Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti and the transit of Venus - Taylor & Francis I roto i nei tuhinga i oati rtou i whia e rtou ng huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i rtou herenga -ture e p ana ki: I te w o te arotake, i whakamtauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mtauranga ng huatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pnga o nei ki ng paetae o ng konga: Kia tutuki i te whnau rtou herenga -ture, me tahuri ki te: E taunaki ana Te Tari Arotake Mtauranga kia tautokona te whnau e Te Rnanga Nui o Ng Kura Kaupapa Mori o Aotearoa ki te: E t ana Te Kura Kaupapa Mori o Ng Taonga Tturu ki Tokomaru, ki te whanga o Tokomaru, i te raki o Tranga-nui-a-Kiwa. E whakawhanake ana te mia, te kiritau hoki o ng konga. Travelling to Tairwhiti? Seventy years-plus young and still going strong topping it off with a first placing in the recent Tamararo competition held just last month here in Gisborne. They encourage students to explore local landmarks that are renowned for kaimoana, different harakeke and whi tapu. Page 4. Post-European conflicts and developments - Te Ara Although kaiako are fluent speakers of te reo o Ngti Porou, students school wide prefer to express themselves in English. Whakakau Paikea - Hei Whakakau he tipua - Hei Whakakau he taniwha - Hei Ka Paikea ki Ahuahu Pakia. Fishing is also big round here, off the rocks . Best-kept secret: The whole East Cape is a bit of a secret. The two hapu share the same gene logical basis, and geographical area. They share pepeha and learn karakia. Although they help out at kura they should consider increasing their support of staff and students by joining in with more school activities. The area around the bay has long been a Mori stronghold. Ka whakaemi pakihia ng mhiohio. E whakarato ana te whnau i ttahi mtauranga motuhake e hngai ana ki ng tino uaratanga, ng tino whakapono hoki o Ng Tturu o Tokomaru. Pa Wars is also a big deal, moving around various marae in the region. Dairying Heritage Research 1. TKKM o Tokomaru is located in the small, rural community of Tokomaru Bay, East Coast. They are immersed in te reo me ng tikanga o Ngti Porou. [10], Te Ariuru Marae and Te Poho o Te Aotawarirangi meeting house, located in the northern bay, is a meeting place of another Ngti Porouhap hap, Te Whnau a Te Aotawarirangi. 1,168 people follow this. They have visited special places in their area and know the significance of this as their trangawaewae. Most of the new carving were undertaken by master carver John Rua (Ngi Thoe). Take note, rugby games bring the whole community out so if you're lucky you might catch a match when they kickoff on a Saturday. However I will pass on your enquiry to some people from that rohe, that may be able to help you out. E whakawhnui ana hoki ng konga i rtou reo, m te rotarota, te tito waiata, , hei whakaari hoki, , e eke angitu ana hoki ki ng whakataetae -takiw, -rohe hoki i roto i te reo Mori me te reo Pkeh. If information about your marae needs to be updated, corrected or added to, please contact us here That led to further work through Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Caribbean and of course the Pacific. Kids love: Fishing off the wharf, horse riding on the beach and playing by the sea. In Australia Tui quickly graduated from sweeping up after the elephants to singing and performing, and he learned showmanship traveling round the continent. There are high expectations for students to succeed. ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years. A committed band of locals has been working for years to raise money for the rebuild which they hope will reinvigorate the town. Kaiako have organised after kura wnanga pngarau and pnui on local marae involving whnau, kaumtua and kuia to support student learning. Kaiako have introduced a programme to support on-line learning. Students are recognised for their high achievement. MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare Students have individualised programmes of learning. Ko t te whnau tirohanga, he whakapmau i ng tikanga o te hap me te iwi. About a 90-minute drive from central Gisborne, Anaura Bay is a picture-perfect beach paradise. In October 2020, the Government committed $14,267,895 from the Provincial Growth Fund to upgrade 59 marae in the district, with the intention of creating 393.6 jobs. Carry on the discussion on Twitter or our Facebook page. Students are developing an enjoyment for learning. Famous local: Baye Riddell, renowned Maori ceramicist, has fans coming from all over the world to peruse and buy his wares. This iconic feature symbolises the history of the people of Tokomaru, from its earliest inhabitants and settlers to those who today recognise it as home. It was opened by the Governor-General Sir Cyril Newall on 9 July 1944. Most students have the language to communicate in te reo Mori. Students are eager to learn about te ao Mori and the wider world. Ka noho hihiri ng konga ki te ako. This is reflected in re-establishing Ringat karakia, waiata tawhito and connecting with marae and people in the local and wider communities. Tokomaru Bay & Anaura Bay | Tairwhiti Gisborne NZ The heke came from an old meeting house in Tokomaru Bay, gifted from the Potae whnau. Enjoy a gorgeous hike along the Anaura Bay Walkway and soak up all the views. The funding was expected to create 205 jobs. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Ko te reo o ng konga e tautokona ana e ng kaiwhina me te kairahi i te reo. Early Pioneer Research This is well known proverb pepeha reflecting a time when the Rangitne people were numerous and powerful and had many settlements throughout Hawke's Bay, Manawat, Wairarapa, Wellington and in the Wairau district. ng whakahaere m te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana, te haumaru aronganui o ng konga (tpiri atu ki te rai i ng mahi whakawetiweti me ng mahi whakaaito), te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 3. The whanau provide a unique education that reflects the distinctive values and beliefs of Ng Tturu o Tokomaru.

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