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Harmon is a faithful assistant of the New Founding Fathers of America. Papa Hearst - Shot to death by Leo Barnes and Liz. Attempting to dodge random gangs of attackers as an expert kill team closely tracks them, Barnes and Roan take shelter in a convenience store far removed from the glamor of Capitol Hill, where African-American owner Joe Dixon (Mykelti Williamson) is attempting to protect his livelihood with the support of his loyal immigrant employee Marcos (Joseph Julian Soria). Unnamed Soldier - Shot in the face by a Purger. The Purge target the poor and the innocent, it . Leo Barnes - Wikipedia But when a betrayal forces them onto the streets of D.C. on the one night when no help is available, they must stay alive until dawnor both be sacrificed for their sins against the state. Unnamed Man - Shot by Harmon James with a shotgun. as Senator Charlie Roa, The Unloved, Part 113: The Sheltering Sky, Fatal Attraction Works As Entertainment, Fails as Social Commentary, Prime Videos Citadel Traps Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden in Played-Out Spy Game, New York Philharmonic and Steven Spielberg Celebrate the Music of John Williams. In the purging arena, Leo fights back, killing the hunters. Nine Unnamed Apartment Residents - Shot to death by Smiley mercenaries off-screen, bodies seen. In fact, the tagline for "Election Year" might as well be "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.". Unnamed Man - Dropped off a building by a Purger. When purgers forced them into the streets of DC, they struggle to survive the night before the purge ends in 7am with the NFFA after them. [4] A direct sequel, The Forever Purge, was finally released in July 2021 due to delay from the COVID-19 pandemic. While fleeing the city, the ambulance is hit by Danzinger's team and Roan is pulled out before Barnes can assist. On the day before the twenty-third annual nationwide Purge, after the NFFA revokes the rule granting immunity to ranking 10 government officials, Leo urges Roan not to stay in her unsecured home instead of moving to a secure bunker, but Roan refuses. The New Founding Fathers of America or the NFFA saw this as a threat that would compromise their plan of eliminating the poor, who can not defend themselves on this night, and keeping the population down. "Mother" Hardin - Shot in the chin by Dylan Tucker with her own gun. The Purge: Election Year Review - IGN DeMonaco will write the script, while Jason Blum from Blumhouse Productions and Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, and Andrew Form from Platinum Dunes will return to produce the film with Sbastien K. Five Unnamed People - Shot to death klansmen. At this point in the Purge franchise's run, DeMonaco knows exactly what it is and doubles down on all the familiar elements to craft a thriller that does have some tense moments, but is still arguably the most ridiculous and over-the-top . [34], In October 2018, James DeMonaco expressed interest to finish the Purge franchise.[35]. The girls mock him until Laney steps in, at which point they surrender their stolen goods and leave. Senator Charlene Roan ( Elizabeth Mitchell ), who is running for President with a pledge to eliminate the Purge. Charlie Roan was the only one who survived a horrific purge game that killed her family and vowed to one day eliminate the night for good. Unknown Unnamed Man - Shot to death by mercenaries. Does Joe Die In You Season 4? His Fate Explained - Screen Rant After saving future President Charlie Roan from NFFA loyalist Harmon James, Joe is mortally wounded, dying after asking Marco and his surrogate daughter Laney Rucker to take care of his store. Silas Parker - Shot in the head by Tommy Ortiz. Two Unnamed Victims of the Purge - Shot by Purgers, shown on news report. The Crips plant the bullet in another area to trick the paramilitary forces; when two of Danzinger's ground team members find the bullet, the Crips emerge from hiding and eliminate them. Returning for Election Year are Frank Grillo as Leo Barnes, our former cop and the hero of Anarchy, along with Edwin Hodge as. As Warrens starts slitting her throat, Marcos assassinates him, instigating a chaos that signals the rebels to invade the cathedral. Eva convinces Leo to take them to the apartment of her co-worker Tanya and borrow her car, to which the latter agrees. The Purge: Election Year Leo Barnes is now the chief of security for lawyer-turned-senator Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell) in Washington D.C., who runs for the presidency with aims to end the Purge after her family was killed (during the events of the first film). The Purge: Election Year (2016) - Plot - IMDb The Purge: Election Year Dante Bishop appears on a news broadcast for anti-Purge movements. Contents 1 History 1.1 The Purge 1.2 The Purge: Anarchy 1.3 The Purge: