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Whereas ORCID is "a platform-agnostic identifier," ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID are connected to proprietary, subscription-based systems. Enter the journal name (use the journals full name) and select "Publication Name" in the pull-down menu. Get help from a librarian through chat, email or phone, 1 Gustave L. Levy PlaceNew York, NY 10029-5674, The h-index is an index to quantify an individuals scientific research output (, The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist. Write the author's last name and the first letter in his/her first name in the author field (example: Petri Helo -> helo p*) 2. jQuery(function () { Web of Science counts the number of papers published, therefore favors authors who publish more and are more advanced into their careers. How to use Web of Science to calculate your h-index .overlay { This is usually due to incorrect or sloppy referencing of a paper by others, which causes Google Scholar to believe that the referenced works are different. Web of Science: h-index information - Clarivate H-Index Using Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar Introduction: H-Index H-Index Using Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar Describes an H-index and instructions on formulating one using Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar. Video tutorialexplaining how to find h-Index inWeb of Science. The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist. To find the citation counts to your own articles: Enter the name of the author in the top search box (e.g. Safari. (sign in for off campus use, if necessary). Youmaywant to use the author search suggested from the video below for a complete search strategy. Remember, only citations from the set of journals, books and conference proceedings within this database will be included in this citation count. Enter the name of the author in the search box. On the results page, change the Sort by box to (upper right of the list) to Times Cited-Highest to Lowest; the articles that then appear at the top of the list are the authors most cited. Journal coverage extends back to 1900, depending on the discipline (e.g., Arts & Humanities or Social Sciences). The h-Index will display on the results page. 61801, 2016 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. How do I check my h-index on Google Scholar? Use the author name with first initial, then then click on the "Add Author Name Variant" button to enter the author's name with first and middle initials. 2. Search Web of Science. Franklin KT*. the content of this page, In the right-hand column, click on the "Create Citation Alert" button. In locating someone's h-index a number of methodologies/databases may be used. Jennifer Smith is a researcher from the School of Public Health, University of Michigan. The h-index is not something that needs to be calculated on a daily basis, but it's good to know where you are for several reasons. If so, you'll have access to it when you're on the campus network. Click the number next to "times cited" to view the articles that have cited your article. } Select Author from the drop-down menu on the right. 1. report_problem sentiment_dissatisfied wifi_off battery_alert power_settings_new rowing build format_paint. If you need to remove some false positive hits, then simply select the check-box of the entry and then hit the "Go" button. springSpace.Common.baseURL = "https://libguides.mssm.edu/"; For example, take the following author's publication records: This author has written 5 articles. 1. View of your own Beamplot and Geographic Citation Map. This box also contains the author's total number of publications, total number of times cited, and total citing articles. Some authors work for more than one institution/unit during their career and some are appointed to more than one unit at a time. In addition to the free features, this gives users: The ability to create their own Web of Science Researcher Profile. For example, a publication with five articles cited. 2. You will be able to indicate your interest in reviewing for certain journals via your review settings when that feature is completed. When you're off campus, take a look at our off campus access database to see if your institution is listed. It could also be calculated for a limited number of years, or for a journal, department, research group, etc. springSpace.Common = springSpace.Common || { }; For instance, Scopus only considers work from 1970 or later, while the Web of Science calculates an h-Index using all years that an institution has subscribed to. When you do this, we add new journal titles to our list automatically. Any author with a paper indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection has an author record. Describes an H-index and instructions on formulating one using Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar. .title { The h-index can never decrease. These were primarily used to filter the researcher browse table which is now gone so they were not brought across. Digitized items from libraries around the world. This will show all the times the articles have been cited by other documents in Google Scholar. 