usuhs clinical psychology interviewhardest 5 letter words to spell

I wish all interviews were like this." | Report Response, "Very laid back interview day. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why USUHS and not HPSP?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Specific questions about my application" | I was asked this question too, "If you got notified two days before that you would be deployed off the coast of Africa for 3 months right before Christmas, what would you do?" | I was asked this question too, "What do you think you will like least about medical school?" | Report Response, "Every student I spoke with was open and honest. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member The interview times were given out and you had lunch and a tour given by a student. Most only had positive things to relay about the school. why not HPSP?" More from this Member | Report Response, "40% of matriculants are married. Also, the closer you are the more $$$ it is. More from this Member Instead just talk about myself and my perspective." | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your background." More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "You're obviously very interested in aerospace medicine. | I was asked this question too, "What sort of photography are you interested in? More from this Member I hope they come soon! More from this Member | Report Response The first four hours of the day were spend clarifying the military requirements and specifics of going through the program. " The students were very open and friendly as well as the admissions staff. And that DC was actually quite easy to navigate." More from this Member | Report Response, "Very informative presentations in the morning. More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response, "The students all seem to be very happy there. | Report Response | Report Response, "Very laid back interviews. | I was asked this question too, "what specialties are you interested and what have you done to prepare yourself for medical school?" | I was asked this question too, "Would you be willing to carry a gun to defend yourself and your patients?" It was tough to gauge how my interviews went, because the interviewers weren't very expressive." | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to be a military physician, and how will you handle living abroad, if called to so do?" | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What examples of leadership can you supply?" More from this Member More from this Member THe morning starts with about 3 hours of presentations from deans and other administrative people, which are informative, but super boring (especially the dean of students). | I was asked this question too, "Why military med? More from this Member There were no tricks to lure you into the military or anything; rather they are very transparent and want to know that you know exactly what you are getting into. More from this Member You must log in or register to reply here. More from this Member They want to know four things: Why military medicine, why USUHS, leadership, and communication. | Report Response More from this Member ACU's are way better." And What will you do after your 7 year commitment is over?" More from this Member | Report Response, "The students are very happy there. | I was asked this question too, "what are your strongest/weakest leadership qualities" | Report Response, "While residency years don't count towards payback, they do count towards retirement. 800 more hours than any other medical school in contingency medicine and ER medicine. The interviewers are nice..however the student affairs dean and I got into a discussion on why he believes his wife, an MD, should remain at home and take care of the kids.interesting, old fashioned chap!" | Report Response, "Bring your passport or birth certificate! | Report Response, "One of my interviews would consist of approximately two questions then a 15 minute long monologue on the virtues of USUHS." | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why military medicine now in your life? | I was asked this question too, "Describe your leadership experiences." More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to serve?" | Report Response, "Everybody is sooooo nice!!! I was prepared." They tell you exactly how things are going to work and want you to come only if this place is for you. Or did you copy it?" | Report Response, "I stressed out the night before because I realized I'd forgotten to complete the security background info and stayed up late doing that. | Report Response | Report Response It would be an honor to get accepted here. | I was asked this question too, "Other general stuff." More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response, "The day began with dropping off a security questionnaire to the security office. | I was asked this question too, "What is your biggest weakness?" | I was asked this question too, "How do you see your career progressing over the next 20 years?" | Report Response . More from this Member | Report Response, "Everyone has to wear a uniform." Basically a series of questions around the theme of why medicine and why the military." | Report Response | Report Response, "Students worked together well" | Report Response | Report Response, "By thinking about why I wanted to become a military physician." More from this Member Im just starting this thread to start a discussion on this years application. | Report Response More from this Member Know differences between USUHS and HPSP." to reiterate their interest in the program and to see how they are doing, without feeling they are breaking the "do not contact" rule. | Report Response, "welcoming atmosphere, good community, desire to see students succeed, openness of students and faculty, SIM center was obviously, very cool." | I was asked this question too, "Why do I want to become a military doctor?" | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member The willingness of both the faculty, staff, and students to share advice to us. " | Report Response, "bring moneyyy for lunch!" Had some trouble getting past the front security checkpoint as a non-military applicant." Are you military track? | Report Response, "8:30 - 11:30 deans talked to us | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "WHat is the biggest domestic issue in healthcare?" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "The students seemed happy to be there. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member I couldn't find it again so I may have read a different program, but I was considering hoping to guard to try and get more research opportunities and save some of that service time. | Report Response they make a great impression and if military medicine is what you want to do, there's NO better place to do it" | I was asked this question too, "Good qualities of a leader" | I was asked this question too, "Nothing very difficult How will your volunteer goals fit in the military life style?