Election Year 2 Gallery 3 Navigation History The Purge 15 years later, she gets her chance by becoming a candidate for the American election and promising the US that the purge will come to an end. Roan makes her plan to outlaw Purge night as top priority, as dozens of NFFA supporters react to the election results in violent protests. He detonates a bomb in the house, killing Couper, Busmalis, and a few troops. A pair of teenage girls enter the store and begin stealing, only to be stopped by Joe. Eventually, Laney leaves Marcos to continue painting, as he contemplatively looks out a window at an American flag floating in the wind. It earned more than $118 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing film of the series before being passed by the fourth film/prequel, The First Purge, in July 2018. And one of Joe's regular customers only cares about two things: "pussy and waffles." Last seen A bloodied Leo is shot by Big Daddy as he exits the house. Senator running for President and promising to end the Purge nights. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Kimmy - Shot in the face by Laney Rucker with a shotgun. Warning: Contains SPOILERS for You season 4 part 2! Although Joe does not die in You season 4, he does let a part of himself die by embracing his true nature as a killer. The Polite Leader - Shot to death by Zoe Sandin. Esmeralda " Esme" Carmona - Shot in the head by NFFA soldier. With a presidential election looming, Leo Barnes (Frank Grillo) has relocated from Los Angeles after surviving Purge night two years prior in order to head up the Washington security detail for Sen. Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell), a candidate running against the NFFA whos determined to eliminate the Purge from American culture after 25 annual repetitions of ritual violence. Mama Roan - Shot by a Purger off-screen, gunshot heard. The Roan household was shot in another part of Woonsocket and some of the interiors were shot on a soundstage to allow more room for cameras and crew. However, Shane is slightly pierced by a bullet but the group manages to escape. The Purge: Election Year (2016) Best Quotes - 'Let's Begin' With the rest of the party, he spends the Purge Night at the cathedral Our Lady of . The group then leaves the store for a safer hideout beneath a hospital protected by anti-Purge rebels led by Dante. Show The Todd Herman Show, Ep POTUS election 2024 comes down to three things: Does the State own the children? James Sandin - Bled out after being stabbed in the stomach by the Polite Leader. Scott - Stabbed to death by Turner caused by Ben Gardner. Barnes and his team eliminate the secret service agents and position on the choir loft when Owens invites high-ranking members of the NFFA to execute Roan with NFFA Chairman Caleb Warrens leading them in the purging. The Purge is a series of horror/action movies directed by James DeMonaco in the first three films, Gerald McCurray in the fourth film, and Everardo Valerio Gout in the fifth film. She claims that the NFFA uses The Purge with economical purpose to get rid of poor and sick people and is the favorite to win. Mrs. Bailes - Dragged and killed by a Purger off-screen. Writer/director James DeMonaco (the last two "Purge" movies) also goads viewers with moral posturing by pitting working-class characters against hypocritical politicians, European "murder tourists," and other sloganeering baddies who insist that violence is an American pastime. Unnamed Woman - Shot to death by the Hearst family off-screen, body seen. There is no more confusion on his end about who he wants to be. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled. "Purge" begins with future senator, Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell), gagged and bound with her family, all at the mercy of a perversely amused purger. So instead of Joe dying in You season 4, he is reborn with a new outlook on life and perspective on himself. Harmon James - Shot to death by Joe Dixon. However Barnes and Roan succeeds in escaping but Barnes is shot on the shoulder. Unnamed Person - Killed by Purgers off-screen, body seen. At the end of "The Purge: Election Year," we fast forward two months after the violent event to election night, where we see Roan win in a landslide victory. Joe's decision to reclaim his original identity shows that he's left Jonathan Moore behind for good after You season 4. The Purge: Election Year By Jeffrey Anderson, Common Sense Media Reviewer age 17+ Third violent Purge is more political but not very smart. His ex-wife Janice tries to convince him that purging will not bring their son back. An old sergeant from the purge: anarchy, who nearly made a mistake of purging on the man who killed his son two years before this, is the head of the security and it is his mission to protect senator Roan from the night so she can live till the election is over. He later