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Central to the black radical tradition's architecture are inquiries into the concepts of freedom, race, equality, rights, and humanism; meaning of "radical"; the national-transnational relationship; notions of leadership; status of global capitalism; the nexus of theory and praxis; and revolutionary politics. This course provides a historical and theoretical context for understanding what is unique about President Trump's approach to American foreign policy in the 21st century. And is there anything that can be done to stop or slow them? They have led to, or expressed, political divisions, clashing loyalties, and persistent and sometimes consuming violence. Thirty years later the future looks seriously derailed. Theorists we read will represent many kinds of feminist work that intersect with the legal field, including academic studies in political theory, philosophy, and cultural theory, along with contributions from community organizers engaged in anti-violence work and social justice advocacy. The seminar is open to all students; however, priority is given to seniors majoring in American Studies. What are the social, economic, and political consequences of unprecedented global mobility in both destination countries and countries of origin? Utilizing primary source material ranging from presidential speeches to party platforms, newspaper editorials to novels, we will seek to interrogate -- reconciling where possible, distinguishing where necessary, interpreting in all instances -- the disparate visions and assessments of the American political experience offered by politicians, artists, intellectuals, activists, and ordinary citizens over the course of more than two centuries. The course extends over one semester and the winter study period. During this time, students will work primarily with their assigned faculty advisor, with the workshop leader's primary role becoming one of coordination, troubleshooting, and general guidance. We will discuss cases of Buddhism, Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism), Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam (Sunni and Shi'a), and Judaism. He saw these movements as successfully bridging the longstanding tension between the ideal elements of our humanity and the physical conditions for human existence (a tension represented in philosophy by the contrast between Kant and Marx). Students will be asked to analyze and evaluate the strategic choices we examine, as well as the process by which they were reached. Is partisanship good or bad for democracy? The course will give a global perspective on Islamophobia and how it is structuring and used by political actors in various territories. We will discuss signature liberal theorists both classic and current as well as some of their most notable critics. How does a state's nuclear posture affect basic political outcomes? [more], From an ethical standpoint, human bodies are fundamentally different from objects that can be owned, acquired, and exchanged. From the perspective of the workplace, we investigate the firm as an arena of power, where workers and managers meet each other in continuous contests for control. Any diagnosis of contemporary maladies is premised on a vision of what a healthy functioning republic looks like. While a fairly obscure and struggling author for much of his life, Orwell achieved worldwide fame after the Second World War with the publication of Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1949). "revolutionary" effect on world politics, such that, fundamentally, international relations no longer works in more or less the same way that it did before the advent of nuclear weapons in 1945? Course readings will engage your thinking on the central debates in moral philosophy, normative approaches to international political economy, and grassroots efforts to secure justice for women and other severely disadvantaged groups. How is the domination or conquest of nature connected with domination and conquest within human societies? This seminar considers our relationship with our ocean and coastal environments and the foundational role our oceans and coasts play in our Nation's environmental and economic sustainability as well as ocean and coastal climate resiliency. The course neither requires nor teaches any computer science skills. What accounts for the continuities, and what for the changes? American Realism: Kennan, Kissinger and the American Style of Foreign Policy, In addition to their distinguished careers in government, both men have published well regarded and popular scholarship on various aspects of American foreign policy, international relations, and nuclear weapons. [more], Concerns about 'misinformation,' 'fakenews,' and 'propaganda' abound in discussions of politics in social media, news, entertainment and movies, and in daily conversations. After examining general models of change and of leadership, we will consider specific case studies, such as civil rights for African-Americans, gender equality, labor advances, social conservatism, and populism. How are national security concerns balanced with the protection of civil rights and liberties? However, throughout the twentieth century, African/Asian solidarity and alliances existed in political movements and literary and cultural productions. We then move on to the empirical section of the course in which we cover case studies of state failure in parts of Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. How do nuclear weapons affect great power politics? Acute observers have long seen the U.S. as a harbinger of the promise and peril of modern democracies. Politically, the course will address changes in the role of government, what governments do and do not do, the growing influence of financial interests, the role of identities in mobilizing support for and legitimating governments, and the impact of these developments on the status of citizenship and democracy. Does it reflect increased inequality in a fast-changing global economy? Then, we examine what contemporary democratic theorists have had to say about how racial equity might be achieved and how they have sought to advance this goal through their writing. Near the end of the semester, students will receive feedback on their complete draft from their advisor and two additional faculty readers selected by the workshop leader; following revisions, the final work--a roughly 35 page piece of original scholarship--will be submitted to and evaluated by a committee of faculty chosen by the department for the awarding of honors as well as presented publicly to the departmental community at an end-of-year collective symposium. [more], Currently 272 million international migrants live in a country different from where they were born, an increase of 78% since 1990. We will critically analyze how those categories are constructed at the international and domestic levels, as well as how those categorizations are also racialized, politicized, and gendered. One central concern will be to consider the different ways of understanding "Asia", both in terms of how the term and the region have been historically constituted; another will be to facilitate an understanding some of the salient factors (geography, belief systems, economy and polity)--past and present--that make for Asia's coherence and divergences; a third concern will be to unpack the troubled notions of "East" and "West" and re-center Asia within the newly emerging narratives of global interconnectedness. The candidate, designated the Sentinels of the Republic Scholar, receives a research stipend to cover costs associated with the proposed project. How and why has capitalism evolved in different forms in different countries? We will ask: What explains why some leaders have succeeded where others have failed? How is political power generated and exercised? Our focus is on rights and liberties -- freedom of speech and religion, property, criminal process, autonomy and privacy, and equality. It spells out who can be a sovereign state and how to become one, what states can do, what they cannot do, and who can punish transgressions. To that end, the course will discuss the origins, logic, and meaning of liberalism and capitalism and the relationships between them. Examples of internationalized transitional justice abound. Should the world try to regulate the use of these technologies and, if so, how exactly? The question, an important part of political theory at least since Socrates, has taken on renewed significance in recent years, as theorists have sought to rethink the political in response to twentieth century dictatorships and world wars; feminist, queer, anti-racist, post- and decolonial struggles; the transformations wrought by neoliberal globalization; the emergence of "algorithmic governance"; the recent resurgence of populist nationalism; and deepening recognition of climate crises. This course is part of a joint program between Williams' Center for Learning in Action and the Berkshire County Jail in Pittsfield, MA. The emergence of an international system of sovereign states--the core foundation of international relations--presumes the process of dismantling systems of domination, extraction, and exclusion ended long ago. Also explored will be political imprisonment in the United States. The region is also one of the poorest in the world and lags in human development. Admission to Tulsa Community College does not guarantee admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. How are tensions between liberty and equality resolved? Thinkers we will engage include Judith Butler, Audre Lorde, Catherine MacKinnon, Hannah Arendt, and Patricia Hill Collins. Challenges to Neoliberalism in the United States and Europe since the Financial Crisis. democracies have collapsed and longer standing ones appear to be stumbling. The implications for political polarization, economic growth, social insurance programs, public health, military defense, even national survival are grim. [more], Are human beings the only beings who belong in politics? After considering explanations of the rise of the left and assessments of its performance in power, we end our common readings by asking what it might mean today to be on the left in Latin America--or anywhere--both in policy and political terms.
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