1. You can narrow your search results further by deselecting individual articles. Smith JT). } On the left side of the results page is the Create Citation Report indicator which will display the h-index and Average Citations per item/year and other statistics. The values can differ in the 2 databases based on the different dates covered as well as different journals included. (You can also search Google Scholar by author name and the title of an article to retrieve citation information for a specific article.). The most effective search is by author. How do I find the h-index for an author?: Home - Mayo However, a scholar's work may be published in journals not covered by Web of Science. ResearcherID is a unique identifier to enable researchers to manage their publication lists, track citations and h-index, identify potential collaborators and avoid author misidentification. It has often been observed that Web of Science may sometimes produce a more authoritative h-index than Publish or Perish. It is not possible to add these to the databases citation report and go towards the h-index. You may want to check both Web of Science and Scopus to compare values (or ask a librarian for assistance). Web of Science Researcher Profiles On the results list, click on the item's title to display the full record. How do I check my h-index on Scopus? The ability to indicate your interest in reviewing for a journal. If more than one profile appears, click on your profile (or the profile of the person you are examining). the Contemporary H-Index. IL The ability to search for Researcher Profiles using Researcher Search. Due to the sheer size of the migration from Publons to Web of Science not all features could be completed in time for launch. handleScroll=function() { Web of Science is a database that has compiled millions of articles and citations. If so, you'll have access to it when you're on the campus network. Once the results are posted, click on "Select All" and then on "Finish Search.". Smith J.T.). How to calculate your h-index on Google Scholar, How to calculate your h-index using Scopus, Writing dissertation acknowledgments: What you need to know, How to give a good scientific presentation, Step 2: Screening the search results and creating a citation report, Step 3: Assess the Web of Science h-index, Trouble shooting: what to do when there are articles that where wrongly assigned, It's not just authors you can calculate a h-index for on Web of Science, Frequently Asked Questions about using Web of Science to calculate your h-index. The next step is to screen the search results if they really list the author we have been looking for. If the user wishes to build a list based on multiple versions of an authors name or multiple authors, s/he can conduct multiple searches, each time using the Add to Marked List button between each search: Once all citations are collected using the Add to Marked List feature, the user may click the Marked List button in the upper right corner of the screen to obtain a full list of all citations: From the new page of results, scroll down the page and click on the Create Citation Report link to produce an h-index score based on all the items in the marked list: All images used in McDermott Library Research Guides are sourced from CC0, no attribution licenses unless otherwise cited. This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Be Aware: The Citation Report only analyzes the correct citations to the unit's journal articles published in the journals coveredby the Web of Science; variant-citations are not covered, nor can an analysis be done on the unit'sbooks, conference papers, patents, other non-journal documents or on articles from journals not covered by the Web of Science. Yes, the last name goes first! Access to Web of Science Researcher Search or Document Search. There are two methods for determining the most highly cited papers by an author: This method can only be used for journals covered by the Web of Science; variant citations are not included in the citation determination. Accordingly, it is important to go through the list and deselect any works by the wrong author. It is interdisciplinary and covers all scientific areas, but it only covers select material including what it considers to be the "best" journals as well as concentrating on those in English. The h-index may vary significantly depending on how long the scholar has been publishing and on the number of articles theyve published. 2. For a thorough analysis of the impact of an author or a publication, one needs to look in multiple databases to find all possible cited references. Depending on the discipline and cited article, it may find more cited references than Web of Science or Scopus because overall, Google Scholar is indexing more journals and more publication types than other databases. @media (max-width: 700px) { It indexes o. ver 15,000 journals from over 4,000 international publishers across the disciplines. Thus, more emphasis is given to recent articles thereby favoring the h-index of scholars who are actively publishing. Use the numbers in the search history, available under Advanced Search to do this. /* fixes ask a librarian and events sidebar widgets display issues*/ For example, a scholar with an h-index of 5 had published 5 papers, each of which has been cited by others at least 5 times. font-size:x-small !important; For example: Any author with a paper indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection has an author record. If you wish to see how the person's h-index has changed over a time period you can use the drop-down menus below to specify a range of years. Its quick and easy to maintain, can be exported for use as evidence of your research outputs in various applications, and provides valuable insights into your publication and review history. Click on Citation Report on the right hand corner of the results page. To ensure accuracy if it is a popular name, you may enter University of Illinois in the affiliation field. IL You can still calculate a h-index, but it requires some manual work. It indexes over 12,000 journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Information on how to use library resources for citation analysis, including information about impact factors, journal rankings, altmetrics and how to find who has cited an article.. Theh-index might increase over time. The h Index is based on a scholar's most cited worksand the number of times these have been referenced in other scholars' publications. The Portal allows publishers to securely log in and submit journals for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collection and provides a way to view the status of all submitted journals. Once complete, this will show all the times the articles have been cited by other documents in Google Scholar and your h-index will be provided. Your h-index will appear at the top of the tool. IL Web of Science: Calculating h-index for Specific Years - Clarivate
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