appears to be running the sanctuary for injured poor people. They are captured by a group of Russian tourists and rescued by two locals that are protecting a store. On August 2019, Everardo Gout was tapped to direct the film, titled The Forever Purge. Three Unnamed People - Killed by Purgers off-screen, bodies seen. Barnes and Roan escape back to the streets and meet up with Joe, Marcos and Laney, who had left the hideout earlier to return to Joe's store. Will they succeed in protecting Roan? The Purge takes place in a near-future world where an organization called the New Founding Fathers of America have taken control of the United States. The movie stars, Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane, Max Burkholder, and Edwin Hodge . Charlie Roan was the only one who survived a horrific purge game that killed her family and vowed to one day eliminate the night for good. Schoolgirl 2 Charlie Roan Leo Barnes New Founding Fathers of America The Purge: Election Year Marcos Dali May Updale Dante Bishop Big Daddy Janice Categories But after seeing the women fight back, he chooses to rescue them. Chaos ensues when a pyrotechnic purging gang invades the subways and sets people on fire. The Purge: Election Year Unnamed Man - Beaten to death by a female Purger with a baseball bat. Henry Bodreaux - Neck snapped by Miguel Guerrero with a chain. When purgers forced them into the streets of DC, they struggle to survive the night before the purge ends in 7am with the NFFA after them. Diego - Shot to death by Big Daddy's men. The New Founding Fathers of America or the NFFA saw this as a threat that would compromise their plan of eliminating the poor, who can not defend themselves on this night, and keeping the population down. [33], On July 20, 2017, it was announced that Gerard McMurray will be directing the fourth film titled, The First Purge. Set in 2040, seventeen years after the previous film, Leo Barnes ( Frank Grillo) is now head of security for U.S. As Roan protests that he must be spared, Owens goads Bishop to kill him. The Purge: Election Year [a] is a 2016 American dystopian political action horror film written and directed by James DeMonaco and starring Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Mykelti Williamson. People die soon after, one suspects. Biography The unnamed woman, commonly known as Lady Liberty, was a Russian murder tourist who came to the USA to participate in the Annual Purge . Watching the Senator's TV debate are deli owner Joe Dixon, his assistant Marcos, and Emergency Medical Technician Laney Rucker. A young Charlene "Charlie" Roan and her family are tied up by a masked purger. Analysis: Biden joins Trump in the 2024 race, with each making a - CNN Eight Unnamed Victims of the Purge - Ran over by a mercenary with an SUV, shown on monitor. Skeletor - Shot to death by Smiley mercenaries. Leo converses with Bishop's new partner Angel, but Roan interrupts and spots photos of Owens at the team's command office. Five Unnamed Victims of the Purge - Killed by Purgers off-screen, bodies seen. Meanwhile, Marcos (Joseph Julian Soria) and Laney (Betty Gabriel) have a sweet moment together as they work to repair the recently deceased Joe Dixon (Mykelti Williamson)'s store. In July 2021, DeMonaco confirmed his concept for a sixth Purge film would focus on Leo Barnes, while also incorporating a worldwide Purge, a concept originally developed for a potential third season of The Purge television series.[2]. Will they succeed in protecting Roan? [30], In September 2016, James DeMonaco, who wrote and directed every film in the series thus far, stated that the fourth Purge film would be a prequel to the trilogy. Three Unnamed People - Stabbed to death by the Hearst family off-screen, bodies seen. Unnamed Man - Shot to death by a mercenary, shown on monitor. Three Unnamed Bodyguards - Shot through the back of the head by Neo-Nazis. Two Unnamed People - Shot by an unnamed woman off-screen, bodies seen. [31], On February 17, 2017, DeMonaco announced that a fourth installment is in development at Universal Studios. The Purge | PurgeSeries Wiki | Fandom Clint - Killed off-screen by the Tuckers and the neighbors. Related: You Season 4 Teases A Part 2 Twist For The Eat The Rich Killers Motive. An enraged and bereaved Barnes seeks to avenge his son's death and comes up with a plan to do it on the next annual Purge. The Ending Of The Purge: Election Year Explained - Looper The Purge: Election Year Review Is the horror really over? List of Deaths Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [22] In its opening weekend, the film grossed $31.4 million, landing in between the $34 million debut for the first film and the $29 million opening for the second, and finished third at the box office behind Finding Dory ($41.4 million) and The Legend of Tarzan ($38.6 million).

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