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Say you were accepted to both USUHS and _____ [my state school, where I had interviewed previously], which school would you choose?" | Report Response, "nothing, i found out everything i needed to know by speaking to the faculty. I was asked if I supported the teaching of intelligent design in public schools and my thoughts on stem cell research." Always tough to answer without sounding intentionally modest or overconfident." The school itself though gave me no complaints." in Psychology, Minor in English Literature, University of California, Irvine Had a fantastic time at the interview and with my host student. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "USUSH website, SDN, talked with current students" | Report Response, "I thought it went pretty well. | I was asked this question too, "what are your strengths/weaknesses and how will they come into play in the future?" What are your strengths?" | I was asked this question too, "Why medicine, why surgery, why now? More from this Member | Report Response, "That we'd have a chance to fire questions at the student panel. | I was asked this question too, "What would your friends, or girlfriend have to say about your personality? Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Department of More from this Member More from this Member We then went on a tour of the facilities with our student guides, followed by lunch in the cafeteria ($6 provided by the school via a meal ticket). More from this Member Wear a coat and possibly a rain coat becuase you will have to wait just inside the base entrance for the shuttle. | Report Response | Report Response, "I read this website, the school's website, and my AMCAS application." | I was asked this question too, "If you had a weakness, what would it be?" | Report Response, "scanned over sdn, usuhs website, knew my application/activities WELL. | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member I did inquire some and was informed that offers will be sent out by April so hopefully we hear soon. | Report Response, "Read SDN feedback and forums, read experiences of people in military programs on the web, did mock interviews, etc" More from this Member I've got a really good feeling that they sent out all the invitations already, From what I've seen previously, people have either gotten an email or no email in January and then people who contacted were told "interviews are already out" and then told that their official rejection would come in March/April. Commitment is a big one. The new curriculum also showed thoughtful planning. The faculty and student body is extremely friendly and supporting. More from this Member | Report Response, "Read over the MSAR, re-read my secondary essay, and read over my application." | Report Response Interviewing class is large -- there are a lot of you -- and they'll still know who you are. More from this Member the security paperwork and clearance was very cumbersome and tedious." More from this Member More from this Member school students were very humble. Welcome to the party! Also, they interview about 500 people and accept about 270 for 167 slots." | Report Response, "SDN, AMCAS, Application essays, looked up common interview questions and mock interviews" More from this Member The universitys premier graduate program in psychology is unique in relating these activities to military medicine, disaster medicine, and military readiness. The USUHS Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program (military track) is designed to train clinical psychologists to serve in the uniformed services of the United States (Army, Navy, & Air Force). More from this Member I have ROTC experience and I didn't want to give a formulaic answer." All the administrators and deans offices were open to interviewees. Some were very informative and dispelled any misconceptions about the school, others were boring and repetative. Overall, this was the best interview organization I've experienced. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "tell me about your research?" More from this Member More from this Member Self research needed to be done in this department" I talk for a living now and conduct interviews so if its conversational Im golden lol. | Report Response, "How nice everyone was. | Report Response, "Didn't really find anything that I didn't like" More from this Member | Report Response, "acceptance chances are closer to 65-75% if you're interviewing earlier (cited overall admissions stats are 50-some% if you interview); extensive research and clinical opportunities abroad, particularly in infectious diseases; time exists to train in operational things (airborne, shooting, etc.) I swallowed all of my gold fillings for nothing. What do you do?" | Report Response, "Generally the feeling that I was not taken seriously. More from this Member | Report Response, "The camraderie at the school, and how well the students interact with faculty and each other. Why? | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response, "There is a lot of cohesion among the students and faculty and the atmosphere is NOT like a military academy. Residency match is over 80% for students' first choice residency first time around, and about 60-70% for their top location choice as well. | I was asked this question too, "Best book you read in the last year and why?" Other than that, just was self. | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why USUHS?" | Report Response, "The day begins in the early morning with various lectures. More from this Member %PDF-1.5 My only suggestion is keep up the good work!" | Report Response, "Read over my application, looked at the extensive website, stayed with a student, looked at" | I was asked this question too, "How do you stay in shape?" | Report Response More from this Member What happens if I read something in a textbook that I know, based on my experience, isn't true?" | Report Response, "Nothing, really. | Report Response, "Not bad - first was a little more stressful than the second. The students seemed to really love it, the school has the backing of the federal government and is located in major medical and research hub right outside D.C. (The first question of my first interview. I did a study abroad for positive psychology few years ago which steered me toward clinical psych. is there hope for a single person there?? | Report Response One is a marine, and the other is an enemy soldier. | I was asked this question too, "What do you think the problems are with military medicine?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "nothing really" | Report Response, "Used this website : )" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why medicine? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Ethical question about whether or not i would develop a bio-weapon." | Report Response | Report Response, "Get a good night's sleep because the day starts early, runs long, and some of the morning's presentations are quite boring. | Report Response (And follow up question - What did you learn from that experience that will help you through tough situations you may encounter in the future?)" More from this Member This school is awesome, and if you are committed to career military medicine, this is by far the best way to go. " not much downtime during lunch, then the interviews. | Report Response, "It was well organized, and the staff was very friendly." They do not sit on the committee. More from this Member

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